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When I woke up, I was staring at the back of Owen. I must've groaned or done something to make my consciousness known, for he quickly turned his head to look at me. "Iris?" he called, rushing to my side. His grimoire opened and he scanned my body with his magic. "How are you feeling?"

It took a moment for it all to register. The elves, the possession, the fighting and my injuries... And... I cleared my throat. "I've certainly been better. What happened?"

"Well, your injuries were minimal, but given your state, it could have been detrimental," he explained. We made quick eye contact, and he flashed me a scolding look. "What the hell were you thinking going into battle like this?"

I stared up at the ceiling. "I... Didn't know. Genuinely."

He sighed. "That's hard to believe given how far-"

"I know," I said firmly, interrupting him. But, it also truly confirmed the one thing I still wasn't sure of. I needed to hear it from a recovery mage like him. "But I wasn't focused on that. All my attention was on being a magic knight and figuring out why I had amnesia."

Owen closed his eyes. "I guess that's fair. And what happened with all this talk of memory loss? You'd asked me all that time ago, but obviously I didn't remember you."

I closed my eyes now. "That's... Well, it's a long story. And I'd prefer it if Julius were the first person I told."

He flinched at those words. Did something happen to him? "R-right."

Finally, I looked at the older man. "Where is he? Julius? Has he come to visit me at all?"

Owen looked down. "I presume he's in his office. He came to visit you often."

Good. At least he's okay. "Now... Tell me about my condition."


I sighed, heart beating fast as I walked the corridors of Magic Knights Headquarters. As much as I dreaded it, I had to confront Julius about us. I was no longer emotionally available for him, and it seemed that was the case for a long time. It had to end. I just... Needed an extra nudge. 

Making my way through the halls gave me an uneasy feeling that was worse than when I miscarried or after I got my memories back. My mana was unconsciously on its guard for me, and maybe that was the reason why I didn't sense a single soul around. I felt jittery and nervous as I approached Julius' office door. I used to feel so safe walking in here. So happy and excited to see him. And now...

I knocked twice and heard a quick, "Come in!" It didn't register that his voice sounded a little different than I was used to.

Upon opening the door and stepping inside, I saw his chair turned around. He must've been looking out of the large window behind him to help him think or distract him from all the newfound paperwork I was sure he had. After all, the Kingdom just endured much disaster. "Julius?" I called, making his mana flinch.

His chair spun around and my eyes laid on... A child. A thirteen-year-old child to be precise. My eyes widened at the sight as it clicked that this child indeed looked like Julius. He had blonde hair, although styled quite a bit longer than he kept it, and identical deep purple eyes. "H-hello, Iris," he said weakly. At first glance, I would have thought the man had a secret or long-lost child, but the more I looked at him and sensed his mana, although faint now, I realized that this really was him.

"J-Julius?!" I exclaimed, taking a few frantic steps forward after the door closed behind me. He also got up, revealing how short he was now. "W-what the hell happened?"

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