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One month later...

Olivia stared up at the rain pouring down and sighed. She wasn't looking forward to walking home in the rain and sorely regretted declining Marlene's offer to have Tony take her home. Sliding on her rain cap, Olivia opened her umbrella and began the trek to the boardinghouse. She thought about all she had to do the next day. Doctor Hayes would be in Montgomery and that left her with Parnell to which she was not looking forward to.
Olivia let her thoughts consume her as she walked through the rain. To her luck it was a light rain and so she wouldn't be entirely drenched by the time she made it home.
Thinking about the pile of laundry she had to tackle she sighed and made a mental note to get started on it when she got home. She also thought about her garden and what she needed from the hardware store. Her pruners had broken and she needed new ones. Adding that to her mental list of things to do she continued to walk.
Thinking about her garden, she couldn't help but to think about Jamie. It had been a month since she'd last seen him and although she was the one who said they needed to end the thing between them, she was swiftly losing her resolve to see him. She thought back on the kiss they shared. It'd been so potent, so electric, Olivia thought she'd combust from the power of it. If another man were to ever kiss her she she knew right then and there that it would never measure up to Jamie. She wouldn't allow it.
Olivia heard the sound of a car approaching and turned to see. Anticipation welled up within her as she hoped it was Jamie. She'd miss walking out of the hospital and seeing his truck. Catching his smile and staring into those blue eyes. When the car was finally in view Olivia's heart sank when she saw it wasn't his truck. The car continued to drive and pass her by, Olivia noticing the white couple inside. She sighed and continued down the road towards the boardinghouse.
Olivia chastised herself for hoping to see Jamie. It was her idea to stop seeing each other. He had a fiancé and she was not in the mind to be the other woman. No matter how he made her feel. She touched her her fingers to her lips and smiled at the image of them kissing in the garden. A moment in Mahogany she'd never forget.

Jamie parked the truck and climbed out. He rounded the vehicle to the passenger side and opened the door. Taking Alice's hand, he helped her down and together they walked into the hardware store. Jamie had been working on building a bookcase for Alice and needed a new toolset. Alice, wanting to buy a new hat and gloves for her upcoming trip to Birmingham to go wedding dress shopping with her mother and his, had decided to come along.
"Are you sure you want me to leave you? What if you run into that Harold monster of a man?" Alice asked.
Jamie kissed her on the forehead and smiled. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."
"He sure will. He's Jamie Ross. Attorney at law." Both Jamie and Alice turned to see Thomas standing behind them. He had a cigarette in his mouth and was wearing denims and a white t-shirt tucked in. Alice rolled her eyes and met Jamie's gaze.
"I know he's your brother but must he be invited to the wedding?"
"Of course, Alice. He's my best man. At least he is when he's not acting like a jerk." Jamie said that last part as he looked up at Thomas who was crushing the cigarette with the toe of his shoe.
"Cut me some slack big brother. I'm just here to pay my dues."
Jamie arched and eyebrow and then turned his attention back to Alice, "go on and shop. I'll be here."
Alice looked between Jamie and Thomas for a moment before reluctantly nodding and walking off. Jamie waited until she was a good distance away before he approached Tommy.
"I hope that means you're going to pay Harold back. I don't have many ribs for him to break."
"Lay off me. I said I'll pay and I will. Don't be so serious all the time."
"The man gave you thirty days and it's well over a month. Do you have the money or not? I can get it for you."
"No! I'm a man and can do this myself. Aren't you going to the store?" Jamie sighed and nodded.
"Fine. Your problem your solutions but do it quick." With that, Jamie turned on his heel and walked into the store. He smiled at Mr. Rogers, the cashier and continued down the aisle in search of a new toolset. When he reached the aisle he stopped and observed the few toolsets on the shelf. He'd just gone to inspect one fully when he heard her voice.
"I'm looking for a new pruner, Mr. Rogers. Mine has broken."
Jamie looked up and saw Olivia standing  in the aisle ahead of him with a not too pleased Mr. Rogers.
"Then get on with it, gal. Don't you people have your own hardware stores?"
"Yes, sir. Wendell didn't have it and so I came here. I'll only be a second."
He waved her off and headed back to the front of the store. Olivia shook her head and turned stopping in her tracks when she saw Jamie staring at her.
Jamie couldn't believe it. A month had went by since he'd last seen her and he was beginning to think the town was actually bigger than it was because he hadn't ran into her since they last saw one another in her garden. His eyes fell to her full lips and the images of the kiss they shared rose up in his mind. Olivia licked her lips and started in his direction. He watched as she passed by him, searching for the tools she was looking for. They didn't say a word to each other as they searched their respective tools only stealing glances when they suspected the other wasn't looking. She was wearing a navy skirt and white blouse that he thought looked nice on her and filled out her lovely shape. Her hair was clipped back and she sported a curled bang. He watched as she crouched down beside him and stepped aside, trying not to get a glimpse of her behind.
"If you're looking for pruners, I think they would be on the next aisle." Jamie finally said. Olivia looked up at him and then stood, stepping back to look at the tools on the shelf.
"I suppose you're right. Thank you." She smiled and walked around to the other aisle. Jamie could see her walking through the spaces of the shelf and pushed a box aside to speak.
"How is the garden coming along?" He whispered.
Olivia glanced at him, then she looked around before responding, "very well. Thank you for inquiring."
"Grow anything new?" Jamie pushed another box aside as he followed her down the aisle, he continued to make it look like he was searching for a toolbox.
"I planted some onions and radishes. We shall see how that goes."
"Need any help?"
Olivia stopped walking and pushed a box aside on the shelf so that she was staring at Jamie.
"No. And we shouldn't be talking." Looking down she picked up a small box and smiled.
"I have finished my shopping. Good day to you Mr. Ross." She pushed the box back in place and took off. Jamie walked back to the toolbox he'd been eyeing and picked it up heading to the front of the store to pay. Olivia was ahead of him in line and he smiled. She was still here. He could still see her.
"Oh, you're done. Good." Jamie turned to see Alice walking into the store. He looked over to see Olivia had noticed her too. Their eyes met but she turned and continued to wait in line.
"They didn't have the hat or gloves that I wanted. It's so hard living in such a small town. When we're married I want to move to a big city." Alice crooned as she took his arm in his.
"A big city?"
"Yes. I was thinking New York. Oh, I've always wanted to visit. We should go there for our honeymoon." Jamie heard a cough and turned to see Olivia coughing. He frowned.
"I can just about see the lights and the trains and all the people. Oh it would just be a time!"
"Next!" Mr. Rogers called and Olivia stepped up. The man rang up her purchase and she paid. She grabbed the box and walked towards the door meeting his gaze for a fleeting moment before walking out. Somehow, Jamie felt like she was walking away forever and something in him broke.

Olivia walked down to the bakery after leaving the hardware store. After finally seeing Jamie's fiancé she needed a pickme up. Walking inside she took in the amount of people and walked to the back of the store towards the colored section. Despite the grandeur of the front of the bakery the back of the store was a different story. Approaching the counter she smiled at Lilith, the young girl working and placed her order.
"How are you, Lilith?" Olivia asked.
"I'm doing well. My granddad says thanks for taking care of him during his stay at the hospital."
Olivia smiled, "he was a pleasure to have. My best patient."
"When I finish school I'm going to college to become a nurse just like you." Olivia's heart swelled and she smiled. Never had she thought she'd make any kind of impact while working here but she was glad she did. The world needed more colored nurses.
"You will be an amazing nurse." Lilith handed her the danish she ordered and she and Olivia talked for a few moments about schools and courses Lilith would have to take. When their conversation ended, Olivia waved goodbye and headed towards the door she'd been so wrapped in her pastry that she hadn't bothered to pay attention to where she was going and bumped into someone. A cry came out and Olivia looked up to see she'd bumped into Jamie and his fiancé.
"Oh, you stupid woman! How dare you bump into me!" Alice screamed.
"My apologies, ma'am. I wasn't paying attention."
"Of course you wasn't. Look at me! You got jelly on my new blouse!"
Olivia took a deep breath and willed herself to count to ten.
"Alice, it's ok, we can get you a new blouse." Jamie assured. Alice had been feeling down about not being able to buy the hat and gloves she'd wanted that he thought it be a nice idea to cheer up with a pastry. Now he was upset that they came in the first place.
"Of course we will, sweetie. And that is going to pay for it!" She said pointing at Olivia.
"Alice, that isn't necessary. I can pay for it. Why don't you wait in the car? I'll be there momentarily." Alice glared at Olivia before turning and heading towards the truck.
"I'm sorry about that." Jamie said turning back to face Olivia.
Olivia looked around and noticed all eyes were on them. She turned to face Jamie and pasted on a smile.
"It is I who should apologize. If she wants me to pay I will."
"No! I will take care of it. You have a nice day." Jamie tipped his hat towards her and then to the people in the bakery before walking out of the store. Olivia sighed and watched him walk toward the truck where Alice was leaning against it. She watched as he comforted her, talking to her. They kissed and then got into the Vehicle, Jamie pulling out and turning down the road.
Olivia wiped the tears from her eyes and started down the opposite direction. She'd been embarrassed and worst of it all she'd been embarrassed in front of Jamie by his fiancé. Looking down at the danish in her hand her appetite no longer existing she tossed it aside and continued to walk. She would forget about Jamie Ross. She had to.

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