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Spring, 1942

Twenty-seven-year-old Jamie Ross stood proudly as he watched his new fiancé embrace his parents. He'd been going over in his head how this moment would turn out since the day he realized he was going to propose to Alice and now it was here. His mother, Nancy wiped tears away from her eyes and his father, Allen extended his hand to give his eldest son a handshake.
"I'm so happy for the both of you!" Nancy cried as she wiped more tears from her red rimmed eyes.
"I've dreamt of this day. Jamie she's so beautiful."
"Thanks mama." Jamie said as he stuffed his hands into his pockets.
He and Alice had known each other since they were in diapers and so it only made sense that they ended up together. She was sensible. Pretty. Came from a good to do family. Jamie figured it just made sense.
"We're going over to my parents house after this to give them the good news!" Alice said. She turned to face Jamie and smiled. Her strawberry blonde hair was pulled back into a bun showing off her blue eyes that coined her "the bell of the south."
"Glad we're the first to know," said Allen. He then walked out of the living room and into the kitchen. He returned shortly with two bottles of beer handing one over to Jamie.
"I was nervous you two would not approve."
Nancy gasped, "how could you think that? We love Alice. Only girl we'll disapprove is anyone Tommy brings in here off the street." She said referring to Jamie's younger brother.
"In this small town you're bound to know the girls he brings home." Jamie took a sip of the beer. He'd been so anxious and was glad it was finally over-well almost.
"We must be going. I'm sure mother has the maid running around like a chicken with it's head off." Alice joked. She hugged his parents goodbye and she and Jamie were out the door.

Olivia Townsend listened to the older woman's lungs closely all while trying to ignore the woman's ranting on about a possible single grandson of hers. Olivia pulled away removing the stethoscope from her ears and placing it around her neck.
"Are you sure you're ok, Mrs. Fields?" Olivia asked.
"Didn't hear anything, huh? I told you my Edward is just dramatic when it comes to these things. Now, about my grandson, Alfred—"
"I'm sorry Mrs. Fields but I'm going to have to stop you there. I'm too busy to go out with anyone."
"At least let me show you a picture of him. I keep one right here in my purse." The old woman reached into her worn purse and dug inside. Olivia stayed her hand.
"I'm flattered but I really can't. This hospital is all I know. And it takes up most of my time."
"That's because you let it." Both Olivia and Mrs. Fields turned to face Dr. Hayes. He was an older dark skinned man with salt and pepper hair and big bifocals.
"Dr. Hayes, I thought you were out?" Olivia said stepping aside.
"Emergency down the hall. You doing ok, Mrs. Fields?"
"As I keep telling you, Olivia and my dear husband, I am perfectly fine."
"Mind if I see for myself? Don't want that cough coming back do we?"
Mrs. Fields mumbled under her breath. Olivia watched as Dr. Hayes listened to the old woman's lungs. But this time she wasn't ranting about setting anyone up. Although Dr. Hayes had been widowed for some time now.
"Sounds good. We'll send you home."
"Thank you. Oh, and Olivia, if you change your mind, you can always find my grandson working down at the butcher shop with Otis." Mrs. Fields stepped off the table and made her way out of the room. Olivia shook her head at the old woman with a smile she couldn't hide and began cleaning up the room.
"You know," Dr. Hayes started, "I don't see why you keep turning her grandson down. Come to think of it, since you've been here I've never known you to be courting with anyone."
"That's because I'm not interested in courting. I came here to do a job and then I'm heading west." Olivia explained.
"Oh, yes. California. Any way I can get you to stay? We need good nurses like you."
Olivia smiled at the older man and watched as he walked out of the room. She sighed. She'd been here five months since finishing school and leaving her hometown and ever since she'd been hounded about dating. Not that she wasn't interested but there weren't really that many eligible men in the small town of Mahogany, Alabama. And the ones that were eligible she either couldn't date due to segregation or they simply weren't her type.
Olivia had to admit she did want to be one of those couples that were seen down at Ronald's old juke joint dancing and cutting a rug but she was busy at the hospital. She had patients to tend to and when her day was done she was too tired to do anything but go home and sleep and prepare to do it all over again. No. If she were to meet anyone they would simply have to meet her here at the hospital.
At that moment, Parnell Andrews one of the doctors at the hospital and a bane in Olivia's side entered the room. Olivia decided to focus her attention on straightening up the small room and ignoring anything he had to say. Parnell had made his interest known from the first day and Olivia had made it clear every chance she got that she was not interested.
"You know, I've had my fair share of beautiful women but none of them can hold a candle to you." Parnell said as he stood beside Olivia watching her stuff cotton balls into a glass jar.
"Is there something I can help you with, doctor?"
"I was wondering if you'd like to have lunch with me."
Olivia pasted on a smile before saying, "no thank you. I'm eating with Marlene." Marlene was another nurse and her only friend.
"I don't mind the company. Two beautiful women. I can't complain." Olivia turned to face him, she didn't try to hide her disinterest.
"I'm sorry doctor but I'll have to decline."
"One day I'm going to wear you down, nurse Townsend." Olivia shuddered at the confidence in his voice. The man was handsome she could admit that but, he was slimy and had been with just about the entire female population at the hospital as well as the town. Olivia had no intention of being his next victim and town's latest gossip.

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