30.) Hyein's Home!

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Hyein's POV:

            I settled in the black plush leather seats of the Cadillac, feeling its smooth texture beneath my fingers. The gentle hum of the engine was therapeutic as it drove along the highway. It was February now and time for me to move back to Dani and Haerin's country abode. I smiled at that fact, that I'd finally be going home to a place of comfort and love. Outside, the scenery blurred as I left the bustling city behind , skyscrapers giving away to sprawling fields and dirt paths. It made me really think, my city parents wrapped up in their careers couldn't even spare the time to drive me back but then again they hated Dani and Haerin. I remembered the distain on their faces when they realized that Haerin and Danielle would be the ones to share the first day of school with me.

"A bunch of nobody hillbillies, taking our precious Hyein to school." Hanni remarked.

I had to blink rapidly to hide my obvious eyeroll. "Mom, they're not 'nobody hillbillies', " Minji walks in covering the receiver to the phone.

"Hyein," She looked questionably. "You sure?"

"I can totally arrange for a chauffeur to pick you up, it's no biggie," She added. "What car would you like BMW...Mercedes...Royce...."

"Minji." I piped up. "Minji!" I waved my hands in her face.

She seemed to get the message and muttered something into the phone. ending the call afterwards.


That day when I had received the ADOR Highschool uniform, my stomach was in knots, it felt like I was just being sent away again, like they were sending me off to school so I would be out of their hair for half the day and return home only to eat and sleep. Jostling through my bag for earbuds, I glanced at the chauffeur through the tinted privacy screen, a stoic man in a crisp navy blue suit, his eyes hidden behind a pair of glasses. As he maneuvered the car effortlessly along the winding two lane road , I wondered if Minji and Hanni was the right choice for me, I wondered if I was alone in this struggle. I sighed, sinking deeper into the seat, adjusting my earbuds.

The music shifted to a softer melody, and I closed my eyes, imagining what my first day at ADOR Highschool would be like. It's one of the best private highschool's around surpassing Harvard Westlake by a mile. The first day of school loomed over me. New school, new faces, new challenges, the thought made my stomach churn with a mix of anxiety and reluctant excitement. Would they like me? Would I be able to fit in. Living with Minji and Hanni only taught me one thing and it was to be guarded, to wear a mask. But at school how would that transcend?

The car slowed, turning into the familiar gravel driveway of Haerin and Danielle's home. That familiar feeling was creeping its way back into my chest, I took a deep breath, trying to calm the nerves that fluttered in my chest.

As the car's tires crunched to a stop, I removed my earbuds, the bright countryside ambience welcoming me. The driver opened the door, and I stepped out, wanting to ditch this organized persona behind, I wanted to ruffle my hair and throw some dirt on my clean linen shirt but obviously that wasn't going to happen as the chauffeur smoothed my clothes and squared my shoulders before nudging me towards Danielle, who was so patiently waiting for me by the front steps.

I practically tackled Danielle as I enveloped her in a tight hug.


"Welcome back, Hyeinie," the happiness was evident in her voice. Danielle's eyes had shrunk to crescents due to her toothy grin.

When we separated I noticed something off.

"Where's Haerin?"

Danielle gestured towards the door. "Inside, come on,"


Nothing could've prepared me for the sight that greeted me when I entered the house. And I mean NOTHING. The familiar scent of home-cooked food hit me, mingling with the rustic charm of the old farmhouse. The living room was cozy with knitted throws, books, and --

"Help!" Haerin squeaked from the corner of the living room.

I turned and there she was, smack dab in the middle of a tech disaster. She was tangled in wires, router cable draped over one ear, an iPad dangling precariously from her neck, and two remotes in hand. Her face mirrored the barn cat, Mr. Whiskers, who sat perched on the back of the couch, observing it all looking equally bewildered.

"Uh, Haerin? What happened?" I asked, trying to suppress a giggle.

Haerin looked up. "Your rich folks sent over a bunch of this," Gesturing to the various devices strewn to her body. "Said, it'll make life easier but I've been trying to figure it out all afternoon!" Waving her arms, a tangle of wires flapping around like tentacles.

I couldn't hold back anymore and burst out laughing. "Haerin, you look like you're being attacked by a robot octopus!"

Dani scooped up Mr. Whiskers, who let out an indignant meow. "Hyeinie, why didn't you tell us you were going to start school soon?"

"I only knew as of today when they brought all that- she gestures towards the pile of tech- stuff,"

"Yeah, they figured I'd need it for school," I replied, shaking my head. "But I think they underestimated the setup process."

"Underestimated?! They didn't even give any instructions on how to assemble these things! Just boxes and boxes of gadgets," Haerin said, managing to free one arm only to get another wire tangled around her leg. "It's like trying to solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded."

"Maybe tech support could help honey," Danielle suggested, biting her lip in concern.

"Tech support?" Haerin scoffed. "By the time they get here, I'll be a permanent part of this mess."

Danielle guffawed, setting Mr. Whiskers down gently. "Alright Hae, let's get you out of there before you turn into a cyborg."

I joined her, and together we started untangling Haerin. It was like unwrapping the world's most complicated Christmas present. "So Haerin," I said, holding back another laugh, "what exactly were you trying to do?"

"Well, I thought I'd set up the home computer first but then I found this thing called the Oculus and got curious. One thing lead to another, and well..." She shrugged, sheepishly.

"Classic Hae," Danielle chuckled, unwrapping the last wire , finally freeing Haerin. "Always curious. Y'know curiosity is what kills the cat right?"

Haerin flashed a cheeky smile, "Almost, killed."

"What can I say? I'm a woman of many talents but unfortunately assembling is not one of them." She rubbed her wrists sheepishly.

We all shared a laugh, the tension I felt in the car was finally gone, faded away. Despite the chaos, it felt good to be home. Again

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