Chapter 16

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**Wanted to put a TW here, if your uncomfortable with hearing about child loss or torture please be wary reading this chapter. I'll put a skip warning before and after in case.***

      Their dinner ended right after that. They all dispersed, the others left for their rooms while Rai went to check on his son. Whom was already fast asleep, the day having once again worn him out. The king's room was right across from his son. The room was simple but was still warmly decorated with fresh bedrolls laid out. It seemed as though the owners of the inn had received intel that someone else may be sleeping alongside him.

      A deep sleep was what he needed, and his tired body and mind were more than welcome to the idea. He sighed deeply as he lay across one of the bedrolls, exhaustion from the past few days making him easily fall asleep.

      Rai was woken up abruptly when he felt a weight on his lap. When he opened his eyes, he was surprised to see Lyra sitting over him, her hands gently but firmly pushing his chest to keep him down.

       Sighing, he relaxed. "Feeling better, Lyra?" He asked her.

       She grinned, revealing a second set of shorter fangs just in front of the first ones. "Try again."

       Jolting into a sitting position, his hands grabbed her waist as he looked into those once familiar eyes. These were different though, still just as blue as before, but the black pupils seemed to bleed into the iris in different spots.


      She grinned, flashing the pair of extra fangs. "Hello Vampire King, did you have a nice nap? It's been a while, hasn't it? Strange that I can't remember much of our time together, more of a shame really, but at least my mark has survived." She gently pulled the robe aside, baring his left shoulder. "Not even faded after all this time." She gently stroked the raised fang marks, making Rai slightly shiver.

        "It's good to see you too, L."

        She cocked her head at him. "Is it? I'm sure that you would have preferred to have this conversation with Lyra, but oh well." She shrugged. "I wanted to get a chance to chat with you. I was hoping to learn some more things about you, unfortunately, the conversation earlier got a bit tense before I got the chance." Rai grunted when she shifted her hands down to his chest and pushed him, so his back was against his bedroll again. L leaned forward and ran her nose along his neck. "I don't smell another on you, that makes me very happy."

        Rai's hands tightened on her waist when he felt her tongue and teeth against the side of his jaw, gently nipping and soothing the bites afterwards. "Shame that I know you won't take this any further. A gentleman through-and-through. I don't even need my memories to know that about you." She said when his hands remained where they were.

        "It wouldn't be right, not with you two severed like you are. That being said," L gasped when she was suddenly flipped over. Her back was now on the bedroll, Rai's body was pressed tightly to her, pinning her down. "I can only control myself for so long."

        L grabbed onto his hair when his lips met hers. His hands moved and dug into her thighs, pulling her even closer to him. Tongues tangled and lips pressed hard against each other. L moved her hands further down, past his sides, grabbing the belt of his robe. With a growl, Rai wrapped a hand into her hair, pulling her head slightly back in warning when she tugged at it. L let loose the sound he was hoping to hear, a strange, almost trilling sound from deep in her chest.

       When they broke apart, L gave him a small glare. "Rude. I was enjoying myself." Rai gave her a pointed look back. "Fine. At least I got a kiss out of this. We enjoyed the two that you gave us earlier, you know?"

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