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Jamie parked his truck and climbed out of the vehicle. He'd just come from Alice's parents home after going over wedding details and he was in need of a drink. Walking up to the small building, Jamie saw his brother Thomas leaning against the brick wall smoking a cigarette.
"If mama catches you smoking that you'll be in a whole world of trouble."
Thomas removed the cigarette from his mouth and smiled.
"Eh, she's too busy fussing over your upcoming nuptials to worry about me. I could light six of these in her face and she wouldn't even notice." He pulled on the cigarette and blew out the smoke before holding it out to Jamie.
"You know I don't smoke. Besides, you should be worried about your future next. Once mama's got me over the threshold she'll be turning he attention to you." Jamie laughed as he watched his brother's eyes widen in fear.
"Let's go inside. Wedding planning has me exhausted."
"Alice and her parents getting on you?" Thomas asking blowing out more smoke.
"That. But it's everything in between. Finding an new house and there's talk about children. I'm still trying to process being a married man."
"Well ya ain't married yet. I say you get a nice looking gal and top your last days of freedom just right."
Jamie shook his head. He wasn't the cheating type. He knew men who would step out on their wives but he didn't see the need for it.
"Alice is the only woman I need."
Thomas shrugged his shoulders then threw the cigarette down and crushed it with his shoe.
"Suit yourself."
Just as they were about to walk inside a colored woman emerged from the building wearing a nurses outfit. Jamie quietly admitted to himself that she was beautiful for a colored woman and took notice of her appearance. She was a brown skin complexion with long dark hair that was held back with a red scarf on her head. She had full lips and a heart shaped face. He couldn't help but wonder what a woman like her was doing in a place like that. Just then a tall and heavy set colored man emerged behind her.
"Remember, Arnold, Dr. Hayes says no drinking unless you want to end up how you did last time." She warned.
"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."
Jamie watched as she put both her hands on her hips, her dress rising just a bit and he groaned as he tried to ignore her shapely figure. What was wrong with him? Before Alice he'd never looked another woman's way and especially a colored woman.
"Just to be safe, I'm informing your wife as well."
Arnold groaned, "fine. Do what you must but I'll be fine."
"Let's hope so." She turned and noticing for the first time Jamie and Thomas standing before her. Eyes widened, she excused herself apologized before walking away.
"Say, Arnold. Who's the little kitten?" Thomas asked.
"Just one of the nurses down at the hospital. Takes her job too seriously." Arnold explained.
"You sweet on her? You don't want me to tell Phylis, do you?" Thomas teased. Arnold was the jockey at the bar and cleaned up around the place.
"No, sir. She was just doing her job." Arnold quickly hurried back inside.
"I have to admit, I never tried dark meat but that little lady could just be the ticket." Thomas said before walking inside.
Jamie turned to face the direction the woman had walked in. He willed his body to settle down before he saw it fitting to go inside. Telling himself he was marrying the woman he loved.

"I want my money and I want it now!" Jamie looked up from the table he and Thomas had been sitting at and noticed the voice was coming from Harold Green. Harold had a reputation for being a card shark and known for being dangerous. Anyone who owed him money were usually never seen again if they couldn't pay the debt. Jamie sighed when he saw the person Harold was talking to was no other than Thomas. Jamie had been so in his thoughts about the wedding and the woman from earlier that he hadn't noticed that Thomas was no longer at the table.
"I said I will have your money." Thomas said.
"You said that last month. It's been three months!"
Jamie winced. How much did Thomas owe him that it was taking him this long to pay Harold back? People usually didn't mess with the Ross boys because their father as well as Jamie were lawyers and their reputation was known in the small town. Was that why Harold was letting Thomas get off?
"Hey, I said I'll get you your money and I meant it. Just give me some more time."
"Thirty days and nothing more." Harold warned before storming off. Jamie watched as Thomas shook his head and then headed toward the table. When he reached the table, Thomas smiled his boyish smile.
"Another round? Or are you calling it a night?"
"What was that all about ?"
"What? Harold? Eh, nothing. We played cards some time ago and I lost. Don't worry I'll pay him back."
"Tommy. Harold is dangerous. You've heard the rumors. How much do you owe him?"
"Don't worry about it. I will get Harold the money."
"Tommy." Jamie said. Thomas sighed and pushed his dark hair out of his face.
"It's not a lot if that's what you're worrying about."
"How much?"
"A thousand dollars."
"Jesus, Tommy! What the hell?"
"I know. But I don't need you trying to help. I got into this mess and I'm going to get myself out."
"How? In a body bag?"
"No. This is why I didn't want you to find out." Thomas dug into his pocket and pulled out a bill slapping it on the table.
"I got this covered." With that Thomas walked out of the bar, leaving Jamie alone.

Jamie was deep in thought. The wedding planning was taking up most of his thoughts and then there was the issue with Tommy. Where was his brother going to get a thousand dollars in thirty days? He could go to his parents but he was sure Tommy didn't want that. He said he could handle it but it had already been three months and Tommy still didn't have the money. Jamie sighed and slammed his fist on the steering wheel of his truck. He pushed his hair out of his face blew out a breath. He would have to give Tommy the money. Make it a loan so Tommy didn't think anything of it.
Bright lights blinded his vision and Jamie looked up to see three cars blocking his way on the road. Coming to a stop he turned off the engine and waited for the dust to settle so he could make out who it was. Six men stood before him but Jamie couldn't make them out due to the lights. Opening the door he climbed out and walked around the front of the car. That's when he noticed Harold.
"Your brother in there with you?" Harold spoke up.
"No. Just me. Listen I know my brother owes you the money and I'm going to give it to you."
"Good. But, just to make sure there's no funny business..." Harold whistled and the men with him charged towards Jamie.
Jamie managed to swing, his fist connecting with one of the guys but he was no match for all of them and before he knew it he was overpowered. A punch to the stomach sent him falling to the ground and the next thing he felt was a kick to his back. Punches were thrown and Jamie was powerless to defend himself. The last thing he remembered before the feeling of a boot connecting to the back of his head was the face of the nurse earlier that day.

Olivia locked up the building later that night and pulled her jacket closed. Although it was spring, it was still chilly at night. The boardinghouse where she rented a room wasn't far from the hospital and so Olivia usually walked to work. Although tonight she wished she had a car so she didn't have to.
Starting down the road she looked up to admire the stars and how bright they shined. She never got to see anything like this living up north but now that she was in the country it was the one thing she loved about living there. The sound of a car approaching had Olivia turning, her heart pounding. She was all alone and defenseless to whoever was coming her way.
Her heartbeat slowed when she saw Marlene's head pop out the side of the passenger window.
"We're headed to the juke joint tonight. You want to come? Tony's got a cousin and he's been dying to meet you."
"I'm fine." Olivia said.
"Are you sure? All you do is work and go home just to do it again the next day. Have a little fun, Liv." Marlene pleaded.
"I love my job. You two go have fun. Tell you cousin, Tony, that I'm sorry."
"It's alright," Tony said, "at least let us take you home." He offered.
"It's not that far. I prefer to walk."
"Are you sure?" Marlene asked. She looked concerned and Olivia was proud to call her a friend.
"I am. I don't want to take you two away from your fun."
"Fine. Let's go, Tony. Be safe, Liv." Olivia assured her she would and when they drove off she went in search for something to protect herself just in case. Finding a small brick on the side of the road she tucked into her purse, adjusting to the weight of it and then started walking towards the boardinghouse. A long hot bath was what she was thinking about.

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