25.) Disappointment

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Hyein's POV:

Arriving back at the penthouse, the scent of artificial pine oil greeted me as I stepped through the door. The distinctive fragrance filled the air, indicating that Minji and Hanni had decorated the penthouse for the holidays. From the remnants of holiday garlands that clung to various surfaces, it seemed like they might have hosted a small party.

Despite the remnants of celebration, my eyes were drawn to the centerpiece of the festive display—the Christmas tree. It stood tall and proud, adorned with sparkling lights that cast a soft glow across the room. The tree, with its twinkling ornaments, remained a beacon of holiday cheer. Nestled beneath its boughs were an array of wrapped gifts, waiting to be unwrapped.


Minji and Hanni gestured towards the lavishly decorated Christmas tree, their expressions bright with anticipation. "All of these presents are for you, Hyein," Minji announced with a warm smile. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of overwhelm at the sheer number of gifts neatly arranged beneath the tree.

As I approached the tree, Minji and Hanni settled comfortably on the couch, each cradling a mug of hot cocoa. "Aren't you going to open your presents with me?" I inquired, a hint of curiosity in my voice. They exchanged playful glances before bursting into laughter.

"We already opened our presents," Hanni confessed with a mischievous grin. Minji chimed in, sharing the spoils of their own gift exchange. "I got a fancy bottle of bourbon," Minji revealed, her eyes glinting with satisfaction. "And Hanni," she turned to her partner, "got a stunning Swarovski jewelry set—a necklace and earrings that's been gaining compliments from everyone."


As I began unwrapping the meticulously wrapped presents, a sense of anticipation hung in the air. The wrapping paper, adorned with festive patterns and colors, hinted at the treasures concealed within.

The first package revealed a designer Hermes handbag, exquisitely crafted and undoubtedly expensive. Minji, radiating enthusiasm, explained, "We thought this would be perfect for your outings and social events with us, Hyein. It's from one of the top Hermes stores located on the Champs Elysees street in Paris." 

The next box contained a set of high-end makeup products. Minji enthusiastically said, "Every girl needs a little glam. We figured these would suit you perfectly." I forced a closed mouth smile, not exactly sharing their excitement. "Thank you," I sheepishly said.

Next in line was a sleek and stylish watch, its intricate details catching the gleam of the holiday lights.  "Time is money, right?" Minji quipped, her eyes glinting with pride. I nodded, although internally, I questioned the necessity of such a lavish timepiece.

As the gifts kept coming, I unwrapped a set of luxurious skincare products from a renowned beauty brand. Minji, with a sparkle in her eyes, remarked, "For maintaining that radiant glow. You deserve the best, Hyein." I unconsciously touched my face. 'Did they?' I questioned my inner thoughts. I feared if I answered the question with what I thought the answer was would ruin my mood. 

Something similar to Danielle and Haerin's was a sophisticated camera, a DSLR Nikon D780, equipped with cutting-edge technology, was presented as the next gift. "Capture your memories with this, not that crappy compact camera" Minji urged. "We want you to have the best tools to document your life."

Lastly, a sleek smartphone, the newest model from HybeTech, emerged from the final package. The excitement bubbled within me as I held the device, recognizing its potential usefulness compared to the outdated flip-phone I had been carrying around. "This will come in handy," I admitted, acknowledging the practicality of the gift.

Despite the grandeur of the gifts, a subtle sense of disappointment crept in. It felt as if they were attempting to win my favor through opulent presents, and the sincerity of their gestures became clouded by the extravagance. 

While the intent behind each present was undoubtedly well-meant, the overall impression was one of opulence and a lack of understanding about my personal preferences. As I processed the lavish offerings, I couldn't shake the feeling that Minji and Hanni were trying to fill a void with material abundance. I appreciated the effort, but the expensive gifts felt like an attempt to compensate for something. The gifts were undoubtedly beautiful, but their true value lay in the price tags alone. As I looked at all of my gifts I couldn't help but to think back to the Christmas morning that I had experienced at the Kang's. If only the gift-giving here was like the one at Haerin and Danielle's house, full of thoughtful and personal touches, I would've enjoyed it more. 

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