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I'm awaken to a butterfly landing on my itchy nose and what it seems like Cato sharpening and admiring his perilous sword. "Morning," I say as I smell roasted rabbit being cooked right above our essential fire. The blazing sun rolls into Marvel and Peeta's eyes awakening them also. Glimmer is surprisingly still asleep as it is almost afternoon, using Cato's backpack as a pillow. After a few minutes, Glimmer wakes up as we decide and agree to go hunting for more tributes, as we already have many useful and wholesome food supplies. "Who's left?" Marvel asks with much curiosity. "Definitely less than half, maybe 10 or so?" Cato answers. We all chat about finishing the girl on fire as Peeta mysteriously stays silent.

Marvel and Peeta agrees to guard camp as Cato, Glimmer and I start to hunt for tribute's flesh. We travel a few kilometers in all different types of movements. We reach a towering tree, with much colors of foliage. At that moment, we hear an obvious rustle in the leaves. I grab my knife as Glimmer clenches her bow and Cato grabs his sword, but after that, we don't hear anything again. I groan as I'm annoyed at this false alarm. All three of us head back to camp, our legs slightly weakened and various very tiny gashes and marks from falls. "We should just wreck this camp and go somewhere else now to find Katniss," I suggest. "Alright," Glimmer and Cato say in sync. We all sprint around the vast arena, hearing some fire noises every here and there, inquisitive on what the gamemakers are using against all tributes. Maybe they're aiming on only one of us? Maybe even Katniss?

We all giggle and laugh as we approach a river, as our throats are quenching with thirst. "There she is! Get her!" Marvel suddenly screams across the wide lake. I observe the one and only Katniss, struggling and dreading, hoping only for peace and quiet. "C'mon! Get her now!" Cato says as his bloodthirstiness is overflowing for her death. "Where you going, girl on fire?" I taunt loudly. All five of us display triumphant grins from ear to ear except for Peeta, remaining expressionless. Katniss is now climbing a tree skillfully, until we've reached her effortlessly. "Get her Cato!" Glimmer, Marvel and I repeatedly shriek as Cato climbs the tree ambitiously, using his sharpened sword as some tool to keep him sturdy. He unfortunately falls to the ground brutally, back first. All four careers stare at each other, pondering what to do. Without hesitation, Glimmer grabs an arrow from her sheath and shoots at the district twelve girl, unluckily missing. Cato takes another arrow, and once again, Katniss dodges it. I groan in disgust and annoyance as I want her to face her death ready. She's more threatening than I thought. "Maybe you should just throw the sword?" Katniss encouragingly shouts. "Let's just wait her out." Peeta murmurs softly. The four of us glare into each other's eyes, perplexed. "She's gotta come down some point, either that or starve to death." he adds. Cato pushes the sheath into Glimmer's chest as he strolls a few steps away. "Someone go make a fire."

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