Chapter 6

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     The two walked together to Lord Taron's private dining hall. Hiroki continued to ask Lyra questions about her friends as well as what life was like in the Netherworld, he was fascinated at the knowledge that Lyra had been raised in a cave but was pretty intelligent for being socially stunted.

     "How do you know so much?"

     "What do you mean?"

     "Well, you said that Rensho raised you in a cave, right?" She nodded. "And you seem really smart, why is that? Is that rude to ask?"

     Lyra grinned. "Not at all, Rensho did keep me in a cave for most of my life, but that was mainly for my protection. A lot of rumors were floating around that a young girl with strange abilities so he wanted to make sure that no one would spot me and try and steal me away before I could defend myself. As for knowledge, Rensho hoarded books, he was obsessed with the written word and would snatch up anything he felt had some use or uniqueness to it. He even wrote some; a few are locked away in some of the most exclusive libraries around the Netherworld. He taught me how to read and speak in many different languages. When it was safe, he would take me into the town nearby and teach me how to behave in public." She was proud of her mentor and remembered when a group of nobles had traveled all the way to the town (that she and Rensho would frequent to) and sold them one of his best written novels.

     Hiroki glanced up at her in confusion. "What do you mean he 'hoarded books'?"

     "Dragon's tend to obsess over hoarding an object or, rather, specific types of objects. Some hoard jewels, artifacts, or even weapons. Rensho hoards books and Isadora hoards jewels and stones that they deem have value." The caves had been filled with hundreds of them. Rensho had carved out places into the stone walls to hold them. When Lyra had gotten older and was able to reach some of his more...risqué readings, he had to hide them up high so she couldn't reach them so easily.

     Hiroki stayed silent for the rest of the walk as he thought over everything Lyra had told him; he didn't know where the fascination for dragons had come from, but he knew that his father found it humorous. His mother on the other hand, had forbidden him from bringing it up in her presence. Stating that it was a stupid and immature obsession. He was happy to see that Lyra didn't think the same and almost seemed to encourage it.

     Lyra slowed them down as they got closer and Hiroki could see that a familiar man standing just outside of the door to the private hall. Now dressed in more formal robes like he was.

     Sighing, Ken moved from where he was leaning and intercepted the two. "Don't panic, but an unexpected guest has decided to make himself at home. Salzen is going to have a fit when he wakes up."

She nodded and glanced at the hall where she could feel the presence coming from. "I could sense another vampire inside, but it's difficult to really get a read on him through the wood walls. Who is it and why are you stressed about it? It's not Iguro is it?" Lyra asked, thinking it might be the young vampire who had just recently joined their assassin order. He had a lot of skill, but naturally, he tended to get on some nerves due to his young age.

     "Unfortunately, not. It's the head general for the Blood King's army, he's here and it's got both Taron and Asahi all riled up. You have experience in this kind of situations, what do you suggest we do? Personally, I'm going to go and guard Salzen to make sure that he doesn't re-appear." Ken asked her for advice. While he had rubbed elbows with plenty of nobles as well as cleaned his blades with their blood, he was lost when it came to the delicacy of politics. Especially when two rival empires are sitting across from one another at a dinner table.

     "Uncle Katsu is here?" Hiroki asked with excitement.

     Both heads snapped to the kid.

     "You know him?"

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