Chapter 8

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     The sun had finally set, and the festival was already well on its way. People were either dancing to the music as it was being played or drinking to their hearts content. Children raced through the streets, dodging the stumbling adults or the guards that had drawn the short straw and had to be on duty during the festivities.

     Lyra and Salzen laughed as Ken challenged people to shows of strength and the reigning champion was struggling against Hiroki who had taken on the challenge; and was winning.

      "If that youngling leech beats him, we will never hear the end of it." Salzen shook his head and reached for his cup only to realize it was empty. "I'm going to get something a touch stronger, do you want me to get you anything?" She declined and watched as he walked off into the thick crowds. Lyra was hoping that he would somewhat warm up to the boy, but it seemed like that might take a while longer.

     King Asahi spotted her finally alone and saw his chance to move toward her. He gave her a wide smile and sat down across from her. "Good evening, my dear. Have you been enjoying yourself?"

     "Shouldn't I be asking you that question?" She countered with a soft smile.

     He laughed. "I am enjoying myself. This is a fine party for such a small village, the one's that my people throw are so extravagant and full of exotic dancers and foods, it's nice to get to relax at one such as this."

     Lyra could see through that compliment but choose not to get into an argument so early in the night. "I'm glad that you are having fun, what brings you over here?"

      "I have a proposition for you. Salzen has told me how incredibly talented you are and, if you are interested, I think it would be wise for you to come to the southern kingdom with me when I return there." He gave her another one of his charming smiles. "You have this place that you can come to in the summer and join me down in my home during the cooler months. I will have no trouble making sure that you stay warm."

     Is he serious?

     Snorting, she shook her head. "I will have to pass on your...generous offer. I have had my fill of royalty for a lifetime, if I could spend the rest of my existence not playing their games, I will gladly choose that path." Asahi blinked at her, surprised at her rejection. "And not to emasculate you, but I don't think we would do well with each other."

     "And why do you think that? I have been told that I am a very generous lover. None of my wives have any complaints, in fact, they all beg for me to join them for the night." Asahi boasted, irritated that she would assume he could not handle a woman.

     Lyra gave him a bored look. "Funny that, I knew someone who would claim the same thing. He wasn't that good, and I doubt you would be any different. In fact, you wouldn't be able to handle someone like me. I know what I look for in a lover...and you don't have a single quality that I find attractive. One night with me and your reign as king would be over."

     "Are you threatening me?"

     She laughed. "You took that as a threat? I was simply letting you know that this," she gestured to the two of them, "will never happen. Goodbye now."

     Asahi stood up quickly, shaking the table and had Lyra ready to reach for one of her knives.

     The soft chime of a bell had her head snapping to a random alleyway, only to see it was empty.

      Turning her attention back to Asahi, she glared at him. "Try something, and I'll be doing the Blood King a favor. You think Salzen is fast? You haven't seen me in a real fight." She stood and starred down at the man who appeared to be threatening her. "Back off. Count your blessings or thank whatever deities you believe in, if we were in my home realm? Your blood would have painted the ground by now, and everyone would have danced on your corpse as if nothing happened. Get lost, little king."

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