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I wasn't sure how long I was on the floor for, but by the time I picked myself up and sat in the center of my bed, it was dark out. I'd completely lost track of time ever since I spoke with the Wizard King. I didn't know how long I talked with him or how long I was with Nozel. The whole situation was a mess. I was a mess.

After staying there a while, I crawled underneath the covers and stared at my pillow. I counted four separate silver hairs laying there peacefully. Even though we hadn't been together, I'd imagined Nozel slept in here almost every night due to being so upset over everything. I hadn't planned on staying the night, but at this rate maybe I should. I couldn't go back to the Black Bulls' hideout in this state. Everyone would start asking about why I looked upset or why my mana was so offput. I wanted no one to know about Nozel and I. No one.

I wasn't sure if I fell asleep or was just daydreaming, but I jolted back to consciousness and sat up abruptly at the sound of a knock at my door. My mana detection was so incredibly impaired because of my emotional condition that I hadn't even noticed a presence so close. I still didn't know who it was when I got up and moved closer to the door. I thoroughly but quickly wiped my eyes and made myself look presentable before answering. All I could tell was that it wasn't Nozel who was visiting me. The only other person who has come by here besides him is the Wizard King. But he couldn't possibly want anything else, could he? So who is-

I froze at the sight of the one person who could make me feel better in that moment. My lip quivered as my seeing eye locked on a set of sparkling, violet irises that looked worried. "William," I squeaked out, shifting a little in the doorway.

The nobleman's eyes upturned to show his distress at the sight of me and sound of my voice, so much so that he pushed his way through the door and closed it behind us. "I-I'm sorry for just walking in like that, but something's wrong. What is it?" he asked gently, taking my cheek into one of his hands. I leaned in to his touch.

"I..." I trailed off, thinking about how, not too long ago, Nozel and I stood in almost the same place, in the same position with his hand on my face. "It's a long story."

"You can tell me. I'll listen." I swallowed hard and took a long, trembling breath in. There was no good way to start my story, but as I ran all of the details through my head over and over again, my gaze unable to focus on one particular spot, William called my name. "Iris? Are you-"

"I kissed Nozel," I blurted out, instantly regretting it. He removed his hand from me and stared at me with wide, shocked eyes that held a twinge of sadness.

"What?" he whispered, his own voice trembling now. "Iris why- How could you do that?" he asked, tone a little louder and more firm. He wasn't happy and that was very clear.

I gulped, but then started to explain myself. "I-I didn't mean for it to come out like that, I-I... The situation was that he was the one who kissed me. But... I did let him for a few seconds..." I trailed off. "But then I pushed him away. Could I please explain everything from the beginning? It's really, honestly not what you think."

William cocked his head to one side, unsure of whether to believe me or not. He'd crossed his arms defensively too. "Please. I'd like to hear everything." He sounded quite angry.

"Yesterday I got a small parcel delivered to me. Of course, it was from Nozel. It wasn't anything crazy. Just a nice confectionery and a carefully written letter. It was an apology, but he'd also requested to meet with me to formally apologize in person because he felt horrible about what he did," I explained. "I have the letter here if you don't believe me," I said, pulling it out of my pocket and remembering how I wanted to bring it just in case his letter and his words didn't match up. It was a last minute thought, but I guess it ended up serving me well here.

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