Chapter 18

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Rai barely listened as a few of his councilmen droned on about different topics that so desperately needed his attention according to them.

Rai, however, was sure that they just didn't want to put the effort into solving the issues themselves.

They had been happy with his return, but extremely against his decision to bring Lyra here, Hyro had been unexpectedly quiet throughout the whole night.

He couldn't help his thoughts from wandering to her. If she had gotten enough rest or if she had already met her new handmaidens? One of which he was especially wanting to hear her reaction about.

Councilman Nao mentioned something that had his attention snapping back to the present.

"-these reports about cultists harassing some of the northern villages are beginning to escalate. As much as I don't think they are a problem that would require your consideration, they are starting to become a nuisance and causing an issue with some of the guards patrolling the areas." Said man ran a hand over his short beard in agitation.

"Cultists?" He asked.

Nao sighed. "A cult has made their home along the mountains just north of here, the leader has been preaching something about promising eternal life or something along those lines."

Rai frowned. "The witch from the other night was talking about such a belief, she called it paradise though. The leader was pushing the idea that it could be attained or traveled to. The witch implied that Lyra maybe the key to achieving such a thing." He snorted when he heard Nao mumble in annoyance that he was bringing her up again. Nao was one of his father's advisors and was also one of the biggest pushers for Rai to have an heir and for Kaede to become his queen.

Hyro was once again quiet during the entire exchange. He found it very strange and perhaps an odd coincidence that the female wolven was around at the same time while this cult seemed to be growing power. Now he was hearing that they may actually be linked?

"Your highness." Hyro started, drawing Rai's attention to him. "I have a concern with how...rapidly this all seems to be happening. I know the stories that I have heard about this girl and many of them are disturbing or at least very concerning. I am aware of your connection to her, but I am hesitant to accept her presence here."

Rai nodded. He understood that Hyro would always be worrying about his welfare, that was the first part of his job as his head advisor. "I can assure you that you will not have to worry about my welfare when it comes to her, and I have to agree, the circumstances of all this happening so quickly are very suspicious." Several footsteps coming up the few steps to the building caught his and Hyro's attention since they could hear them. "Perhaps you can ask her your questions?"

The doors opened and revealed Lyra with her three handmaidens, the three behind her bowed low when they moved forward and got closer to their king. Lyra remained standing, something that irritated Nao.

"Servant's bow to their king." He attempted to correct her.

Lyra smirked at him. "I am not a servant. In my culture, it is considered rude to bow to someone of the same stature, even more so for wolven." She glanced at Rai, who was admiring the light blue that she was put in, a color and style that he was not expecting her to walk around in. "I do apologize if that seems disrespectful to you." Rai shook his head, he knew how wolven behaved and her rank was similar to his.

Nao sputtered though. "Same stature? You are no queen." He hissed.

Hyro cleared his throat. "Actually, she is. Not in this realm, however. It works differently there, even if their husband dies, they still hold the title that was given to them through the marriage. Which I am assuming is what happened?" He asked her.

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