6.) The Simpler Things

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Hyein's POV

Afternoons at the orphanage held a different kind of magic. The sun was beginning its descent below the horizon by the time the familiar rumble of Haerin and Danielle's weathered pick-up truck rolled up to the orphanage. I stood by the window of my room watching them get out from their pick-up truck.   Haerin and Danielle's visits had become a source of comfort but still, I felt a sense of anticipation with every visit. 

Their visits held a sense of ease, an atmosphere that felt like home. Unlike the grand entrances that Hanni and Minji often made, Haerin and Danielle's arrivals were marked by their simple, genuine presence. Their faces carried the traces of the day's work, but their smiles were unwavering. Their smiles always seemed to reach their eyes, a reflection of the love and warmth they brought with them.  I couldn't help but mirror their smiles as they walked in. I gravitated towards Danielle and enveloped her in a tight and loving hug, she was more than happy to return it with even more love. She nuzzled her head into my hair as she simultaneously rubbed my back in small but comforting circles. 

Unlike the grandeur of Hanni and Minji's gifts, Haerin and Danielle brought with them the essence of home.  On each visit, they would bring baskets laden with fresh food, a bounty of flavors grown right from their own farm. Their visits were never about extravagance, but about shared moments of simplicity. We would sit together, the aroma of fresh produce mingling with the air, as we savored meals made from the very ingredients Haerin and Danielle had brought.  It was as though they were sharing a piece of their world with me. Seated around a makeshift table, and as we ate and talked, the atmosphere was tinged with a sense of coziness  With every bite, I could taste the love and effort that they poured into the food that they had brought. Their visits were marked by us sharing meals, laughter, and heartfelt conversations that created a homely and cozy vibe. 

As the food warmed our bellies, our conversations flowed freely. With each passing conversation, I found myself opening up, revealing parts of myself I had long hidden away.  The comfort they exuded made it easy for me to open up, to share my hopes, dreams, and fears. Danielle's smiley demeanor and Haerin's calm presence felt like a safe haven, a space where I could be unapologetically myself.  They were the perfect pair in my opinion. 

One visit in particular stands out in my memory—the day they surprised me with a 12-pound block of cheddar cheese. A wide grin spread across Danielle's face as she proudly presented the cheese, her eyes gleaming with a mischievous twinkle. I had mentioned once that I loved cheddar cheese and ham sandwiches, and they had taken that detail to heart. Me and Haerin's eyebrows shot up in a mixture of surprise and bewilderment, while Danielle's infectious laughter filled the room. 

She beamed with pride, her laughter filling the air as she declared, "I thought you might enjoy that!" It was a moment that felt both hilarious and heartwarming. 

With each visit, the bond between us grew stronger. The awkwardness of our first meeting had long faded. After the first couple of visits, our interactions had grown to include hugs before they left the orphanage. The warmth of their embraces felt like a promise, a silent reassurance that I was no longer just a name on a list of potential adoptees. I was a part of their lives, as they had become a part of mine.

And as the sun finally set, Haerin and Danielle bid their goodbyes. I stood by the orphanage door teary as I saw them depart for their lone pick-up truck in the parking lot. They smiled the whole way towards their truck turning back and waving back at me as much as they could. And as I settled into bed that night and as I closed my eyes, the echo of their laughter lingered, painting dreams that intertwined with the stars that emerged in the velvety sky.

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