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I watched William swallow hard, but he ultimately nodded in response to my request and sat up, giving me the chance to remove myself from him and stand up. Watching as he adjusted his pants, he stood up and took me by the hand, his smile soft but tense as he lead me through a door on the other side of the room. Once he opened it and gestured for me to walk in before him, I was able to take in the small details of his bedroom here in the Capital. There was a color scheme of mostly tan and neutral tones, with hints of red, blue, and gold like his squad uniform showcased. His bed was large like mine was, and its tan and white spread was pristinely made. I expected nothing less. To our left was another door, which I presumed lead to a private bathroom. I could only imagine how fancy that looked.

William cleared his throat. "Th-this is it," he said anxiously, his hand rubbing the back of his neck as he looked at the floor. He was so unsure of what to do with himself that it almost looked cute. I just wished he had a little more confidence in himself.

I looked at him sympathetically. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked again, getting him to whip his head around at me.

"Y-yes, I told you I'm positive! I'm sorry," he apologized, "I'm just really nervous. I don't really-"

I interrupted him by taking him by the collar of his robe and spinning him around to make sure he was pinning me against the wall. "Don't be nervous. I know you'll be amazing," I said truthfully, leaning in closer as I looked deeply into his eyes. "Kiss me again," I pleaded.

William pushed his lips against mine without another word, this time with a little more force than before. Maybe it was because he was the one above me now, or maybe it was because he was most definitely stronger than me. Either way, I let my head fall against the wall as he kissed me passionately, his hands finding a comfortable place on my waist. He pulled away briefly to say, "Tell me what you want me to do."

I looked deeply into his eyes. "Undress me, William." I watched his pupils dilate at the thought of seeing me naked, and it was amusing how he looked down at the rest of my body with his mouth parted. I was his and he knew that. Although, he didn't know what to do with himself now that he had that information. His behavior made me giggle, bringing his eyes back to mine. "I'll help you with the first step," I told gently, unclasping my Black Bulls robe and hanging it on a nearby hook. "The rest is all you," I smirked.

The man kissed me again, his fingers softly creeping underneath my shirt, indulging in the feeling of the skin of my stomach. As his hands slowly moved upwards, he let one wrap around my waist as the other made contact with my bra, his breath hitching as it continued up the center of my chest. When my shirt was lifted high enough, I again helped him out by pulling it completely off, exposing even more of my skin. All he did was stare even longer at my cleavage. "S-sorry," he apologized.

"For what? I'm all yours tonight," I teased, running my fingers through the fluffy hair at the back of his neck. My words and actions seemed to drive him nuts, for he made a small noise. "Please, don't be shy," I said in a low, soft tone as I grabbed both of his hands and placed them upon my breasts. The bra I wore was red, and even though he didn't know it yet, I wore matching panties.

William inhaled sharply, his hands squeezing my soft flesh, his grip slowly getting tighter and tighter. He actually managed to make me moan by doing that, which intensified his heavy breathing. "Can you take off my bra for me?" I asked seductively, to which he said nothing and simply nodded, reaching his arms behind me to fiddle with the clasp before I could turn around for him. I was surprised at how quickly he undid the latch. Nozel always had a hard time with it.

When I felt it come loose, I let the straps fall over my shoulders and I tossed it to the side, my chest fully exposed. His eyes were completely locked on my half-naked figure, but I couldn't take it anymore. Pulling him into another kiss, William traced his fingers back up my stomach and tightened his grip on one of my breasts again, practically moaning when he felt me. Unconsciously I moved his other hand to my ass, to which he gripped me there as well. I wondered when he would snap.

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