Chapter 24

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Isadora sighed deeply when the hot water from the bathhouse seemed to soak deep into her bones. Dragons, especially crimson ones, were already hot natured but nothing was better than a hot bath after flying in cold air for so long. The water had been scented with oils and flowers, making the smell heavenly.

"Having a good time?" Lyra asked, sitting next to her in the chest deep water. Both wore plush fabric wrapped tightly around themselves. Normally, neither would have cared, but Isadora insisted on them.

"How have you not been sleeping in here? You hate the cold more than I do." She asked her, laying her head back against the stones. The heat from the pools in turn warmed the stones as well.

Lyra laughed. "This is a pretty common area, too many people coming in and out."

"Just go into your wolf form, they won't come anywhere near here. It'll become haunted like the house where we found you." That big form of her's was massive and it was easy for it to scare people off.

"Can't forget that all of you sat outside until I calmed down."

"You scared the hell out of Jackal though, he threw his sword in there and was too scared to go in and get it." Isadora moved closer to her. "So, tell me what's on your mind?"

Lyra gave Isadora a fake innocent look. "What makes you think something is on my mind?"

"You're quiet. You're only quiet when your deep in your own thoughts. So, what's up?"

"Nothing, Is." She raised a brow, Lyra knew she wasn't going to let up with that look. "I don't know what to do."

"About the vamp or just life in general?"


"We'll, can't help you with the life part, but I can definitely help you with lover boy. So, how far have you two gone?"


"Just trying to get an idea down of where I'm starting from and none of the boys are here yet, so..."

"We've only kissed." Lyra dropped her head, she looked at Is after a moment to see that the dragon looked positively bored. "What?"

"How long have you been with him?"

"Now or before I met you?"


"He said we were together for months before I met you guys, and then I've been here for about three weeks?"

"And all you've done is kiss, why? Are you having issues with moving forward?"

"I don't know! I've had sex before, hell I've even initiated it, but this is different."

"Well duh." Lyra glanced at Isadora. "With them, you learned how to use it to your advantage or had it forced upon you. It's no wonder that you are having a bit of an issue with being intimate with him. Your only experiences with sex were the worst you could have had. It's meant to be pleasurable for both or any involved, not forced like yours was. It's natural that you're shying away from something unknown."

"I'm also worried that if I do show any desire to move forward...will I really want to, or is it because I see something I can get out of it?"

"Hmm. Has there been anything that you've wanted from him so far? Besides nights of fiery passion?" She laughed when Lyra snorted. "I'll take that as a no. You aren't the same person as you were, you've changed so much already. Have you tried talking with him?"

"Sort of."

"Well, be direct with him. He's still a man. He won't know if something is wrong or if you want him to do something without communicating that with him."

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