Chapter 13

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     Once again, everyone was loaded into the wagons and were off on their way to their new home. Spirits were a bit higher today, after a hot meal and many of the injured feeling better, the chatter had increased throughout the journey. They would spend their nights all laying in tents or sitting around the fires telling stories of their past adventures.

     On the fourth day of the journey, moral had risen and many were looking forward to reaching the first large village that they would be riding through. Lyra had overheard that quite a few may decide to stay here after the wagons made their stop, a few even had family here that would take them in.

      As they entered, Lyra pulled her hood over her head, hiding her hair and any other features. Rai chuckled when he noticed. "Expecting trouble?"

      "No. People tend to stare at me, I rather them focus on the soldiers and the injured." She explained as she slipped off the side of his stallion again. This time, she was able to do it by herself.

      A few people slowed from their walk to their homes from a long day as they began to notice who was among them. "I don't think it will be you that they will be distracted by."

      Lyra glanced around when she started hearing the whispers of their king being here. "Right, I forgot about that."

       Rai ushered her forward, Hiroki right by their side, excited that he might be able to spend the night in an inn instead of out in the woods. Villagers started coming out of their homes, noticing that they had guests arriving. Many started to help by unloading people or supplies from the wagons. A few rushed forward and embraced their family members who were happy to see them safe after the news had spread.

       Their ears pricked when the sound of shouting came from further up the line, Rai could hear Katsu trying to calm some people down who sounded frantic. His head jerking back and forth from one person to another.

       Lyra followed him as he wound through the droves of humans that now crowded the street. A small group had gathered and were all shouting at once, and Katsu looked like he was beginning to become overwhelmed.

       "Please, one at a time!" The crowd began to shout louder.

        Lyra bent down and motioned for Hiroki to cover his ears, which he did so quickly and was able to lessen the pain when Lyra let out a high-pitched whistle. Loud enough that it had Rai and Katsu wincing as it hurt their sensitive hearing.

       The crowd turned to the hooded stranger in surprise.

       "We can't help you if all of you are shouting at once. You-" She pointed to a man standing closest to Katsu. "-tell us what is going on."

      The man nodded and started explaining  why everyone was gathered, Katsu shot Lyra a look that showed he was grateful for her interference.

      "Several of our children have been taken in the middle of the night! They just disappear out of their beds! My youngest daughter was taken just a week ago, others have been taken as well. We tried following where they were taken, but we always lose the trail. Please help us!" The man begged. Others quickly told their stories, all involving children, all missing, all have been stolen right out of their beds. Except one.

      An older woman stepped forward, holding a small hand-made doll. "My granddaughter was taken just last night, she was fishing by the creek near our home and was walking back. I always watch her when she goes down there and walks back up. I saw something run through the trees, it was tall and so strange looking, it had long arms and almost looked like a man. It grabbed her, it was so sudden! She was there one second and the next she was gone! Please, she is all I have left!"

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