22.) Christmas Time is Here

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Third Person POV:

                     The holiday spirit continued to fill the Kang house as Christmas drew nearer. In the cozy warmth of the house kitchen, Danielle was determined to uphold a festive tradition – baking Christmas cookies. The air was filled with the sweet scent of sugar and vanilla as the trio gathered around the kitchen counter, ready to embark on their holiday baking adventure.

Danielle, wearing a festive apron adorned with dancing reindeer, grinned mischievously at Hyein. "You know, Santa loves homemade cookies. I bet he stops by all the houses with the best treats."

Hyein, being a discerning teen, raised an eyebrow, exchanging an amused glance with Haerin. "Santa, really?" she chuckled.

Haerin, wearing a sly grin, chimed in, "I heard Santa's a big fan of chocolate chip cookies. Maybe we should make those."

Danielle winked playfully. "See? Even Haerin knows the drill."

With good-natured eye rolls, they began gathering the ingredients for their cookie dough. Hyein took charge of measuring the flour while Haerin cracked eggs into a bowl. Danielle, ever the festive spirit, found red and green sprinkles, insisting that Santa would appreciate the extra holiday cheer.

As the trio mixed and molded the cookie dough into perfect rounds, Danielle couldn't resist sharing more fantastical tales. "You know, Santa has a magical sleigh and nine flying reindeer. It's an impressive sight."

Hyein, holding a cookie cutter shaped like a snowflake, couldn't contain her laughter. "Flying reindeer? You're really trying to sell this, huh? Dani, you know, I'm a teenager, right?"

Haerin, enjoying the playful banter, added, "And I bet Santa's a world-class breakdancer in his free time."

Danielle paused, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "You'd be surprised. Santa's got moves."

As they placed the cookie sheets in the oven, the kitchen filled with the delightful aroma of baking cookies. While they waited, Danielle continued her spirited defense of Santa's existence, weaving an imaginative tale of a magical workshop in the North Pole.

Haerin, ever the good sport, joined in. "I heard Santa's elves are as talented dancers as Jam Republic's dancers. Imagine that!"

Hyein, shaking her head with a smile, placed the last tray of cookies in the oven. "Alright, Santa or not, these cookies are going to be the bomb."

As the cookies baked to golden perfection, the trio shared a laugh, indulging in the festive spirit of the moment. Whether or not they believed in the magical tales, the joy of baking together and creating cherished holiday memories was undeniable. Santa or not, the delicious chocolate chip aroma wafting through the farmhouse promised a sweet reward for everyone afterward. 


With the freshly baked cookies being delightfully enjoyed, Hyein excused herself from the couch, expressing her desire to prepare a special treat for Dani and Hae. Haerin and Danielle exchanged curious glances, wondering what surprise Hyein had up her sleeve. Little did they know, the teen was about to whip up a delightful batch of hot chocolate, complete with all the festive trimmings.

In the kitchen, Hyein moved with purpose, digging through cabinets and selecting the needed ingredients, fine cocoa powder, milk, whipped cream, and marshmallows.  Hyein warmed the milk on the stove and carefully measured out the ingredients. As the rich chocolatey aroma filled the air, she couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment, eager to share this surprise with Haerin and Danielle.

A short while later, Hyein emerged from the kitchen, cradling three mugs of steaming hot chocolate. The cups were adorned with a generous dollop of whipped cream, topped with a scattering of marshmallows that bobbed gently with the heat. The sight alone brought smiles to Haerin and Danielle's faces.

"Wow, Hyein, you've outdone yourself," Haerin remarked, taking a sip of the hot chocolate. The warmth spread through her, comforting her from the inside out.

Danielle, always quick with humor, playfully chimed in, "Santa better watch out; he might want to trade in his usual hot coco for this masterpiece!"

The trio settled onto the couch, each cradling a mug of hot chocolate. The soft glow of the Christmas tree illuminated the room, casting a warm ambiance as classic holiday movies played on the television.

As they watched, laughter and commentary filled the air. Danielle and Haerin exchanged fond glances, appreciating the simple yet meaningful moments they were creating with Hyein. The hot chocolate, the cozy blankets, and the shared laughter all contributed to the magic of the season.

Wrapped in the warmth of the holiday spirit, the three of them savored the joy of each other's company. The Christmas tree sparkled with colorful lights, casting a festive glow that mirrored the happiness in their hearts. The night ended with the trio engrossed in the holiday movies, creating memories that would be cherished for years to come.

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