31.) First day

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Third Person POV:

            Three days later Hyein's big day came, her first day at ADOR Highschool. Hyein the day before had meticulously prepared her uniform. The crisp ivory white shirt was ironed to perfection, the dark almost black navy blue blazer was spotless, and her pleated skirt hung neatly on a hanger by her door. Her backpack was filled with the necessary school essentials, a laptop, notebooks, and a pencil pouch with pens and pencils. The excitement was eating at her, the thoughts of starting school flitted through her mind. Despite her best efforts to calm herself, the excite had morphed into anxiety, and she spent the night tossing and turning, side to side, unable to get a wink of sleep.

              As the rays of the next morning sunshine fluttered through the blinds, the little house in the countryside positively buzzed alive with activity. Seasoned by years of early mornings on the farm, Haerin and Danielle woke up first and got to work. The kitchen was a flurry of activity as Danielle whipped up a batch of her famous pancakes while Haerin flipped bacon and scrambled eggs. The aroma wafting through the kitchen was mouth-watering.

"Hyein!" Called Danielle, "Breakfast!"

The floorboards creaked as Hyein made her way down stairs.

"Aren't you stunning?" Danielle complimented while plating Hyein's plate. Haerin nods in agreement as she pours drinks for everyone. Tea for Danielle, milk for Hyein, coffee for her.

"Mmmuph," Hyein hungrily shovels a mouthful of pancakes. "Thes us su guud!" (This is so good.)Danielle looks over at Haerin with a knowing smile while Hyein eats.

"So, how are you feeling right now about your first day at school?" Haerin asks, using the mug as some sort of makeshift microphone.

"Excited but mostly nervous," Hyein shares.

"Why?" Haerin raises her eyebrows.

Danielle interjects. "There's nothing to worry about Hyeinie." "Its your first day it should be fun."

"But I'm joining in the middle of the school year, " She hesitantly commented. "That's kind of nerve-racking,"

A Danielle's hand landed on her shoulder as if to sober her up. "Hyein when were you this shy?""I remember when I met you and the months you spent with us you've always been a brave kid.""Why be nervous now?"

Hyein took a sip of milk. "It's the fact that I'll be alone, at least when I'm here I don't feel so alone."

"Well, you won't be alone," Danielle remarked, taking a sip of tea. "There should be other friendly kids in school as well."

"You'll make friends fast I know it." Danielle winked.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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