Chapter 22

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Rai watched Lyra as she stood by the table looking at a map was carved into the wood, marking the cities and towns of his kingdom. Small figurines, each with a different meaning, lay all across it. Many depicting where several of his men lay in different districts or the key problems that had been brought up over three weeks ago at the meeting.

It hadn't escaped Rai's notice that Lyra seemed to be avoiding everyone, although Hiroki was the only one who she allowed close lately. Their training sessions continued, but even his son had noticed that something seemed different with her. He had gone to his father and mentioned that Lyra seemed tired or seemed to be injured somewhere. Wincing when she thought no one was noticing or keeping weight off one of her limbs.

As of late, Hiroki had noticed that she seemed to be favoring her left wrist.

"Lyra." Her beautiful blue eyes snapped to his ruby red ones, making him smile. "How has training been going?"

She gave him a tight nod, turning her focus back to the map. She had been trying to figure out where the cult was located and she was pretty sure she had a good idea exactly where they were. "Fine, Hiroki is making great progress. With how much he's improving, I was debating about taking him into the village and seeing how he does with a lot more distractions."

"And how has hunting been?" He asked her, moving closer. Rai raised a brow when he noticed that she was hesitating. "I actually wanted to bring that up with you but finding you these past few days has been a bit difficult."

She glanced away. "I've had a lot more to do these days."

"Oh? Does that have anything to do with the reports that I've gotten from a few of our local hunters? Perhaps you are having to travel deeper into the forest since some very dangerous traps have been discovered, have you seen any of these yourself?" He had received some alarming news from his local trappers that several crude and downright violent traps were being laid out in certain spots in his woods, right along trails made by a large creature leaving clawed tracks through the brush.

Lyra slightly shifted her left wrist away, a movement that many would have missed, but Rai spotted it. He stepped closer to her, reaching a hand to gently stroke her soft cheek. "How many have you come across?"

"...enough." Rai picked up her wrist and brought it close, examining the slight tremor that seemed to move up her arm at the action. The skin around her worst was still slightly red. Without meaning to, it made her fingers twitch in pain.

Rai frowned. "How long ago did this happen?"

"...a few days ago..."

"This isn't the only time that you've come back injured, that's why you have seemed so distant lately."

"It's natural for animals to try and hide their pain."

Rai kissed her wrist. "Animals also ask their pack for help when they need it. Lyra, I can't ensure your safety in my own territory if I don't know there is a problem. You can handle many things on your own, but this is clearly becoming a serious issue if it's happened several times now. I swore to protect you, please allow me to show you that I can." Lyra gasped when he suddenly grabbed her waist and lifted her, so she sat on the table with the map. A few of the wooden symbols flew. "Now, explain what exactly is going on in my forest." He commanded her.

It surprised her that he was giving her a command, she didn't even realize she was talking until the words started spilling from her. "A group of hunters have noticed that I've been in the area, so they've taken it upon themselves to eradicate the top predator in the area. Normally hunters like them aren't a problem, but these guys seem to know exactly what they are doing and what they are hunting...unfortunately for them...they caught me in some of their traps." Lyra gestured toward the wrist Rai still held, having not let go even as he picked her up. "Some of them got to me before I could leave the trap...I never realized this, but, apparently, human doesn't help me heal any faster. Hence why my wrist is still messed up."

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