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Jamie fished for the key and unlocked the door, opening it and wincing as the door squeaked. Olivia peeked her head into the darkness and looked around. There wasn't much furniture and she could tell that the ones that were there more than likely needed to be replaced.
"Welcome home." Jamie said proudly. He stepped aside so that Olivia could walk in.
Removing the scarf from her hair she looked around while Jamie opened the curtains to add sunlight to the dark room. Olivia got a better view of the room and the furniture inside and decided that the furniture most definitely needed to go.

They were old and ugly.
"Well? What do you think? Is it to your liking?" Jamie asked as he came to stand beside her.
"It looks to be a sound house."
"I'll check out things to see what needs to be fixed or replaced but for the most part I think it'll suit you."
"Us." Olivia corrected.
"You promised you would come back to me, Jamie."
Jamie sighed. He so desperately hoped that he'd be able to come back to her.
"I'm going to look about the rest of the house. You coming?" Olivia teased before walking away.

Later that night after Jamie was able to find fresh sheets to put on the bed, they laid together in the dark, their bodies pressed together. Olivia laid on her side facing Jamie who looked down at her.
"Are you happy?" Jamie asked as he reached out and caressed her cheek.
"I am. I'm finally in California and you're here with me."
"I want to make sure you're taken care of while I'm gone. In case anything happens to me that is."
"You shouldn't speak that way."
"I have to be realistic, Liv. I won't lie and say I'm not scared. With Tommy away I can breathe a little but there's still the strong possibility that I could not come home."
Olivia lowered her head to hide the tears that had started to fall. She had tried so hard to be optimistic but the truth was she knew the same reality as Jamie. Her heart felt as if someone had squeezed it so hard she could hardly breathe and Jamie pulled her towards him.
"Don't cry, Liv. I can't handle you crying."
"Why must you go?"
"I must. I'll do my best to come back to you I promise."
"You better Jamie Ross."
Jamie leaned in and kissed her lips softly. He went to move away but Olivia grabbed his face and kissed him in earnest.
Their lips met gently, a mixture of tenderness and sorrow lingering in the air. Fingers intertwined, they held onto each other as if trying to memorize every contour of their embrace.
The kiss spoke of memories shared, dreams unfulfilled, and the undeniable ache of saying goodbye.
It was a lingering touch that conveyed a deep and profound connection, leaving an indelible mark on their hearts as they reluctantly pulled away, their eyes locked in a final, lingering gaze.
"Marry me, Liv."

Olivia paced the living room floor as she waited for Jamie to return. He'd gone out and tried to find someone who could marry them on such short notice. Olivia had thought she had been dreaming when she heard Jamie ask her to marry him. Surely he had lost his mind due to the stress of everything because everyone knew that people that looked like them did not get married.

The sound of the lock had her turning towards the door, the napkin in her hand all but shredded. Jamie entered into the house and Olivia started towards him but stopped when she saw the tall dark skinned man coming in behind him.
He was tall and dark and handsome and much older.
"Liv, this is reverend Brown. He's agreed to marry us."
Olivia looked back at the reverend and smiled.
"Thank you, sir."
"When your man here said he needed to be married quickly I didn't think he meant to a...are you sure about this miss?"
"I'm sure. If you don't want to do it we understand."
"I'm a man of the cloth. God speaks of thy neighbor and that I shall do. If you say you're in love I shall believe it."
"We truly appreciate you doing this for us." Jamie said as he went to stand beside Olivia.
"Is that what you're wearing?" The reverend asked as he eyed Olivia in her dress.
Olivia looked down at her outfit and then back up at the two men before her.
"I didn't know I would be getting married. This is the best I have."
"It won't do."
"I beg your pardon?" Olivia asked.
"A woman should look like a Queen on her special day. Wait here, I'll be right back."
The reverend left and both Jamie and Olivia exchanged confused glances.
An hour and a half later the reverend returned with an older woman. He introduced her as Mrs. Reed and explained that she worked down at his church. Mrs. Reed held up a dress that had Olivia gasping into her hands.
"I can't wear that. Where on earth did you get it? It's beautiful."
"It was my daughter's but she called off the engagement ran off with her lover to Canada. It's been sitting in my closet for two years and when reverend Brown told me about the two of you, I figured someone deserved to wear it.
"I truly appreciate it." Olivia said.
"Come, let's get you ready for your big day. No matter how shotgun this wedding may be it is still a wedding." Mrs. Reed ushered Olivia up the steps while Jamie changed in the bathroom downstairs. He'd never know a house to have a downstairs bathroom but he was glad for it.
A short time later Jamie was standing beside the reverend in the living room waiting for Olivia and Mrs. Reed.
"Women." The reverend said as he smiled. Jamie was a nervous wreck. He didn't feel half the feel when it came to marrying Alice like he did now. With Olivia he was nervous about proposing and now he was sweating through his suit. He hated to compare but with Alice everything was a sure thing.
The sound of footsteps in the hallway upstairs had him looked up towards the steps and he saw Mrs. Reed descend first. His stomach was in knots and he felt as if he would empty it right there.
"She looks beautiful." Mrs. Reed assured as she stood off to the side. Just then Olivia descended the stairs and Jamie's breath caught.
Mrs. Reed was right. She looked absolutely beautiful. Jamie instantly felt proud to call her his and a sense of protectiveness overcame him. He'd do anything to make sure she was safe and happy.
She looked absolutely stunning in the white off the shoulder tea length dress covered in tulle. The veil was short and her shoes were also white.
Olivia crossed the room to stand before Jamie. He exhaled slowly before taking her hand in his. Her hair was done up in a fancy twist and he had no idea how Mrs. Reed had done it.
"You look amazing." He said.
"You really think so?"
"Shall we get started?" The reverend asked. He cleared his throat and began the ceremony.
When it was all over and the 'I do's' had been said and Mrs. Reed had finally stopped crying, Jamie thanked the reverend and the older woman for the help and support.
"We'll stop by tomorrow for a celebratory dinner. I'm sorry we couldn't do it tonight."
"You've done enough as it is. Thank you again." Jamie said and he shook the man's hand.
"Godspeed to the both of you and know you have a church you can call home."
Reverend Brown left out and Mrs. Reed approached them still dabbing at her eyes.
"I only hope my Natalie is as happy as the two of you. You must have risked so much to be together."
"I hope she is as happy as well. And thank you for the dress."
"You look beautiful in it. If you ever visit the church search me out I'll introduce to some folks and show you around here."
"Thank you." Olivia said and she and Jamie hand in hand walked Mrs. Reed to the door.
Jamie closed the door and turned to face Olivia. A sly grin on his face.
"We're married." He said almost in disbelief.
He'd always seen himself married. Had prepared for this day but nothing would have prepared him for this.
"We're married." Olivia repeated.
"You're my wife."
Jamie moved away from the door and closed the distance between them.
"And you're my husband." Olivia giggled.
Jamie wrapped his hands around her slim waist and pulled her in a searing kiss.
"What should we do now?" He asked.
Olivia pretended to think and then smiled devilishly.
"I want a baby, Jamie Ross."
Jamie's eyes widened at her confession.
"Come again?"
"I want a baby. I want your baby."
"I was thinking more like we could plan for a picnic tomorrow in the park. I saw one nearby as I went in search of someone to marry us. A baby?"
Olivia nodded and reached up to wrap her arms around his neck.
"I want it to have your eyes." She kissed him and pulled back to look at him.
"So long as it has your everything else." Jamie retorted.
Olivia laughed and kissed him again. Taking his hand in hers Olivia led him up the stairs. She wanted a baby and she would get what she wanted.
"Are you sure about a baby?" Jamie asked when they entered the bedroom.
"Do you not want one? Oh, i should have asked."
"No! That's not it. Of course I want a child. With you I want as many as we can have. But we've only just got married."
"You could possibly not come home from the war. I want something that will be a product of our love. What better than a child?"
"I suppose you're right. But, you'll be raising the child alone. I don't want that for you."
"Don't deny me this, Jamie, please. The thought of you possibly never coming back eats at me every second a child would keep me distracted."
"So this is about distraction? I can get you a dog."
Olivia pouted and sat on the bed.
"Fine. Go off to war and leave me alone. I'll be fine."
"Liv, there's nothing I want more than to have a family with you. I just think it's too soon."
Olivia signed, "perhaps you're right."
Jamie helped her out of her wedding dress and they climbed into bed. He blew out the candle on the nightstand and they laid in the dark. Olivia's back faced him and Jamie laid staring up at the ceiling deep in thought.
"I'd want a daughter." He said and Olivia turned to face him.
"Same. But a son doesn't seem too bad as well."
"We could have four children. Two boys and two girls. We'll name the girls Olivia and the boys James."
Olivia chuckled. She tipped his chin so that his gaze met hers and she leaned in to kiss him. Jamie took over. His hands roaming her body as his body reacted to the warmth of her touch.

In the moonlit room, a palpable electricity charged the air as their gazes locked with an intense understanding. Fingers brushed delicately over heated skin, igniting shivers of anticipation. Their lips met in a slow, languid dance, each kiss a symphony of yearning. With every touch, the boundaries between them blurred, a magnetic pull drawing them closer.
As clothes fell away, revealing vulnerability and desire, their bodies intertwined like a masterpiece of intimacy. Hands explored with a hunger that transcended words, tracing paths of pleasure along curves and contours. Whispered breaths and soft moans filled the space, a harmonious melody of shared ecstasy.
Time seemed suspended as they surrendered to the intensity of their connection, lost in a world of sensation. Every touch, every caress was a testament to their deep affection, a symphony of sensations that left them breathless and entwined, a vivid expression of their sensual love.

Olivia was all cried out or so she thought. The time had come where Jamie had to leave and she felt as if her heart would break all over again. She watched as he packed his suitcase and willed the tears not to fall. Jamie had been somber most of the day and she knew he was trying to put on a brave face.
"Write to me, please. The moment you get to where you've going." She practically begged.
"I'll write everyday. I promise." He kissed her and picked the suitcase off of the bed. Olivia followed him down the stairs her heart breaking with each step.
Jamie picked up his coat and slid into it. She handed him the train ticket, her hands shaking. She couldn't bear him never coming home. Why did America need to fight anyway? Damn those Japanese.
"I love you. Please come back to me." Olivia began to sob and Jamie sat the suitcase down and pulled her into his embrace.
"I'm coming back." He kissed her once more and then picked up the suitcase.
"Goodbye Liv."
Liv could hardly breathe it felt as if someone had stolen all of the air out of her lungs. She choked out a goodbye and watched as Jamie walked out of the house falling to her knees when the door closed behind him.

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