Chapter 3

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As Lyra walked back to Lord Taron's kingdom, she felt a presence following her as she got closer to the low outer wall of his palace.

            "Come on out. I know you're there, Oberon." She called out to the now dark woods behind her.

            A deep laugh made her turn to see a man with deep green and antlers protruding from his head stepped out of the woods, grinning that he had been so easily spotted. "Aw, you found me! I was trying so hard to hide too!" He whined.

            "Why do you insist on doing this every time we see each other?"

            King Oberon of the Fae flashed her a wide grin. "I have to keep you on your toes little pup! Can't have one of my children getting sloppy and letting someone sneak up on them now can I?" He nodded vigorously. "Yes, that wouldn't do! So I simply have to keep you and the others on red alert all the time."   

            "At least you didn't jump on me this time when I was a wolf." Lyra joked.

            Oberon laughed. "Oh no! That wolf of yours has a mighty temper and I would rather face the temper of my love than deal with yours when you're in that state again! Now, there was a reason that I was looking for you...what was it again?"

            Lyra watched in amusement as Oberon tried to figure out why he had been tracking her down. King Oberon was an old friend of hers, constantly 'checking in' on her by seeing if he could surprise her by randomly showing up and trying to spook her. While his part of his personality amused her, Lyra knew that Oberon was no joke when it came down to being serious. A bad fight happened between them when Oberon visited her during one of her night terrors and ended up on the receiving end of a series of painful bites and Lyra being unconscious for a few days. Oberon stuck to following her for a bit first to get a gauge on her attitude before surprising her if he could.

            "Ah! Now I remember!" Oberon said snapping his fingers. "I want an invitation for the festival!"    

            "...the one that Taron is throwing?"
             "Yes, that is the one!"

            "What, little pup?"

            "You don't need an invitation, Oberon. It's for the entire kingdom and the forest is included along with that since some of the hunters have taken to living deep in the woods. Also, why ask me? If getting invited is that important then why not go and ask Taron? He's been curious to meet you since learning about the portal you have around here." Lyra explained.

            King Oberon pouted. "Humans are tricky to deal with, I enjoy speaking with you more! And I wanted an excuse to come and see you!"

            "As compared to your kind? I'm heading that way anyway, so follow me if getting an invitation is that important to you, but I'm hungry and I'm off to grab something to eat."

            "Hunting didn't go well then? Odd, you're one of the best trackers I have ever met. It wouldn't have something to do with the Vampire fledging you ran into earlier?" Lyra spun to glare at him. "Funny that. A little Dryad came to me and told me how she spotted you close to our portal; you scared the poor thing by the way. She mentioned that she saw you stalking around the boy before finally shifting back and talking with him, but she was very concerned with what your actions were going to originally be." Oberon leveled her with a stern look when she continued to glare at him. "Careful my pup. The past has a way of coming back to bite you if you do not watch where you step, and some old habits can be very hard to rid yourself of. I am beginning to worry about where your path is leading, the next few nights will determine which doors will open to you and your actions will force you down a path that will either lead to a happy ending or a final resting place in paradise for you."

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