16.) Fun Ends

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Hyein's POV:

I woke up on Monday morning, and it felt entirely different from the weekend. Instead of being woken up by Hanni's enthusiastic presence, I had risen on my own. I glanced at the clock and realized that I should have been up two hours ago. Hanni usually burst into my room by this time, her energy infectious and her smiles bright, but today was different, and it felt weird.

After I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face, I couldn't shake the eerie quietness that had settled in the house. It was as if the vibrant life and laughter of the weekend had disappeared, leaving a void in its wake.

As I made my way downstairs, the cold black marble spiral staircase felt unfamiliar beneath my feet. As I entered the kitchen, I noticed a sticky note that Hanni had left behind. Her distinctive handwriting spelled out the message: "Hanni and Minji are off to work. If you need anything, just call for the maid and butler." And additionally, a cute bunny adorned the bottom corner of the sticky note. 

It struck me that the reality of their busy lives had returned, and the weekend's adventures were now a memory. The contrast was stark, and I couldn't help but wonder how I would pass the time during the week. 

Everything felt so bland. The penthouse felt like a monochrome prison. I couldn't find anything to do. I felt like I had checked every nook and cranny. Except for Minji's office. There was already a big warning sign that hung outside her door. It was straightforward with its message saying 'Stay Out!' with a growling bear to further reinforce the message. 

A look couldn't hurt, I thought. Just a look. Just a look. I peered from side to side as if there was someone in the house with me. With a hand on the doorknob, I took a breath and pushed the door. Surprisingly, the door swung open with ease. 

The first item that came into my view was the huge mahogany desk that seemed to stretch from both sides of the room. It was clean and organized. It wasn't as monochrome as the rest of the penthouse but it still looked dull. The mahogany desk and the two towering bookshelves were the only things that were providing any color. Other than that it was pretty standard, just an office. Unless...

My eyes veered to the book that was laid open on her desk. It was different than the other books that I had encountered in this house. Hmm, Crier's War?  Wouldn't mind if I do. I sat in the comfy black office chair and started to flip pages. 


Friday finally arrived, and I was completely drained. Boredom had consumed me to the point of exhaustion. This week had been slow and sluggish, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of hopelessness creeping in. The first couple of days in the penthouse were bearable. There was still one thing to explore, like the mini library in Minji's office, but by the second day, even that had lost its allure.

The penthouse, grand and luxurious as it was, often felt empty. It was usually just me, with the occasional presence of the maid cleaning or the butler preparing and serving my meals.

"To be honest," I sighed to myself, "I felt like I was trapped in a big, fancy prison."

Hanni and Minji were rarely home. They left early in the morning and returned long after I had already fallen asleep. The loneliness was beginning to take its toll, and I couldn't help but wonder if this was what my life would be like for the next three weeks.

As I sat there, contemplating my situation, a growing sense of unease settled in my chest. If every day continued to be like this, I wasn't sure if I could bear to stay here much longer.

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