Chapter 21

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A few days passed after that night. The rumors of the palace's new guest had spread quickly, and many were still slowing their usual work pace whenever the white-haired woman would walk past them. Some spoke of how she and the king seemed to spend almost every night dining with each other, while other whispered about how the woman would be spotted coming back from the woods early in the morning, sometimes covered in blood.

Lyra was impressed with how much Hiroki had already improved, and in just a few days, nonetheless. Said boy was not with her this afternoon though, Rai had come by and offered to teach his son some combat skills at the training grounds. He mainly offered since he wanted to spend some time with his son, but overhearing the whispers from his staff was concerning him.

Hyro walked back toward the older part of the palace, passing over the bridge that he had helped his late king build when they had first settled on this spot. He quickly spotted Lyra sitting on the steps of the pagoda, her head laying against the railing. Hyro could see from her closed eyes and even breathing that she was simply resting and not sleeping.

"I believe that you were given an order to go get some actual sleep, not just taking a nap amongst the cherry trees."

Smirking, she glanced up at him. "I was sleeping. Perks of the job, I don't have to be fully asleep in order to get some rest. I can't even remember the last time I was fully asleep, I have too much going on."

Hyro assumed she was talking about her duties as a child of death. "I can't imagine that there are too many Wolven passing away every day. Wouldn't other children, of your species, be able to help? That's how it works from what I understand."

"Usually yes. Everyone kind trades times so that no one is overwhelmed with their duties, this kind of thing takes out a lot on someone. In my circumstance, it's just me. There aren't any other Wolven children of death. Just me."

"Why are you the only one?"

"None of the others have survived past infancy, at least that's what I was told, the why is still a mystery to me."

"So, you have to deal with all of the Wolven that pass on?"

"Yep, and any hybrids if I'm around. Thankfully though, the other species tend to help me out with that." Sometimes it amazed her that other immortals, even human, children of death were more helpful to her than her own kind. "I have a question for you, how did you know I was a child of death?"

"Your eyes." He answered simply. "Only Children of Death have eyes like yours. The blue color that looks as though it's swirling around like the rivers in paradise. Isn't that how it's always written as?" Lyra nodded.

"Well, I actually came over here with a request actually. Rai is holding court, and I was curious to get your perspective on some of the issues?"

"Why me?"

"Rai has made it very clear that he values your opinion and that he fully intends to make you his queen one day, so consider this a test of sorts. You tested Hiroki on his skills, I'm curious to see your skills on some of these topics."

Sighing, she stood. "I don't know how helpful I'll be, but why not?"

The two walked side-by-side towards the main hall, a line of villagers or other nobles stretched out from the doors of the hall.

"Are all of these people bringing up an issue?"

"No, many of these people are here just to give tribute to him. There's several though that are here from the different districts, representing the people from the villages. Come along." He escorted her inside, the guards moving out of their path with a slight bow. He ushered her so they walked along the wall, many of the advisors were already listening or taking notes of any grievances being raised.

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