21.) Christmas Prep

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Third Person POV:

                  In the soft glow of early morning light, Hyein stirred from her sleep. As Hyein sat up in bed, her gaze wandered to the living room. The scent of pine filled the air and the sight of the bare Christmas tree standing proudly in the cozy home. But there was another surprising sight, Hyein stumbled upon. Changing her focus from the tree to the couch she found a heartwarming scene. Haerin and Danielle both clad in cozy blankets, were fast asleep on the couch, entwined in each other's arms. Their faces seemed tired from the night before. Hyein assumed that after she fell asleep they went out to carry the Christmas tree in.

A small smile played on Hyein's lips as she observed the couple, worn out from the Christmas tree excursion. The living room was dark except for the faint glow of the twinkling fairy lights Haerin and Danielle had hung the previous nights before added a magical touch to the living room. The house seemed to embrace a tranquil stillness, with only the occasional creak of the wooden floor under Hyein's feet.

Carefully stepping over the sleeping couple, Hyein approached the tree, its branches reaching out as if to welcome the holiday season. As Hyein examined its untouched beauty, her mind buzzed with thoughts of the upcoming days—decorating the tree with Haerin and Danielle, experiencing the holiday traditions of a family that had quickly become her own.

With a gentle smile, Hyein tiptoed back to the couch, observing the serene expressions on Haerin and Danielle's faces. Their relationship radiated warmth and comfort, and Hyein couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the serendipitous journey that brought her here.

The morning unfolded quietly, marked by Hyein's glances and contented smile. The tree, though bare for now, symbolized the beginning of something new—a shared holiday experience that would blend the uniqueness of the Kang family into a harmonious family celebration.

Hyein made herself comfortable and settled on a nearby leather lounge chair. She watched Haerin and Danielle stir slightly, their eyes fluttering open. The couple, still wrapped in each other's embrace, exchanged a sleepy yet affectionate kiss.

"Good morning," Hyein greeted them with a soft smile.

"Mornin', sweetheart," Danielle mumbled, her voice slightly groggy.

Haerin, stretched with a yawn, sat up, glancing around the room. "Looks like we wore ourselves out, huh?"

Danielle chuckled, nodding in agreement. "It was a good kind of tired, though."


                In the week leading up to Christmas, Danielle decided to inject a bit of festive magic into their homestead, and Hyein was more than eager to join in on the holiday preparations. With Danielle behind the wheel, they embarked on a journey to a small, charming town that was fully immersed in the Christmas spirit. The streets were adorned with twinkling lights, and storefronts showcased festive decorations that seemed to dance in the winter breeze.

The town's enthusiasm for the holidays was infectious, and Danielle couldn't help but comment on the joyful atmosphere. "Our house is going to be just as festive as this town," she declared with a sparkle in her eyes.

As they entered a quaint store, bells jingled overhead, signaling the beginning of their Christmas ornament-shopping adventure. The store was a treasure trove of festive delights, from sparkling baubles to whimsical ornaments that added a touch of humor to the holiday season.

Hyein and Danielle meandered through the aisles, their cart slowly filling with an array of decorations. They shared laughter and exchanged excited glances as they stumbled upon some particularly goofy ornaments that caught their eye.

One ornament featured a tiny, bespectacled reindeer tangled in a string of Christmas lights, looking both mischievous and endearing. Hyein couldn't help but giggle at the sight of the comical reindeer.

Danielle, spotting a series of miniature elves engaged in various funny scenarios, grabbed a handful and held them up with a grin. "These little guys are going to add some mischief to our tree!"

They also discovered a set of playful snowmen, each wearing quirky hats and scarves, seemingly engaged in a friendly snowball fight. Hyein found herself drawn to a chubby snowman with a goofy grin, holding an oversized snowball ready for action.

Amid the merriment, they stumbled upon an ornament shaped like a slice of pizza with a Santa hat perched atop, undoubtedly a whimsical addition to their growing collection. Danielle couldn't resist the urge to chuckle and insisted that it was a must-have.

With their cart filled with a mix of traditional and hilariously unconventional ornaments, Hyein and Danielle made their way to the checkout, their hearts lightened by the joy of shared laughter and the promise of a uniquely adorned Christmas tree. 

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