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Olivia sat on the bed staring at the two suitcases sitting beside her bed. She was leaving. She thought about when she first came down to Alabama and how excited she was to be finally working as a nurse. She loved helping people and knew that being a nurse was the field she was meant to be in. Now here she was leaving and going to California. Jamie would be here soon and her short time in Mahogany would come to an end.
Olivia sighed and fixed her gloves. She stood looked around the room and smiled fondly. She would miss the small town but Jamie was right it wasn't safe for her here anymore.
The door opened and a solemn Mrs. Evans entered.
"I'm going to miss you terribly. And that man of yours too. I packed lunch for the both of you. She took Olivia's hands into her aging ones and squeezed.
"Take care of yourself, my dear."
"Thank you for everything Mrs. Evans."
"You're very welcome. I've always considered you the daughter I never had. Who knows, maybe when you're settled I can come and visit. I'd like to see something other than this small town."
"I'd like that very much."
"Liv?" Both Olivia and Mrs. Evans turned to find Jamie in the doorway. He looked dapper in his white button up and slacks.
"It's time to go." Olivia nodded and stepped aside as Jamie went to grab her suitcases.
"Jamie, I just want to let you know that I'm praying for you. Promise me you'll come back home to my Olivia." Jamie looked up at Mrs. Evans and smiled.
"I promise." He walked out of the room carrying bags and Olivia wiped at the tears in her eyes.
"No sense in crying, child it doesn't do any good. Now go. And write to me when you get there."
"I will. Thank you again."
Olivia stepped up into the truck with the help of Jamie and waited as he put the suitcases in the back. Once he was done he opened the door and climbed inside.
"Are you ready?" He asked. Olivia shook her head and he started up the car. They waved to Mrs. Evans and the other tenants and drove off.
"How did things go with your parents?" Olivia asked after a few moments of riding in silence.
"As expected I guess. They didn't

yell but they certainly didn't remain quiet."
"And...Alice?" Even though Olivia didn't particularly like the woman she couldn't imagine how it must feel to have someone you thought love you end things so abruptly.
"As expected." Was all Jamie said.

They arrived at the train station in Birmingham and Jamie managed to take care of their bags. When he returned to Olivia who stood on the busy platform waiting on the train he stood beside her smiling and nodding at those who walked by and eyed them suspiciously. Olivia noticed the colored waiting room and her eyes lingered on the sign above the door.
"You don't have to wait in there, you know." Jamie assured. She turned to him and smiled.
"What about when we get on the train? You didn't purchase a ticket for a colored person."
"You will sit beside me and if anyone has anything to say about it they can take it up with me."
Olivia just prayed that trip wasn't long for she didn't need any more stressors. Her palms were sweaty and she was beginning to feel the onset of a headache.
"We stop in New Orleans and from there we'll go straight to San Diego. The trip in total should take two days." Jamie informed her.
"That's not bad. I suppose I'd spend a hundred days on a train if it meant getting me out of here." Olivia said jokingly and Jamie laughed.
The sound of the train pulling in caught their attention and Olivia took a deep breath. This was it. Jamie took her hand and Olivia relished in the strength of his hold. God help her she needed all of the strength she could get.
"BIRMINGHAM TO NEW ORLEANS!" A conductor called out.
"That's us," jame said facing Olivia who tried to mask her nerves, "are you ready?"
"I'm ready."
They walked in line towards where a man stood in front of the train checking tickets. Olivia felt her stomach roll as the neared their turn.
"Don't worry about a thing." Jamie assured.
When they got up to the ticket agent Jamie handed him their tickets and the man looked at them oddly before eyeing the tickets once again.
"Sir, you do realize these are tickets for the 'whites only' cars?"
"I do." Jane replied.
The man eyed Olivia with a slight look of disgust.
"She has to ride in the 'coloreds only' car."
"She is riding with me. I purchased tickets and I expect to be accommodated."
"Sir if we started accommodating every white man with a fetish for nigger women we'd be out of business."
Jamie took a deep breath and Olivia touched his shoulder to calm him.
"Jamie, it's ok. I can ride in the other car."
"No! You'll ride with me." Jamie looked at the man, his eyes narrowed.
"I purchased tickets and we will be seated. I'm a lawyer sir I will sue this entire train station if I have to and win."
The man sputtered, stumbling over his words. He Olivia watched as beads of sweat formed on his brow and she smiled on the inside.
"T-take your tickets sir. Next stop is New Orleans."
Jamie nodded towards the man and escorted Olivia on to the train.
"Would you really have sued?" Olivia asked as they walked to find their seats.
"I'd sue Roosevelt himself if I had to." Jamie said with a smug grin. Olivia shook her head and laughed as they continued walking.
"I don't suppose they'll feed me on here but I'm glad Mrs. Evans packed us a lunch for the ride. She must have known."
Olivia thought back on what Mrs. Evans had told her about the love of her life. Had they tried to break the mold as well?"
"I don't suppose they will either. However being a lawyer has its perks..."
"No, Jamie. I don't want you threatening these people with law suits. I just want to get to San Diego as peacefully as possible."
"What should we do once we get there?" Jamie asked changing the subject.
Olivia thought on his question for a moment, "I'd like to see the house and then look for work."
"Yes. I'll need a means to support myself."
"I see."
"Yes. And then I'd like to have a picnic."
"A picnic?"
"Yes. I've never been on one and have always wanted to go. Marlene's beau, Tony takes her picnics all the time."
"Have you ever had a beau before?"
Olivia shook her head, "there's no time for courting when you're working long hours. Men don't like a woman who's making her own money."
"I see."
"You see what Jamie Ross?" Olivia asked before biting into her sandwich.
"Only that you've not had much fun in life. I deduced that early on but now I'm convinced."
"Once my parents died and I found myself on my own I learned really quickly that money is very important."
"What if you didn't have to work such long hours? Would you like that?"
"I believe I would. I'd have time for a lot of things. I miss my garden and would like to have more time doing that. I showed Mrs. Evans the garden and pray she tends to it."
"If I remember correctly, the house in San Diego has a wonderful garden."
Olivia's eyes widened in glee, "truly? Oh, Jamie I'd love to be able to start a new garden!"
Jamie decided that he enjoyed seeing her happy. He enjoyed even more being the one to make her happy.
"We should be in New Orleans tomorrow."
"I've never been to New Orleans. I'd love to see it and not just stopping by on the train."
Jamie decided right there he'd take her to New Orleans. He'd take her wherever her heart desired.
Olivia yawned and leaned back in her chair. She sat up abruptly and looked around, Jamie looked around as well and noticed for the first time the angry stares in their direction.
"I'm afraid to close my eyes." Olivia whispered. Jamie took her hand in his and squeezed.
"Go on to sleep. I'll stay up and make sure nothing happens."
Olivia nodded and closed her eyes. Jamie continued to hold her hand, he looked around and the angry glares still continued.
He prayed they'd reach New Orleans soon and he wouldn't have to put he or Olivia's life at risk before the night was over.

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