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Olivia ran her hands up and down his back as she hummed a hymn her mother used to sing. She and Jamie had made love and then again and again until they were too bone tired to move. Jamie laid sound asleep his head nestled between her breasts and she smiled at the sight of him. Here, together they could be what the world had forbidden. They could love each other freely and not have to think about the consequences but consequences were inevitable.
Olivia sighed and tried to push all negative thoughts out of her mind. She didn't feel like thinking logically. She thought with her brain everyday and for once she wanted to just feel. Jamie stirred and Olivia looked down watching as he opened his eyes and looked about the room. His blue gaze met hers and he smiled.
"I thought it was all a dream." He said in between a yawn. She kissed his forehead and watched as he sat up bringing her with him.
"I keep thinking this is all a dream and I'll wake up back in the hospital working with a patient." Olivia exclaimed.
"Did I hurt you?" Jamie looked concerned. She shook her head and rested it on his shoulder.
"No. And not the many times after that."
Jamie laughed and Olivia smiled remembering how she liked his laugh.
"I should get you home." He stood revealing his naked body as he went in search of his clothes.
"I wish we didn't have to leave. Couldn't we just stay here for the rest of our lives?" She asked.
"Now who's being the stubborn one?" Jamie teased.
Olivia sat back on the couch and watched as he dressed, her thoughts taking over. One thought in particular had her smiling.
"I've been to New York."
Jamie turned to face her, "what?"
"I've been to New York. Alice said she'd never been and wanted to go. It's a beautiful city."
"When did you go?"
"When I was younger with my father. He was always traveling for work and New York was one of the places he had to go. I remember the lights and people everywhere. I loved everything about it."
"Why didn't you move there instead of coming down here?" Jamie sat back on the couch next her when he was finished dressing.
"Because when my father died I wanted nothing to do with the north. I needed a fresh start and coming down here felt like the right thing to do." She looked up at him, "and I guess it was."
"I'm also glad you didn't move there. I'm glad it was you who found me that night and I'm glad it's you who's here now." He leaned in to kiss her. The sound of a car door slamming sent both of them looking at the door. Olivia turned back to Jamie, "who could be here?"
"Jamie? Are you in there?" Jamie recognized the voice. It was Tommy. Cursing under his breath he stood and assured Olivia it was ok.
He started towards the door but stopped when he heard the lock turn and the door slowly open.
"Man I didn't know you still came out here I thought I was the only one to—" Tommy stopped mid sentence when he saw Olivia sitting on the couch, her naked body hiding under the thick blanket. His eyes moved about the room to her scattered clothing until his gaze met Jamie's who stood before him.
"Jamie? What the hell?"
"Outside, Tommy. Now." Jamie grabbed Tommy's arm and dragged him outside closing the door behind him. Olivia quickly set off to get dressed. She couldn't believe they'd been seen. Her heart felt as if it was going to beat out of her chest. She needed to leave even if she had to walk the entire way home.

Outside Jamie and Tommy stood facing each other, Tommy looking at the house and then back at Jamie's stern face.
"What the hell did I just see? Are you...are you sleeping with a colored woman?"
"Watch your mouth!" Jamie said.
Tommy laughed and took out a cigarette from his pants pocket.
"You know, I usually come here to sleep off when I've had a long night at the bar never would I have guessed that this is where you come to bring your whores." At that moment Jamie charged at him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.
"I said watch your mouth."
"Jamie? What's gotten into you? You're acting like you care about her..." Jamie watched as realization hit and he cursed himself for being so damn dumb.
"You do care about her. Shit! How long has this been going on?"
"It's none of your business."
"That long huh? Hey, wait a minute isn't she the pretty thing from the bar that day? Wow, you actually took my advice huh?"
"Shut up, Tommy. I don't want you saying a word about this, you hear me?"
"Hey, I'm not mad if spending your last days as a free man with some broad."
"She's not a broad. She's a nurse and she doesn't need any harm coming her way, you understand?"
Tommy lifted his hands in surrender, "hey, I'm no one to judge."
"I'm serious Tommy. I took a beating for you this is the least you can do."
"Don't hold that over my head. I'm not going to say anything about your fetish for colored women."
Jamie charged at him again but the sound of the door opening stopped him. Both he and Tommy looked up to see Olivia slowly emerging from the cabin. She caught their eyes and lowered her head.
"I'm ready when you are." She said softly avoiding his gaze.
Jamie turned back to Tommy, "remember, don't tell anyone."
"Who am I going to tell? Alice?"
Jamie shot his head up and Tommy burst out laughing. "I'm just teasing you. Look don't worry my lips are sealed." He closed his mouth and mimicked locking his lips.
Olivia walked down the steps and quickly went to the truck avoiding Tommy's gaze. Climbing inside she waited for Jamie to get in so they could leave.
"I'll see you later Tommy." Jamie said and turned to get into the truck.

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