Chapter 2

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Due to the contents of the letter, along with the bleak outlook, Lord Taron called for an urgent meeting of his councilors as well as any military advisors. Ken sat to his right, with Salzen sitting next to him. Councilor Su sat to his lord's left and had no problem making his presence known as well as his dissatisfaction at being in the same room with Salzen, who couldn't care less.

"What is so urgent that you would call a meeting on the eve of King Asahi's arrival? There is still so much to be prepared and finished for his arrival, from the villagers finishing up their stalls to the guards' horrible manners-"

"Stop already. We have enough going on without you being insulted that my men won't bow to you whenever you walk into a room. Another word and I'll cut you down here, or better yet, I'll let Salzen over there do it." Ken demanded, done with having to deal with him anymore.

Su balked but quieted down. "Then what is going on then? No one has said anything, and this energy is trifling, if something has happened then as council leaders, we are entitled to know what is needed or happening. I wouldn't be surprised that it has something to do with him." Su gestured to Salzen, who just gave him a bored stare.

"Enough. I will not be starting this with having everyone going for each-others' throats. Now, it has come to my attention that the Blood King is aware of what we are planning and seems to have steps in place to make sure that this alliance does not move forward." Taron said.

The whole room was silent as everyone glanced at each other over the news. Everyone had heard tales about the Blood King and his reputation for how he handled traitors and enemies.

"How are you aware of such a plot?" Su asked him.

"This information comes to me from Lyra, who intercepted a few men dressed as merchants intending to infiltrate our festival. The contents of the letter she found mention a plan to wait for a signal and to enact whatever they are planning. I fear the worse with this and I grow increasingly concerned for our people if his plan goes through."

More silence.

Another councilman slowly raised his hand to speak. "May I ask? How can we be sure that something like this is planned for us? Could this perhaps just be an attempt to assassinate King Asahi? Their families have been warring for decades now. Perhaps they will just settle this amongst themselves?"

Taron wished that was the case. "It is quite possible that we have no reason to worry, but I rather air on the side of caution that something much more deadly will be coming our way. From the information that I have gathered and an eyewitness that was able to confirm how his mentality and the rumors about him are most likely true; I fear the Blood King himself may make an appearance and take the chance at defeating a long-rivaled enemy. If that happens, all of our people and families are in grave danger. The Blood King is known for his deadly swordsmanship as well as his reputation and I have no doubt that this will not be a battle that we will be able to win alone."

"What about the Southern King and his men?"

"I have received advice to not rely on his involvement or his aid." Taron said, gripping the sides of his chair tightly, the reality of the foreboding situation pressing down on him more and more.

"You said that Lyra is here! That's two more trained assassins here! Not to mention that helped they defeat the man who slaughtered your father as well as his army! Surely, they will help us?" One shouted.

"That was completely different. We were the aggressors that time and his men were barely soldiers who were starving along with the village, as soon as things went in our favor they fled and left us to pick up the pieces. This time, we will be up against an entire army with numerous battle-hardened soldiers at their call, loyal to a fault and will gladly lay their lives down for their king and country. I know that our soldiers will fight with great spirit and honor that will make their ancestors incredibly proud," he gave a sharp nod to Ken, "but I fear that asking them to fight in this will be sending them to their deaths. I rather surrender than throw their lives away for a chance that we do not have. As for Lyra, she is here for a different reason, one that has very little to do with fighting in this battle."

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