Chapter 15 (spicy) 😈

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Trigger warning: Sexy time. If you're not comfortable with this kind of thing, please skip

Quick note: this event isn't really cannon to the story line at the moment. Rai knows that Lyra is still learning to trust him and he wouldn't push her to do something that she wasn't ready to do. So, consider this a preview to how things will work for them and also baths like these just seem so romantic to me.
Enjoy and know this is my first time ever writing a scene like this so please leave me some feedback so I can make their actual first time together better!

Rai immediately moved his head over to her right shoulder, kissing some of the worst of her scars there. Her markings had done their job in covering them well, but he had seen the shredded, and scarred tissue before they were hidden. Bite after bite had ruined the flesh there, her master had torn her neck open almost every time he bit her. It had torn Rai apart every time he saw the rough tissue, he always wished that he had a chance to rip that monster apart himself.

"I don't see ugly when I look at them, I see who you really are. Scars in this realm are hidden or even shunned when they shouldn't be. They tell your story, the good and the bad times. I see a woman who refused to be broken, no matter how many wounds or scars they added to you. I have scars as well, from times that make me hope they will soon disappear, to others that I mourn when they are gone." He turned her in his arms, making her blink in surprise when she was suddenly looking into his deep red eyes. "Every mark on you is stunning to me, no matter how it ended up on your skin. If I have to spend every moment of my life showing you, then that will be an honor."

Without missing a beat, he bent his head and kissed her. Lyra's mind took a minute, but she soon wrapped her arms around his neck, fingers tangling themselves into his long hair. Pulling him tighter to her. She had been pushing both her instincts and senses back whenever he was close to her, unsure of what she was feeling. But now, nothing was stopping her from being able to ignore them.

His lips are so soft. He's being so gentle.

Rai chuckled lowly when he noticed Lyra having a firm hold on his head. "If I didn't know any better, I would say that you are enjoying this." He said against her lips. A soft growl from her made him smirk. Pressing his lips back to hers in a hungry kiss that made Lyra's growl morph into another sound. One he had heard before and knew the meaning behind it.

With a growl himself, he lifted Lyra so she was sitting just along the stone edge of the bath. Her legs wrapped tightly around his hips, locking her ankles behind his back. Both pulled back for a moment, their breathing hard. Lyra's pupils were blown, she had never been kissed like that and she wanted more. And Rai did as well.

Chuckling at her expression, Rai moved in again. Lyra moaned as their lips met once again and his fingers dug into her hips. This man's kissing was intoxicating and was leaving her dizzy. Pulling her head away to breathe, Rai moved his lips down, his sharp canines grazing the pulsing vein in her neck.

When her head fell back, giving him more access to her throat, Rai couldn't hold back. He knew that biting was something she craved, and it was a massive turn on for her. As it was for him.

Lyra gasped as his fangs sank gently into her throat, listening to him groan as her hot blood poured into his mouth. When he somehow pulled her even closer, Lyra couldn't help but smile at the fact that he was really enjoying her taste.

That he was. Her blood was beyond words for him as it rushed down his throat. Sweet just like her, but rich from her ancient bloodlines. Her soft skin and fresh scent were already making his head spin, it was difficult for him to focus and not take too much.

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