15.) Sunday

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Hyein's POV:

As Hanni burst through my room to wake me. Sunday promised more adventure, and I couldn't wait to see what Hanni and Minji had today in store. We all clamored into the bathroom down the hall. Brushing our teeth, and washing our faces with the occasional splash of water from Hanni or Minji. 

Today, we started the day with a bike ride along the Han Riverfront. We opted for a more sporty and casual look. Minji in a shiny royal blue mountain bike, Hanni in a hot pink cruiser bike, and me in a purple bike with colorful streamers on the handles. As we pedaled along the riverside path, the wind in our hair and the sun warming our faces, the competitive spirit among us sparked. Minji and I picked up the pace effortlessly, our legs moving in rhythm. We exchanged glances and shared a mischievous smile as we left Hanni behind. Hanni's bike fell further and further behind, and I could hear her calling out to us to slow down.

 "Hey! Wait up!"  She biked a couple more meters before shouting with a firmer tone, "I'm serious! Wait up!!"

Her legs were shaking as she struggled to keep up. Minji and I shared a smirk before looking back. With a playful glint in her eyes, Minji looked back at Hanni and teased, 

"Seems like a skill issue to me!" We shared a laugh and biked faster ahead. 

The weather today was perfect, the clouds were a light damp grey with the chill of the morning. The wind in my hair and the picturesque scenery made it a joyful experience to start the day with.

"Ta-da! Here we are!" After the exhilarating morning bike ride Minji stopped in front of a small riverside cafe named "Du Mont" with a charming French theme.

 Minji and I finished locking up our bikes and turned to see Hanni finally arriving, out of breath and clearly tired. She shakily dismounted her bike. She was hunched over with her hands on her knees to catch her breath. As we prepared to enter the cafe, she couldn't contain her annoyance any longer and grabbed Minji's ear, ready to scold her for leaving her behind.


As we entered Cafe "Du Mont," Hanni couldn't hold back her frustration any longer. She grabbed Minji's ear with a scowl on her face. "You two are unbelievable! You left me behind back there," she grumbled her tone a mix of annoyance and affection.

Minji chuckled, rubbing her ear. "Oh, come on, Hanni. It was just a bit of fun. Besides, it's a good workout."

I couldn't help but giggle at their banter as we settled into a cozy booth with a picturesque view of the river. The cafe had an inviting atmosphere, with French-style decor and the soft aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air.

A friendly waiter swiftly arrived to take our orders, and we pointed out and discussed what we would want for breakfast to them. It wasn't long before he returned with our food, and the sight of the delicious dishes made my mouth water.

Minji had opted for an easy ham, cheese, and egg croissant sandwich, paired with a steaming cup of black coffee. Hanni and I, on the other hand, decided to indulge in a large stack of fluffy blueberry pancakes. Our hot cocoa arrived with whipped cream and a dusting of cocoa powder on top, making it look like a warm, chocolaty dream.

As we dug into our meals, the cafe's cozy ambiance let us have a cheerful conversation with ease. We talked about the adventures of yesterday and shared ideas about what we might do next. Hanni's eyes sparkled with excitement, and Minji wore a contented smile as we chatted.

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