10.) Joyous Day

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Please read this!!

Hi, now that I have y'alls attention. Just a short announcement I wanna make. IDK if anyone cares about this story I'm writing but updates are gonna slow down soon because school is starting soon. I will try to update this story as much as I can when I have the time but once school starts school is my priority. Sorry and please understand!

Happy reading y'all.  :)


Hyein's POV:

The announcement that I had been finally adopted had echoed in my mind since last night, a melody of hope that refused to let me sleep. It was the news that had ignited a spark within me, a thrill that coursed through my veins and kept my heart racing. "I'm actually getting adopted," I whispered to myself in disbelief, my voice carrying the weight of a dream that felt like it was finally within reach.

As the morning sun began to cast its golden hues across the room, I found myself wide awake, my excitement far too potent to allow for sleep. The anticipation was a living thing, an energy that bubbled within me, urging me to embrace the day ahead.

With a sense of purpose that I had never experienced before, I rose from my bed, the covers falling away as I swung my legs to the floor. Today was no ordinary day—it was the dawn of a new chapter, the culmination of years of waiting and hoping. The clock on the wall told me that it was still early, much earlier than my usual wake-up time of 10 am. But I couldn't wait any longer. Today was different.

In the soft glow of the morning light, I moved to the mirror, my fingers reaching for the comb on the dresser. My amber locks tumbled down in cascades, and I combed through them meticulously, each stroke a deliberate act of preparation and a build-up of excitement. My reflection stared back at me, eyes wide with a mix of excitement and disbelief.

I had chosen my best clothes, a gesture of respect and anticipation. As I slipped into the carefully selected outfit, I couldn't help but smile at the thought of what this day held. My fingers traced over the fabric, and I took a moment to appreciate the way it made me feel—like I was stepping into a brighter future.

The process of combing my hair felt almost meditative, each stroke a ritual of readiness. The strands gleamed in the morning light, the amber hues catching the sunlight and turning them into liquid gold. Today, my reflection looked back at me with a radiance that was not just physical but also the reflection of the happiness that had taken root within me.

I moved with a newfound energy, my heart light and buoyant. The excitement that had kept me up all night was now propelling me forward, infusing each step with an anticipation that was almost tangible. The clock continued to tick away, each second a testament to the moments that were counting down to the new beginning I had been dreaming of.

As I stood before the mirror one last time, my smile felt like it could light up the entire room. Today was more than just a day—it was a turning point, a chance for me to step into a world of possibilities that I had only ever dared to imagine.


As I excitedly paced around my dorm, the anticipation building within me like a drumbeat, my dormmates began to stir one by one. Eunchae and Leeseo, my closest friends and confidantes, woke up with smiles that didn't quite reach their eyes. It was a bittersweet moment for them, just as it was for me.

Their happiness for my impending adoption was genuine, but I could see the conflicted emotions playing out on their faces. The bond we had formed over the years was strong, and the thought of me leaving them cast a shadow over their joy. Yet, they put on brave faces, acting as if they were overjoyed for me.

With my excitement radiating from every pore, I couldn't help but bounce around the room, my energy contagious. Eunchae and Leeseo joined in, their laughter ringing through the air like a fleeting melody. We danced and jumped, embracing the moment as if it were a celebration. But beneath the surface, I could sense their sadness, a heaviness that tugged at my heart.

I kicked my feet excitedly, my heart racing with the thrill of what was to come. The journey that had brought me to this point felt like a whirlwind of emotions, and now I was standing at the precipice of a new beginning. I squealed in accomplishment, unable to contain my happiness as I realized that the day I had longed for was finally here.

But as I reveled in my excitement, I couldn't ignore the quiet glances that Eunchae and Leeseo exchanged, the unspoken words that hung heavy in the air. They had been my rock, my support system in this orphanage that had become my home. The thought of leaving them behind weighed on my heart, even as I embraced the joy of my own journey.

The time drew near, and the supervisor's impending arrival signaled the moment when my life would take a new trajectory. The excitement within me was like a firework, bursting with color and energy. Yet, amidst the bursts of joy, I saw Eunchae and Leeseo's eyes glistening with unshed tears, their smiles tinged with a hint of sadness.

As I waited to be escorted down to the supervisor's office, their hugs were tighter, their words laced with affection. We held onto each other as if time were slipping through our fingers, the knowledge that our paths were diverging becoming more poignant with every passing second.

Their silent support and unspoken emotions pulled at my heartstrings, reminding me of the family I had found in them.

 "Hyein Lee, come with me," the supervisor's voice reached me, a summons that carried both excitement and a hint of unease. I turned to my dormmates, my heart a mix of excitement and reluctance. It was time to say goodbye to the only family I had known.

I embraced Eunchae and Leeseo, their tears dampening my shoulder. Leeseo's sobs were a testament to the bond we shared, and I felt a lump forming in my throat. We had laughed, cried, and grown together, and now our paths were diverging. "Take care of each other," I whispered, my voice catching.

As I stepped away, a part of me wanted to linger, to hold onto the familiarity that had shaped my life. But the supervisor's call was a reminder of the new chapter that awaited me. With one last glance, I turned and followed the supervisor's beckoning gesture, leaving behind the dorm that had been my sanctuary.

Once outside the door, I found myself facing the supervisor, her expression and demeanor giving me pause. Something felt off, though I couldn't quite put my finger on it. The warmth I had come to associate with her seemed tinged with an unfamiliar energy, leaving me with a sense of unease.

As we walked down the corridor, the anticipation that had fueled my excitement was now intermingled with a growing sense of uncertainty. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, that the day I had eagerly awaited might not unfold as I had imagined.

The journey to the lobby felt like a blur, the distance between the dormitory and the office closing in quickly. Each step carried with it a mixture of hope and trepidation, the unknown future taking shape before my eyes.

And then, as we approached the doors of the office, that off-putting feeling intensified, settling heavily in the pit of my stomach. The sense of anticipation that had once been a spark of excitement now felt like a storm cloud, casting a shadow over the moment I had dreamed of.

The supervisor's presence beside me was a constant reminder of the decision that was about to be made, a decision that held the power to shape the trajectory of my life. As the doors of the office loomed ahead, I couldn't help but wonder what awaited me on the other side—what twists and turns this journey would take, and how it would ultimately shape my destiny.

With a deep breath, I stepped through the doors...

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