26.) To Reflect and Realize

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Third Person POV:

The morning sun streamed through the penthouse windows, casting a warm glow on the sleek countertops of the kitchen island. Hyein entered the kitchen, greeted by the sizzle and aroma of bacon crisping in the pan. Minji, wearing a cozy oversized sweater, flipped the bacon with a spatula while Hanni, in a festive holiday-themed apron, prepared scrambled eggs.

"Morning, sleepyhead," Minji teased, offering a playful smile. "Breakfast is almost ready."

Hyein forced another smile, taking a seat at the kitchen island. The scent of coffee wafted through the air as Hanni poured steaming cups for the both of them. The trio sat around the island, a spread of food before them—scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, buttered toast, and a bowl of fresh fruit.

"Today's going to be fun," Hanni announced, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "We're thinking of heading to the park, maybe do a bit of ice skating."

Minji chimed in, "Oh, and in the afternoon, we'll stroll through the city to catch the Christmas lights before they take them down. What do you think, Hyein?"

The idea of a day filled with winter activities sounded appealing. "Sounds great to me," I replied, picking up a slice of buttered toast. "I haven't been ice skating in ages."

As we indulged in breakfast, laughter between Hanni and Minji echoed through the penthouse. Hyein sat to the side, scraping at her plate. The bacon was perfectly crispy, the eggs fluffy, and the toast buttered to perfection. The fruit added a refreshing touch to the savory ensemble. Conversations flowed naturally between Minji and Hanni, with each bite punctuating the camaraderie of the moment.

Hanni, seemed to always be one to add a touch of humor, said between sips of coffee, "Remember the last time we went ice skating, Minji? You spent more time on the ice than on your feet."

Minji rolled her eyes, a mock-offended look on her face. "I've improved since then. Watch me glide gracefully today."

Their banter filled the air with warmth as they shared stories and plans for the day. The kitchen was a hub of activity—plates clinked, utensils scraped against surfaces, and the aroma of coffee mingled with the delicious breakfast fare.

After polishing off the last bites, the trio lingered at the island, savoring the moment. Hyein noticed the subtle exchange of glances between Minji and Hanni, a silent communication. It felt like Hanni and Minji were too involved with themselves than they were with Hyein at the moment. 

Hanni leaned back in her chair, contentment evident on her face. "Ready for an adventurous day, Hyein?"

Hyein meekly nodded. "Sure."

As the dishes were cleared away, excitement bubbled in the air. But Hyein couldn't shake the feeling of feeling out of place. The day promised laughter, chilly park walks, spins on the ice, and a magical stroll through the city adorned with remnants of festive lights. But it felt like Hyein was going to be third-wheeling more than anything. 


Central Park stretched before them, a winter wonderland nestled in the heart of the bustling city. Snowflakes gently descended, creating a serene atmosphere as Hanni, Minji, and Hyein embarked on their walk. Despite the picturesque scene, Hyein couldn't shake the feeling of being a mismatched puzzle piece. Dressed in chic and stylish winter ensembles, Minji and Hanni seemed to effortlessly navigate the cold. Hyein, though bundled up in similar clothing, felt a stark contrast to their sophisticated attire.

As the trio strolled through the park, Hanni and Minji engaged in animated conversation, their laughter creating a melody that echoed against the backdrop of the park. Hyein, bundled up in a warm coat and scarf, couldn't help but feel a sense of disconnection. Her attire, while practical, seemed to pale in comparison to the couture elegance exhibited by her temporary guardians. Hyein listened to the hum of their voices, a harmony she was only partially part of. She reflected on earlier moments when Hanni suggested adjusting her outfit, subtly indicating that her current attire might not meet the standard they embraced.

The moment of realization struck when Hanni, with a subtle suggestion, urged Hyein to change into a more 'appropriate' outfit for the walk. Hyein exchanged her comfortable winter gear for an ensemble that mirrored the sophistication of Hanni and Minji.

"I should've known better," Hyein mused to herself, thinking about Hanni's insistence on taking a designer handbag for a simple walk in the park. It seemed unnecessary, especially considering the practicality of the situation, but she complied to avoid standing out even more.

Now, as she walked between Hanni and Minji, Hyein couldn't shake off the feeling of being out of place. The park, which should have been a place for carefree enjoyment, felt like a runway where every step was judged by invisible spectators. The outfits of her companions, meticulously curated with labels that carried a weight of status, further highlighted the disparity.

Minji's long, camel-colored coat flowed elegantly as she walked, and her designer boots left subtle imprints on the frost-kissed path. Hanni's ensemble, a masterful fusion of avant-garde and classic, stood out effortlessly against the winter landscape. Meanwhile, Hyein, despite her best efforts to blend in, felt like an inconspicuous figure, overshadowed by the opulence surrounding her.

Inner dialogue swirled in Hyein's mind as she pondered her place in this glamorous tableau. Was she merely a pawn in a world of luxury, a temporary addition to their carefully curated lifestyle? The designer handbag, now slung over her shoulder, seemed to carry not just her belongings but also the weight of expectations.

She stole a glance at her surroundings, the towering buildings of the city peeking through the leafless branches. The pristine landscape of Central Park, adorned with winter's delicate touch, became a metaphor for the stark contrast between her world and that of Hanni and Minji. Hyein was warm and radiated bright energy but when she was with Hanni and Minji it felt like they were the snow, cooling and smothering out any warmth. The disparity was clear and it was not just in clothing but in lifestyles, in the very essence of their beings.

Despite the picturesque scenery, a sense of isolation settled within Hyein. The conversations between Hanni and Minji, once a harmonious melody, now seemed like distant echoes. She longed for a connection that transcended the superficiality of labels and brands.

As the trio continued their walk, Hyein couldn't help but yearn for authenticity amidst the curated façade of luxury. The designer outfits might shield them from the cold, but the warmth of genuine connection seemed elusive in this frozen landscape of privilege.

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