23.) Christmas Day

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Third Person POV:

                  In the quiet stillness of the early morning, Haerin and Danielle found themselves tiptoeing down the stairs, careful not to disturb the peaceful slumber that enveloped the house. The glow of the Christmas lights strung around the living room provided a soft illumination, casting a warm ambiance over the space.

As they approached the Christmas tree, adorned with glistening ornaments and twinkling lights, Haerin couldn't shake a sense of uncertainty about the gift she had chosen for Hyein. Danielle noticed the furrow on her partner's brow and gently squeezed Haerin's hand.

"Hey, it's going to be perfect. You put so much thought into it, and Hyein is going to love it," Danielle reassured, her voice a comforting whisper in the quiet night.

Haerin nodded, appreciating the support. They settled down on the floor, surrounded by carefully wrapped presents and the hushed anticipation of Christmas morning. As they began arranging the gifts, they shared knowing glances, silently reflecting on the moments they had observed in Hyein's life.

"Do you remember when she pointed out that book at the store?" Danielle chuckled, a fond twinkle in her eyes. "She was so excited about it."

Haerin's face brightened as she remembered, "Yeah, and when she mentioned wanting to learn photography, I knew we had to get her that camera."

As they continued to reminisce about Hyein's wishes and dreams, the room filled with a sense of joy and gratitude. Each gift held a story, a small treasure chosen with love and consideration.

After placing the last gift under the tree, Danielle playfully nudged Haerin. "Now, let's make sure Santa's visit looks authentic."

They chuckled as they looked at the arranged plate of cookies and glass of milk by the fireplace. Danielle, ever the enthusiast, took a quick bite of one of the cookies, savoring the sweetness. "You know, we've got to make it believable for Hyein."

Haerin joined in, sharing a conspiratorial giggle. "You really are hanging onto that Santa thing, huh?" 

"Absolutely.  Now, Santa wouldn't want cold milk would he?" Danielle proded. Haerin could only scoff and eye-roll in response. 

With the preparations complete, Haerin and Danielle stole a quiet moment to themselves, sharing a sweet kiss and basking in the physical warmth of the fireplace and the internal warmth of the joy of giving. The glow from the tree reflected in their eyes as they shared a look of contentment. The stage was set for a magical Christmas morning, filled with surprises and shared laughter.

As they headed back to bed, the anticipation of the upcoming festivities filled their hearts. Little did they know, the true magic of Christmas lay not just in the gifts beneath the tree but in the love and connection they shared as a family.


                     The scent of pine oil hung in the air as Hyein made her way downstairs, expecting to find Haerin and Danielle in the midst of holiday preparations. However, to her surprise, the usually bustling kitchen was silent. Puzzled, she headed to their bedroom, where she presumed they might be.

Knocking gently on the door, she received no response. Curiosity getting the better of her, Hyein decided to try the doorknob. To her amusement, the door opened quietly, revealing a sight that melted away any concern.

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