Chapter 20

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Everything looks just right.

Rai had spent more time than he thought he would be putting this dinner into action; he wanted some private time with Lyra without any of his usual distractions. His nosy servants included. They had been paying extremely close attention when he started moving things around in order to try and set up the perfect dinner date. His advisors had come round when they heard the whispers from the maids as they rushed to gather everything for their king. While some had offered a few helpful tips from dinners with their own wives, a few others expressed their concern or disdain.

He was surprised when Mochi had dropped the idea by him and had offered to cook authentic dishes from the Netherworld, especially ones that she knew Lyra would be overjoyed about...he wasn't aware that Mochi even knew any recipes from there. She had pretty much come out of nowhere and set herself up in the kitchen to start cooking when she first showed up. No one seemed to really question where she came from, especially when they tasted her meals.

A light knock at his door had him straighten himself up. "Yes?"

One of his guards cleared his throat. "Your majesty? Lady Lyra is here to see you." When he got the que from his king, the guard slid open the door and gave her entry.

Rai's jaw almost dropped when he saw her walk in. He had never seen her in a dress so extravagant, but this was clearly a blend between their two worlds. Her shoulders were left completely bare, showing how the black lines of her markings and the length of her neck. A collar made of embroidered fabric hid the scars along her neck as well as held onto the front of the light blue fabric dress. Sheer fabric covered her hands and lower arms, some cascading all the way to the floor. Embroidered flowers were sewn into the waist of the dress, a thick vine traveled from the bottom of the floor-length dress and branched up toward the flowers.

Lyra took in his stunned expression and tugged at the sleeves. "I haven't worn something this extravagant in a long time."

"You...look...absolutely stunning. I don't have any words for how incredibly beautiful you look." He smiled when he noticed the blush blossom across her shoulders and face. "Thank you for agreeing to joining me tonight."

Lyra snorted softly. "I didn't even know you had invited me until after Jessara found me earlier this afternoon. She and the other two grabbed me and started fixing me up as soon as I walked into my room. Thank you for that, I love it."

Rai gestured for her to come and sit, trying hard to hide the elation he was feeling at her thanks. "You are very welcome; I did have a bit of help with the decorating though. How did you enjoy the tour that Hiroki gave you? I trust that he was thorough?"

Smirking, she nodded as she sat down. "He was. I'll probably have to familiarize the palace myself, but he did a very good job. The older buildings where the original palace was definitely caught my eye." Rai nodded along, that was a favorite spot of his to go to and it didn't surprise him that she would gravitate more towards that. "I also got to meet your head cook."

Rai raised a brow at that. "You met Mochi?"

"I did, I was shocked to say the least...she was the absolute last species I was expecting to meet here. An Unknown, and this far from any portals to the Netherworld too."

"She's an unknown?"

"I met one once, that's the only reason I was able to figure out what she is. They have this strange...aura...about them. I don't know how to explain it. Hiroki showed me the library as well."

Rai nodded. "I heard about that. Hiroki came to give me a 'report' and told me how Senichi fainted when you told him about who his favorite author has turned out to be."

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