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Jamie walked into the bar and scoured the room. Tommy had been avoiding him but he still wanted to see him before he left. Jamie and Olivia had planned on leaving to visit the house in San Diego the next day and Jamie needed to get to the train station to procure tickets.
The sound of chairs falling had Jamie turning in that direction and he saw Tommy stumbling. Going to him he caught Tommy before he managed to fall on his face. Tommy looked up and grinned wide when he saw Jamie.
"Jamie!" Tommy slurred.
"Tommy, we need to get you home."
"No. No. I'm fine." Tommy went to stand straight but swayed a bit and Jamie reached out to steady him.
"Listen, Tommy, I gotta get you home. I'm leaving tomorrow."
"Oh, right! You've been drafted. Well...guess...what..." Jamie watched as Tommy took a sip of the beer before reaching into his back pocket and pulling out an envelope. Jamie recognized the envelope immediately and his stomach turned.
"Me too!" Tommy cried happily before doing a jig. He stumbled backwards and Jamie steadied him again.
"I leave soon."
"Tommy..." Jamie swallowed the lump in his throat. It was one thing for him to leave but not Tommy. Jamie had always protected Tommy and for the first time in his life he wouldn't be able to.
"Don't cry big brother," Tommy said slinging an arm around Jamie's neck. He laughed and Jamie had to hold his breath to keep from smelling the alcohol on him.
"I'm going to be ok." Tommy assured.
"Tommy I have to get you home. You haven't paid Harold and I'm not going to be here if he come looking for you."
Tommy laughed, "neither will I!" He stumbled back and fell into a chair.
Suddenly the room room went quiet and Jamie looked up seeing Harold and his men walking into the bar. He cursed under his breath. Harold approached them and looked at Tommy.
"I hope you have my money, Ross." Tommy flagged him.
"Can you take a rain check? It appears I've been summoned."
"Harold Green doesn't take rain checks." Harold said as he squared up his shoulders.
"Harold, I can get you the money."
"It's been too long! This ends here. Either I get my money or someone doesn't make it out of here."
"Harold this is crazy. Can't you see he's drunk? Listen, give me a few days I can get you the money."
"Today. Ross." Harold said slowly and turned his gaze towards Tommy. Jamie sighed.
"Fine. I can get it today. Just let me get Tommy home and then I can get it."
Harold looked between Jamie and Tommy and then nodded before gesturing for his men to leave.
Jamie turned to Tommy who was leaning forward his head between his knees.
"Come on, Tommy."

Olivia paced her bedroom floor as she waited for Jamie to arrive. They had planned to leave for California the next day. Olivia was nervous about leaving the small town of Mahogany, Alabama but she was excited about finally getting to California. Perhaps this was fate.
Perhaps meeting Jamie was meant to be for this very reason. God always worked in mysterious ways."
There was knock on her door and Olivia crossed the room to open the door to find Mrs. Evans standing in front of her.
"Mrs. Evans? How can I help you?"
"I know what you're trying to do." Mrs. Evans blurted out. Olivia's eyes widened.
"I'm not sure I know what you mean, Mrs. Evans."
"May I come in, dear?" Olivia licked her lips nervously and stepped aside. Mrs. Evans entered and Olivia closed the door and locked it. Mrs. Evans took a seat on the chair beside Olivia's bed and looked around.
"How can I help you, Mrs. Evans?" Olivia asked again.
"I know what you're trying to do. I know about that white man, Olivia. Have known about him. I've seen him dropping you off here after work. I've seen you sneaking out to go see him. Don't think that because I'm old I don't know anything. And now you're trying to run away with him."
"If...if you knew why didn't you say anything?"
"Because I was you once." Mrs. Evans stated.
Olivia took a seat on the edge of the bed, her knees suddenly unable to support her.
"I don't understand."
Mrs. Evans smiled fondly. "I too was in love with a man not of my race. His name was Stewart Eagan. He had the most beautiful green eyes and sandy brown hair.
"What happened to him?"
"He died in the first war. We were supposed to run too. Europe to be exact. I was so excited. I wanted to be with him. I wanted to start a family. But the war took him from me. Later I met my husband and we moved here but I never stopped thinking about my Stewart."
Olivia watched as Mrs. Evans stared out of the window in deep thought.
"Why are you telling me this?"
"I figured you needed an ally. Someone who understood how you're feeling."
"So, you're not upset with me?"
"Absolutely not. When I saw him I thought he was very handsome. You chose well and so did he. I had hoped you'd find someone and you wouldn't spend all your years at the hospital missing out on life. I'm going to miss you wherever you go."
Olivia wiped the tears from her eyes and hugged Mrs. Evans tightly.
"Thank you for understanding."
Mrs. Evans patted her on the back and pulled away, "I pray you get to be with the man you love as I never got the chance. Godspeed Olivia."

Jamie dropped Tommy on the bed and adjusted him so that his feet were off the floor. He had to hurry. If he could get the money to Harold he could get to the train station before it was too late and then get Olivia and they could head to the cabin. Jamie removed Tommy's shoes and tucked them under his bed.
"I don't need you fixing my problems," Tommy started as he slurred, "I'm a grown..." he sat and leaned over the bed, letting out the contents of his stomach into the bucket Jamie had set beside the bed.
"You're in no position to do anything. I'll take care of it."
"Perfect Jamie Ross." Tommy said when he was done.
"What are you talking about, Tommy?"
"Always here to save the day. I told you I didn't need your help!"
"Will you hush before ma hears you? Listen, I don't want to do this anymore than you want me to but you're my brother and Harold has a mind to end you. I don't want to see that happen."
"What don't you get, Jamie? I'm finished either way. Be it by Harold or this war I'm not making it."
"Don't say that, Tommy. Don't ever say that." Jamie pulled Tommy into a tight embrace and held him. He forced the tears not to come. He heard Tommy's sobs and Jamie knew he'd never be the same after today.
"I have to go."
"What about your girl?" Tommy asked.
"Alice?" Jamie had forgot to tell Alice he was leaving soon.
"Noooo. You're colored girl." Jamie inhaled at the slight remark but let it go. Tommy was drunk and hurting he'd let it slide.
"What about her?"
"Does she know? I didn't mean to tell anyone, you know? It just came out."
"She knows. I'll see her tonight."
"You really care about her that much?"
"Yes, Tommy I do. Now you stay here, I'll be back."
Jamie walked out of the room and down the stairs and out of the house. He'd get this situation with Harold settled and focus on what was to come. Jamie climbed into the truck and slammed the door. He sat, his thoughts consuming him. Olivia, Tommy, his life as he knew it. Jamie slammed his fist on the steering wheel and kept at it until he was sobbing hard his shoulders shook.

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