5.) Core Memory

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Hyein's POV:

The morning sun streamed through the windows of the orphanage, painting the room with a soft, golden hue. The air held a tingle of anticipation as I stood at the doorway, my heart aflutter with excitement and curiosity. Today was a day marked by the presence of Hanni and Minji, a couple whose larger-than-life personalities had left an indelible mark on my thoughts. As they stepped out of the sleek black car, I couldn't help but be mesmerized by their poise and elegance, their very presence demanding attention.

They greeted me with warm smiles, Minji's serious demeanor softened by a genuine warmth that reached her eyes. But it was Hanni's radiant smile that tugged at my heartstrings, her infectious joy a beacon that lit up the room. She enveloped me in a hug that felt like the embrace of a long-lost friend, and in that moment, the world seemed to shrink as our connection deepened.

The gifts they brought spoke of their intention to make me feel cherished. New clothes, each piece a designer marvel, promised a future adorned with luxury. Stuffed animals lined the top of the bag, a reminder that even in a world of sophistication, there was room for whimsy and comfort. Each visit they made, they brought gifts that felt like treasures plucked from a different world. The first time, it was an array of new clothes, designer labels that I had only ever seen in magazines. The second time, they arrived with a collection of stuffed animals that seemed to come to life in my arms. Each gift was a glimpse into a life I had only dreamed of—a life where abundance and luxury were within reach.

As Minji's eyes met mine, there was a silent understanding that spoke of her attention to detail and her desire to make me feel like more than just an option.

Throughout their visits, Hanni's motherly instincts shone through. She seemed to anticipate my needs before I even voiced them, her radiant smile a balm to my uncertainties. Her warmth enveloped me, and I couldn't help but be drawn into her orbit, my heart finding solace in the tenderness she exuded.

During one visit, as Minji and I chatted about my interests and my dreams, I felt a gentle touch on my shoulder. Turning, I met Hanni's gaze, her smile a reassuring promise that she was there, that she cared. She placed a hand on my back, guiding me toward the orphanage's playground.

A memory began to weave its way through my thoughts—a memory of that same radiant smile leading me through the corridors of the orphanage to the playground. The playground, with its colorful swings and playful structures, had long been a place of cherished memories, a reminder of the innocence that once defined my childhood.

As we stepped onto the playground, I couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia. The playground, a haven for laughter and carefree play, felt somewhat kiddy to me, now that I was stepping into my teenage years. I was no longer a child, but the lure of the swings was too strong to resist. And as I sat on the swing, my feet skimming the ground, Hanni settled onto the swing beside me, and my heart nearly leapt from joy. There was an air of spontaneity about her, a willingness to embrace the moment.

In that moment, the boundaries that separated us—adult and child—seemed to blur. The playground, once deemed too childish for me, transformed into a canvas where memories were painted with vivid strokes. The hours seemed to slip away as we swung higher and higher, our laughter mingling with the sunlight that filtered through the leaves.

The rhythmic creaking of the chains intertwined with the joyous laughter that bubbled from my lips, and for a moment, I felt like a carefree child once more free from the maturity that captured me since young.

Hanni's laughter joined mine, a harmonious symphony that resonated in the air. With every swing, I could feel the weight of my worries lifting, replaced by a sense of liberation that only a swing could provide. Hanni's presence was a catalyst, her infectious spirit igniting a fire within me. As we swung side by side, I felt a bond forming between us, a connection that was forged not through words, but through shared moments of pure, unbridled joy.

And then, from the corner of my eye, I noticed Minji standing at a distance, her expression a silent affirmation of what I had come to realize. Her smirk held a knowing quality, as though she had seen something within our interaction that solidified her belief. Her head shook almost imperceptibly, a gesture that seemed to say, "She's the one."

As the day with Hanni and Minji drew to a close, I found my heart caught between conflicting emotions. Their visit had been a whirlwind of laughter, warmth, and promises of a future that glimmered like stars in the night sky. And as they bid their farewells, I couldn't help but feel the weight of their presence in the room, like an echo that lingered long after they had left.

With the sun beginning its descent, casting long shadows across the room, I found myself standing at the threshold of a decision that was both exhilarating and daunting. Hanni and Minji's presence had offered a glimpse into a world of opulence and possibility, a life that sparkled with glamour and adventure. And yet, as I gazed out the window, my thoughts turned to the memory of swinging on the playground, my laughter blending with the clinking of the swing's chains. I smiled as I went to bed that night remembering the joyus electric laugher that enveloped me hours ago.


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