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When I arrived back home to where my fellow squad members were creating a ruckus as usual, I smiled at the chaos. It was something I didn't even realize I missed. Yami wasn't too happy about me changing plans unexpectedly, but he ultimately shrugged it off because "Julius can do whatever he wants and we have no say in it." Otherwise, I gave him a full report of everything that happened during the meetings and said that the dinner party wasn't anything too special. Of course I left out all the parts where I got physical with Nozel and had the time of my life dancing with Julius.

Then, he called everyone to attention, and we all sat in a line in front of him. It feels so good to be back home! "Alright, all eyes up here," he started, his voice sounding lazy but genuine, "We just got paid, so no work today."

And with that, everyone cheered and I started listening to what each of the Bulls' plans would be for the day. Since I had just spent a lot of money on a dress the previous day, which was now being dry cleaned and would get sent back to my suite at Headquarters, it was nice to have a little more money in my pockets again. 

As everyone went their separate ways, I watched Noelle slip outside with a troubled expression. Needless to say, I followed the girl. She was mumbling something about how hard it would be to find something to do when we got a day off on such short notice, and I both agreed and disagreed. Sure it was annoying, but that meant we could spent time with each other at the very least. I also had nothing special to do, so... Why not?

"Magna! If you have some time, I was wondering if you could drop me off somewhere on your super-awesome-broom!" sounded Asta, who was yelling as usual. He then proceeded to explain that he wanted to go to Nean, which was where Finral had brought him for that mixer some time ago. I watched as Noelle physically began to get nervous. When he didn't outright say what he was going there for, Noelle silently put up a fit in the shadows of the Base so she wouldn't be seen. But when Asta and Magna left promptly, she chased after them a bit and looked pretty down once they were out of sight.

"Need a ride somewhere?" I asked, startling her as I revealed myself.

"Of course not!" she denied, turning her head away as she blushed a bit. Wow, you are so much like your brother... "Why would I want a ride from you?"

"Oh, I was just thinking of taking a trip to Nean... But if you don't want to come, that's fine!" I teased her. "I was listening, you know. I think you and Asta would make such a cute couple!"

This made her face even redder. "As if I'd want to date someone like him!"

I giggled. "Come on, let's go. I'll get my broom. Then you can spy on your crush."

Once we took off, I started thinking to myself. "Noelle?" I asked, getting her attention, "Why does your family treat you the way they do? Don't they understand that if your mother passed because of your birth, that it wasn't your fault?"

She looked away. "It's the way they've always been," was all she replied.

"Shouldn't you stand up to them?"

"I'm not strong enough."

"Then get stronger!" I encouraged. "It's only a matter of time until you can surpass them. And I think you should work hard to achieve that." I placed my hand on her head. "I know you can do it."

The gesture made Noelle blush again, and it was such a refreshing sight to see. But then she surprised me. "Thank you."

Her words made me laugh to cover my own blush from the whole interaction. "I-it's nothing," I sighed. And maybe I should rethink sleeping with such an entitled asshole. Although the sex... Is amazing.

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