27.) Hope?

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Third Person POV:

                  Laughter erupted in the winter air as a perfectly aimed snowball snapped Hyein out of the contemplative thoughts that had plagued her. Startled, she turned to see Minji, a mischievous glint in her eyes, laughing heartily. The genuine sound of Minji's laughter echoed in the crisp winter air, momentarily dispelling the frosty atmosphere that had settled within Hyein.

"Maybe there is still a family here," Hyein thought. A tentative smile curved on Hyein's lips as she watched Minji, her heart lightening at the possibility that, perhaps, there was still a sense of care and connection here. Casting aside her feelings of displacement Hyein embraced the joy of the moment. Hyein scooped up a handful of snow and retaliated, sending it flying in Minji's direction, hitting Minji squarely on the shoulder. The childlike joy of a spontaneous snowball fight unfolded, with Minji, Hanni, and Hyein engaging in spirited exchanges of snowy artillery. Laughter echoed through the park as they dodged, threw, and occasionally got caught in the crossfire.

As the snowball fight reached its climax, the trio found themselves sprawled in the snow, breathless from both exertion and laughter. The crisp winter air echoed with shared laughter as they looked up at the sky, relishing the playful chaos they had created. The pristine snow around them bore witness to the newfound warmth that had blossomed in the midst of their carefree revelry.

Without exchanging words, the three of them started to unanimously make snow angels. Lying side by side, arms and legs moving as if they were doing jumping jacks lying down. For a moment Hyein wished she could pause time and let this moment last forever. This was what she wanted, to be truly happy side by side with parents who loved her. The silence that followed was punctuated by the soft crunch of snow as they rose, their snow angels left behind as a testament to a momentary escape from the constraints of status and expectations.

After the exhilarating escapade,the chill in the air prompted a collective decision to seek warmth, and they decided to warm up with steaming cups of hot chocolate. Heading to the nearby vendor, the scent of hot chocolate became increasingly clear. They huddled together, cradling cups of steaming hot chocolate, their faces flushed from the cold but warmed by the shared experience.

As Hyein sipped the rich chocolatey warmth, a subtle flicker of contentment settled within her.

"Maybe there is still a family here," the thought bubbled in Hyein's mind again, her heart warmed not just by the hot chocolate but by the shared laughter, the snowball fights, and the simple joy of making snow angels. In those moments, the authenticity she longed for seemed to surface, like a thaw in the icy façade that had initially surrounded her.

As Minji and Hanni exchanged light-hearted jokes and stories, Hyein couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope—that amidst the luxurious trappings, a semblance of family and connection could still be found.


As the trio strolled towards the frozen lake, Hyein clutched her cup of hot chocolate, the warmth seeping into her chilled fingers. There was an unspoken shift in the air, a subtle change that made her feel more connected to Hanni and Minji after their spirited snowball fight.

The atmosphere at the lake was a lively mosaic of different lives—couples gliding gracefully on the ice, families with giggling children attempting their first wobbly steps, and even elderly grandmas sitting on the sidelines, knitting with contented smiles.

Minji, ever the enthusiast, excused herself to rent a pair of skates, leaving Hanni and Hyein to share a moment by the edge of the frozen lake. Hyein found herself engaged in a heartwarming conversation about ice skating.

"Have you ever skated?" Hanni started.

Hyein looked down in slight embarrassment. "No, never actually," She admitted.

Hanni, her eyes wide in surprise, she chuckled at Hyein's revelation. "You've never skated? Reminds me of Minji when we were dating. She used to fall on the ice more than she glided," Hanni reminisced, her laughter carrying a fondness for the memories.

"It was a bit like watching a baby giraffe learning to walk," she mused.

Hyein couldn't help but giggle at the mental image of Minji clumsily navigating the ice. "Really? I guess I'm going to learn today, then," she replied, appreciating the shared laughter and the unexpected connection.

Hyein, feeling more connected with each passing moment realized that the stories being shared weren't just about Minji—they were narratives that wove the fabric of Hanni and Minji's shared history. It was a history that, in a way, Hyein was now becoming a part of. In that moment, by the frozen lake surrounded by the laughter of families and the melodies of winter, Hyein felt a sense of inclusion and warmth she hadn't expected.

Their laughter echoed against the frozen expanse, and just as they were sharing another hearty chuckle, soon Minji returned with a pair of skates slung over her shoulder. She arched an inquisitive eyebrow, catching onto the contagious laughter.

"What's so funny?"

Hanni, still chuckling, exchanged a knowing look with Hyein before explaining, "Hyein here has never ice skated before. Reminds me of your early skating days," she teased.

Minji's eyes widened in mock astonishment. "Oh really? Let's see how quickly she picks it up," she declared with a coy smile.

"This is going to be so much fun."


As Hanni elegantly glided across the ice, effortlessly carving arcs with practiced precision, Hyein and Minji found themselves in a hilarious struggle to maintain their balance. Minji, despite having some experience, was no match for the seasoned ice queen that was Hanni.

Hyein, gripping onto Minji's arm for dear life, took tentative steps on the slippery surface, her legs displaying an uncertain wobble. Minji, attempting to display an air of confidence, wobbled alongside her. Meanwhile, Hanni, observing the spectacle, couldn't contain her laughter.

"Come on, you two! It's not that hard," Hanni teased, skating backward with a sly grin. "Just follow my lead!"

Minji, slightly offended, shot back, "Easy for you to say, ice queen. Some of us are still learning."

Hanni chuckled, her laughter echoing on the frozen lake. "Alright, alright. Let me help you out then."

Attempting to rush in to assist, Hanni ended up slipping on the ice herself, joining Hyein and Minji in a comedic tumble. As they found themselves in a heap on the frozen surface, the cold air filled with their laughter, the scene resembled a playful winter tableau.

"Maybe we should stick to snowball fights," Hyein suggested, her cheeks flushed from a mix of embarrassment and laughter.

Minji, still holding onto Hyein, nodded in agreement. "I never thought ice could be so... icy."

Hanni, propped up on her elbows, joined in the laughter. "Well, we can't all be ice-skating prodigies from the start. It's all part of the fun!"

They lingered on the ice, embracing the camaraderie forged in their shared moments of triumph and folly. The laughter continued, creating misty clouds in the frigid air. In that frozen expanse, surrounded by the gentle hustle and bustle of the winter park, their joy became a harmonious melody, resonating with the carefree spirit of the season.

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