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  Jamie hung his head between his knees his hands clasped before him as he drowned out the sounds of the hospital and prayed that Olivia pulled through. He didn't understand it. Why would Tommy shoot? When he charged after Harold Green when he slapped Olivia Jamie had saw from the corner of his eye Tommy dragging Olivia away. Was he trying to get her away to safety?
He would not have shot her if had. A sick feeling came over Jamie and fought to keep the contents of his stomach at bay.
"Jamie?" Jamie's head shot up at the sound of his name and he turned to see a dark skinned woman standing before him wearing a nurses uniform. She was an attractive woman aside from the frown on her face.
"Is it Olivia? Is she okay?" Jamie shot out of his seat in the hallway and the woman took a step back. She reached out and placed her hand on his shoulder gesturing for him to sit back down.
"My name is Marlene and I'm a friend of Olivia's. She's going to pull through. Dr. Hayes was able to retrieve the bullet and stop the bleeding.
Jamie breathed what felt like his first breath."
"Is she ok? Can I see her?"
"The doctor is still working on her but I'm sure when he's done you will be able to see her." Jamie nodded in understanding and closed his eyes.
"I want to apologize to you." Marlene said and Jamie looked at her.
"Apologize? For what?"
"I know about you and Olivia. I wondered if you loved her seeing as you didn't mention anything about ending your engagement but...seeing you here and seeing how distraught you are about Olivia I know I was wrong."
Jamie nodded and sat back in the chair. He ran a hand down his face and sighed.
"We haven't known each other long but she's the best thing that's happened to me. Everything I thought I wanted changed when I met her."
"I'm glad she has you. I should get back to Olivia."

Olivia opened her eyes and immediately closed them back. The light from the sun shining through the window felt as if it would blind her. She struggled to move but felt as if a weight had her bound to whatever she was laying on.
"Liv..." Olivia could hear her name being called and turned her head in that direction, her eyes still closed. Where was she?
"Liv, it's me."
Jamie? Olivia thought she had said it out loud but Jamie's response let her know that she didn't.
"Liv, if you can hear me I'm...I'm sorry. This is all my fault."
"It seems ever since we've met all I've wanted to do was protect you but, all I've done instead is put you in harms way."
It's not your fault. Please don't think it's your fault.
"You almost died because of me, Liv. Perhaps it's best that I stay away."
Olivia wanted to tell him no. She wanted to let him know that she didn't blame him. Jamie didn't deserve the guilt he was putting on him.
Jamie looked down and saw Olivia slowly reach her hand out. Quickly he took it and looked up at her.
"Liv? Can you hear me?" Olivia squeezed his hand weakly and he smiled.
"I'm so glad you're ok."
"Don't...leave..." Olivia whispered and Jamie's eyes widened.
"Liv? Can you hear me?"
"You...can't...leave..." Olivia whispered.
"I won't leave you. I promise."

Olivia felt good about being back in her room. Mrs. Evans had been overly nurturing since she left the hospital and dare Olivia say it, overly protective. The woman made it her business to check on Olivia every fifteen minutes. She was now in Olivia's bedroom trying to spoon feed her.
"Mrs. Evans I assure you, I can feed myself."
"I'm sure you can but while you are recovering and under my care I will do it, now, open your mouth." Olivia did as she was told and opened her mouth, Mrs. Evans slipped a spoon full of soup inside and Olivia closed her mouth.
"How are you feeling, dear?"
"Tired. I must admit I've never been sick before and being in bed for as long as I have is making me restless."
"You'll be up and on your feet in no time. Is Jamie coming by to see you?"
"I'm not sure. He's been spending a lot of time with his family since he leaves in a few days." Olivia tried not to let her emotions get the best of her. Jamie had been trying to divide his time between his family and she as well as looking for Tommy.
"I'm sure he'll come by. Do you want something to read or should I turn on the radio? I could have Mr. Jones bring in the television for you."
"I'll take a book. I haven't read in a while." Mrs. Evans smiled and left the room assuring Olivia she'd be back with a stack of books.
Olivia settled in the bed and looked out of the window.
She wondered what Jamie was doing. He'd been reporting for tour soon and she willed the tears not to come thinking about him leaving. How was she supposed to go on knowing that Jamie could probably never come back home?
Olivia continued to look out of the window and have smiled widely when she saw his truck pulling up the road.
Olivia threw the covers aside and eased out of the bed, making her way towards the door. She opened it and gasped when she saw Mrs. Evans standing on the other a stern look on her face.
"Mrs. Evans-"
"Get back in bed this instant! If Jamie wants to see you he can come inside." Olivia nodded and did as she was told. She looked out of the window and saw Jamie climbing out of the truck, checking his surroundings before starting towards the house.
"I told you he'd come see you."
Olivia smiled and waited for Jamie to come. She turned to face the door and saw Mrs. Evans stepped aside to let Jamie in. Olivia felt as if she was seeing him for the first time. He looked taller and his hair was shorter and his eyes. They shown brighter than she'd ever remembered.
"I'll leave you two alone." Mrs. Evans said and closed the door behind her. Jamie walked across the room and stood in front of Olivia.
"Hello, Jamie." Olivia said softly.
His fingers gently brushed against her cheek, causing her breath to catch. The world around them seemed to fade as he leaned in, their lips meeting in a tender, passionate kiss that sent shivers down Olivia's spine. Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in the electrifying connection, every touch igniting a fire within them. Their embrace grew tighter, the intensity of their emotions flowing between them with each heartbeat.
"Did you have a good time with your family?" Olivia asked when they pulled away. Jamie pulled up a chair and took a seat.
"As good as one can have when you know what the future holds. Ma has been a wreck. No one knows where Tommy is and pa is struggling to remain strong through it all."
"What about Alice?"
Jamie looked over at her. She lowered her head and licked her lips. Jamie reached over and lifted her chin so that her gaze met his.
"You don't have to worry about Alice."
"I wouldn't blame you if you decided to marry her. Look at me!"
"You're beautiful and when I get you to San Diego I'll prove it."
"San Diego?"
Jamie nodded and reached into the pocket of denims pulling out two train tickets.
"I said I was going to get you to California and I meant it. Tommy is out there still and I can't leave knowing you're here and he can get to you. I don't know why he did what he did but I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I left you here for him to finish the job."
Olivia looked away. She debated telling Jamie what Tommy had revealed to her. She still didn't believe it herself. How could a brother hate his own flesh and blood the way Tommy hated Jamie?
"When do we leave?"
"These tickets are for the day after tomorrow. I've already packed. I'll leave from there and report for duty."
"I'm scared."
Jamie got up from the chair and sat beside Olivia on the bed. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close, kissing her on the forehead.
"I'm scared too. Scared about a lot of things but doing this what's right. I love you, Liv. I'm realizing I've loved you since the moment I first saw you."
"I love you too."
"I can have Mrs. Evans pack your things. We can buy whatever else you'll need when we get there."
"You should tell your parents, Jamie."
"They wouldn't understand, Liv."
"They still have a right to know. They've lost one son already."
Jamie sighed. Olivia was right. Jamie just hoped they would have a sliver of understanding.

Jamie walked into his parents home and found his mother and father sitting on the couch watching the small television. Nancy looked up first and smiled.
"Hello, Jamie. Are you hungry? Janis left your dinner on the stove, I'm sure it's still warm."
"Thanks, ma but I'm not hungry. I actually have something to tell you two."
Allen turned off the television and they both turned to face him. Jamie took a seat and inhaled before letting out a breath and speaking.
"I'm leaving."
Nancy chuckled, "Jamie we know that already."
"No. In two days I'll be leaving for California. Remember the house in San Diego granddad left you? I'll be staying there until it's time for me to report for tour."
"I don't understand. Why would you want to go to California?"
"Because I'm taking someone there."
"Alice?" Nancy asked. She looked to Allen in confusion.
"No. Not Alice. Her name is Olivia."
"What? Jamie when did you start seeing another woman?"
"For some time now. She's...she's black."
The room went silent and Jamie saw as their mouths hung low.
"James," Nancy started, "you're seeing a black girl?"
"Yes. And I'm taking her to California."
"Why?" Allen asked.
"Because it's not safe here for her. The two of us have been through so much as it is trying to be together. Tommy almost killed her. I can't leave for my tour knowing she's here and not protected."
"Wait a minute, Jamie. Do you hear what you're saying? You're talking about a colored girl."
"I know! I love her."
Their eyes widened at his revelation. Nancy licked her lips and smoothed out her hair.
"Jamie...perhaps you're just experiencing stress. This is all a lot that has happened in such a short amount of time."
"No! I came here to tell you because I figured you had a right to know but I'm leaving with or without your permission."
"What about Alice? What about the wedding?"
"I'll tell Alice don't worry. Im going to leave now. I'll write when I get there. If I don't receive a response I'll understand."
Jamie nodded towards them and then left the house.

Jamie watched as Alice walked out of the house wearing her robe and slippers. She smiled when she saw him and ran down the porch steps to greet him.
"Jamie! It's been so long. I was beginning to worry the wedding was off."
"Alice I need to speak with you."
"Well if it's about the wedding then it's about time. Mother and I have practically finalized everything. I was even thinking about moving the wedding date up."
"There isn't going to be a wedding." Jamie blurted out.
Alice reeled her head back as if she'd been slapped. She looked up at him in complete shock. "Jamie? What are you talking?"
"I'm saying, I'm leaving in two days. I'm going to California."
"California? What's in California? W-what are you saying right now?"
"Alice, you're an amazing person and I truly hope you find someone who loves you the way you deserve."
"Jamie. What is happening?"
"I'm leaving. I've...found someone else."
"Someone else? Jamie, I can handle a lot of things but if this some sick joke I do not appreciate it."
"It's not a joke. I've met someone else. We're going to California."
Alice stepped back and wiped the tears from her face.
"I don't understand. Why California? If you can have an affair in the same town as your fiancé why not be a man and stay Jane Ross?"
"Because it's not safe for her."
"Safe for her! Safe for her? Jamie I have planned this wedding every day since you proposed. Daddy has imported doves coming in and mama has an ice sculpture being created as we speak! You cannot leave!"
"I'm sorry, Alice. I truly am but, I'm leaving."
"Who is she?"
"You heard me. Who is she?"
"Alice this isn't necessary. I only came because you deserved a right to know."
"Tell me who she is!"
"I rather not."
"I've heard the rumors. You creeping around with a colored woman. I chose to ignore it because I refused to believe you would sully yourself with the likes of them God it's true, isn't it? She's black?"
When Jamie didn't respond Alice backed away. She ran her hands up and down her arms to ward off the chill.
"Alice, I'm sorry."
"Leave. I want you to leave Jamie Ross and never darken my porch again, you hear me? LEAVE!" She yelled choking on her sobs. Jamie nodded and turned on his heel, walking towards his truck and climbing inside. He pulled out of the driveway and watched as Alice stood crying, her mother coming out and going to her.
Jamie drove down the road towards Olivia's boardinghouse. Telling his parents and Alice had been hard and he was sure he'd never hear from his parents again but he felt good. He felt free. For so long he'd been the one who did what everyone thought was best for him and now Jamie was doing what he knew was best for him and that was all that mattered.

Almost to the finish line. Until chapter eighteen!...

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