Chapter 19

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After leaving the library, Lyra pulled Hiroki around this time and took him back to the abandoned part of the palace.

"Alright, let's see how far you've gotten in your training. Senses wise anyway." Lyra told him.

Hiroki kicked at a few stray stones. "...I don't really know how to use them, where should I start?"

"Have you ever had them explained to you?" The boy shook his head. "Let's start there then. Almost everyone is born with five senses; sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste. Immortals can access a more heightened ability when it comes to that, some humans can as well, but let's focus on immortals for right now. Using one of these senses can allow you to stretch those senses and be able to hear, smell, or see things from clear across the palace for example, however, there's a draw back. The more heightened senses you use, the weaker the strength or reach of them." She explained to him.

"So, if I tried to hear what my fathers meeting was about, I wouldn't be able to smell or feel if someone was sneaking up on me?"

Hiroki beamed when Lyra nodded. "Pretty much, when you get stronger you'll be able to use two or even three heightened senses at the same time without any major drawbacks. Let's see how your hearing is. Sit here and close your eyes, I'm going to walk away and see how far you can hear me whistle. If you can hear me, raise a hand up, okay?" Hiroki nodded and immediately shut his eyes.

Smirking Lyra walked about a hundred-feet away from him and quietly whistled.

His hand shot straight up.

Two-hundred feet. Whistle and hand was up again.

When she got to three-hundred, Hiroki's hand hesitated a bit before he raised it.

Smirking she walked back over to him, he looked a bit defeated. "Don't be disappointed, all of this is for me to see where you are at. You'll only improve from here, okay?"

Hiroki smiled and nodded.

The two spent the rest of the afternoon training, mainly testing Hiroki's senses and afterwards Lyra would reassure him that he was doing well.

As the night rolled closer, Hyro surprised them both by interrupting them.

"Apologies, but it is time for the prince to have dinner with his mother." Hyro noticed his grandnephews smile falter slightly. "Off you go, I need to speak with our new guest."

Lyra nodded when he glanced at her, letting him know it was okay.

It was now just the two of them.

A battle-hardened vampire and a Wolven assassin.

Lyra raised a brow at him from her spot in the grass. "I'm going to assume that this is going to be when you question me without the others interfering, right?" Hyro smirked. "Well then, ask away."

"Why are you really here? I understand that you were contracted to train the prince, but that cannot be the only reason."

"Honestly, I'm not totally sure why. There's a few factors as to why I decided too though. First, that kid reminds me a lot of myself, I didn't grow up with anyone to play or interact with. That didn't change much as I got older, especially after the rumors started spreading about me. Second, I didn't have anywhere that I was needed, my order sends me contracts when my skills are needed, I haven't received any in a while now, so I was pretty much in job limbo there for a minute."

Hyro cocked his head. "And third?"

"I'm not sure how to discuss that one, especially with someone I know nothing about."

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