Chapter 10

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The Blood King stood at the edge of the tents that he and his men had put together to help with the injured or those who lost their homes. Only a few of his men were lost, even less suffering from severe wounds. The ones with minor injuries were already back up and moving, now offering aid to the refugees or helping

Katsu noticed him standing one the sidelines, scanning the area as though he was looking for something. Or someone. He sighed heavily and walked toward his old friend, dreading the news he was going to have to deliver to him.

"Rai." Katsu called out as he neared him.

Giving his general a quick once over as he came closer, he was relieved to see that he was safe and appeared to be unharmed. "Katsu, what do you have to report?" Rai asked him.

"I can't find him anywhere. Every time I get close to his scent, it disappears, and I end up having to backtrack to see if I could find where it left off. I don't know who she trusted to watch over him, but they are making sure that he's very difficult to find." Rai, nodding, turned his attention back to the camp. "I do have some terrible news though, I was trying to follow her like you instructed me to, but she's incredibly fast and managed to slip away. I fear the worst has happened my friend."

"What do you mean?"

Sighing, knowing that he was having to give his friend the worst news about the woman he had been chasing for years. "I tried to save her, but before I could reach her, lord Taron's home fell. Both of them were inside. I'm very sorry, but they both must have  perished from the collapse. I failed you, my king." Katsu dropped into a very low bow before him, expressing his deep sorrow at failing the task he had been given.

"How long ago did this happen?" Rai asked him.

Katsu's heart was breaking for the pain and shock he must have been feeling. "Um, maybe three hours before sun rise...I don't see why that would matter? I fear that she is gone, and I have failed you."

Rai glanced down at him and grabbed his arm to make him stand. "Don't fret over it, we have a lot we need to do here still, and I don't want to leave anyone behind before we journey home."

Katsu was very confused and startled by Rai's behavior, he had expected him to at least look sad or even deeply upset with the news that Lyra was dead, but Rai seemed completely unbothered.

A few villagers rushed toward them and began to ask if there was anything they could do to help, Rai ushered Katsu to go through the camp and see what he could do to help move things along. As he went from tent to tent, either comforting widows or children, to helping tend to the severely injured, Katsu emerged from one tent to see that the sun was beginning to set and noticed that Rai was gently talking to an older woman who had lost her husband to the battle. Katsu could only imagine that he was taking some comfort in helping someone else who had also a loved one. He worried for his friend, Katsu could see how depressed his friend was with, how much he had been trying to accomplish during the day, and it appeared that seeking comfort with an old soul was helping him.

Katsu had noticed Ken survived the battle and was also moving around the camp when he was doing his duties, the human general giving aid wherever he could. How troubled he must be, losing two of his dearest friends in one day.

Ken dropped a few sacks of rice at one of the cooks' tents as they worked to try and get everyone fed before nightfall. He raised his head when he noticed that Katsu was coming his way.

Shrugging off the pain in his ribs, he gave the other general a broad smile. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked when Katsu drew near.

"I just wanted to check on you, how are you taking the news?"

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