Chapter 7

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Taron stood by and watched as his men sparred with a few of King Asahi's men early in the morning. All of them were in high spirits and were either proving their skills or simply showing off; especially since both their lord and possible future king were watching the matches.
     There was, however, someone who was proving to garner more attention than their own men. And doing it quite well.
Everyone laughed when Katsu easily flipped and pinned one of the younger recruits who had been throwing some taunting words at others while they trained. And since Lyra was no where to been and Salzen was still recovering, with Ken watching over him, Katsu volunteered to teach the kid a few lessons on respecting his masters.

This was round three of the boy getting pinned and having to slam his hand on the mat to stop the fight. One would think after being humiliated by a woman just yesterday would have humbled him....

"Done yet, or do you still have a few choice words?" Katsu asked when they both stood to face each other.

The boy chose to walk away, a few of his friends following after him.

Katsu, shaking his head, glanced over at Taron and Asahi. "Thank you for allowing me to teach him some manners, kid was going to end up getting messed up talking the way he was."

"My apologies for him, he's unfortunately becoming a problem and Ken has been wanting to toss him around and has been waiting for approval from me. Saved him the trouble, at least Lyra isn't here. Poor kid would be limping out of here if she heard him talking like he was. She had already dealt with him just the other day." Taron chuckled. "A few of my men could show you some of the scars she gave them when they made some improper comments towards her."

"I can only imagine." Katsu looked around. "Where is she? I assumed she would already be up and training with the others."

"I have no idea where she is. I checked her room, but it seems she didn't turn in last night." Taron shrugged. "It's not unusual for her to sleep outdoors and it could be that she went a far distance to hunt, most likely delaying her in returning."

"Does she not eat normal food?" Asahi asked, jumping into the conversation.

"Wolven don't really eat cooked food, their digestive system is different and they gain a lot more from raw food vs. when it has been fully cooked. I've always wanted to see them hunt, they do it in packs and it is an incredible sight to watch them work together." Katsu filled in.

"Is that what she is, a wolven? I've never heard of that species before." Asahi asked.

"They're not as well known around here, I don't think there are any packs even on this continent. They can change their shape from human into that of a wolf. I don't know too much about them, so you'll have to ask Lyra about them. I do know that they tend to travel around in packs, so I'm surprised to see that Lyra is traveling without hers near. Wolven really stick together and can be stand-offish with other species since they aren't originally from the Netherworld. Another reason why I'm surprised that she doesn't seem to have one around." Katsu explained to him.

"She got separated from her pack when they came through the portals, and she's the only wolven in her pack, other packs wouldn't allow her to join them so she ended up joining a group of 'misfits' as she refers to themselves." Taron commented as he resumed watching his men.

Asahi frowned. "Why would they refuse her joining?"

"I'm different." Lyra grinned when they spun to see her leaning against the open doors with Hiroki standing beside her. She had stopped by his room to check on him, only to see him waiting for her and made the decision to bring him along.

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