29.) New Year? Same Feelings.

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Short Notice: Guys I have school and finals too, updates will be hella inconsistent from now on. 

Hyein's POV:

The morning light gently crept through the curtains, and as I slowly opened my eyes, the city outside revealed itself in the soft hues of dawn. The world was waking up to the promise of a new day, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something extraordinary was about to unfold.

I slipped out of bed, my steps quiet on the plush carpet. Drawing the curtain aside, I was greeted by a scene that seemed to dance with anticipation. The volunteers, adorned in bright yellow vests, moved with purpose and determination, transforming the streets below into a canvas of preparation for the grand celebration of New Year's Eve.

The air held a crispness that hinted at the winter chill outside, yet there was an undeniable warmth in the collective spirit of those who volunteered their time to ensure the city's festivities would unfold seamlessly. Their vests were like beacons of brightness against the backdrop of the awakening city, creating a vivid contrast that mirrored the excitement building within me.

The barricades, sturdy structures of metal and caution tape, were being meticulously arranged along the sidewalks. It was as if the city itself was gearing up for a grand performance, each barricade serving as a stage prop waiting for the curtains to rise. The volunteers moved in synchronized harmony, their movements purposeful and synchronized, a testament to their dedication to creating a safe and joyous environment for the impending revelry.

From my vantage point, I could observe the meticulous attention to detail. The barricades formed a winding path, guiding the flow of the anticipated crowd that would soon fill the streets. I marveled at how these seemingly mundane structures played a crucial role in orchestrating the movement of people, directing them toward the heart of the celebration.

As the volunteers worked diligently, the city began to stir to life. Shopkeepers raised colorful banners and adorned their storefronts with festive decorations. The streets, once quiet, now echoed with the sounds of crates being unpacked, signs being hung, and the distant hum of conversations among the early risers.

The skyline, tinged with the soft hues of dawn, revealed iconic landmarks that would soon be illuminated in a dazzling display of lights. The volunteers' efforts were not only about setting up physical barricades but also about crafting an atmosphere of enchantment that would captivate everyone who walked through the transformed streets.

As I continued to watch, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for these individuals who, clad in yellow, were weaving the invisible threads of celebration and joy into the very fabric of the city. The barricades they set up weren't just physical boundaries; they were markers of anticipation, guiding the city toward a moment of collective exhilaration.

The morning wore on, and the city transformed before my eyes. The volunteers' efforts became a symphony of preparation, and I found myself captivated by the intricate dance of creation happening below. The barricades, once lifeless structures, now seemed to pulse with the energy of the upcoming festivities.

As the day unfolded, the city came alive with the promise of the night ahead. The volunteers, clad in their bright yellow vests, had not just set up barricades; they had laid the foundation for a celebration that would echo through the streets and throughout the night later on. 

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