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The sound of the wind was all Jamie heard and he knew the men were gone. He tried to open his eyes but couldn't. He winced at the pain as he tried to move but it hurt too much so he laid still. His head was pounding and he was sure he had broken bones. How long had he been out there? The last thing he remembered was leaving the bar and the men and...Harold. He'd kill him for this. Jamie groaned as the pain intensified and he struggled to move but couldn't.
The faint sound of a woman's voice stilled him and he struggled to open his eyes but couldn't. He cursed in his head as it hurt to open his mouth.
"I know someone's there. I heard groaning." The woman's voice called out.
Jamie groaned again hoping it would lead whoever it was in his direction. He was in pain and desperately wanted off the ground.
Olivia stopped walking and listened out for the faint sounds of groaning. She'd been walking home when she first heard them. Reaching for the brick in her purse she called out and when she heard the groaning again she went in search for where the noise was coming from. Could someone be hurt? Olivia cursed herself for putting herself in danger trying to find the source of the sound but something told her she was needed.
"Groan again! I'm trying to find you!" She called out again and the faint sound of a groan came. She turned to her right and looked upon the tall corn fields.
No way.
She wasn't going in there. But the groaning continued and so Olivia took a deep breath and stepped into the thick the fields. She listened out for the sounds and encouraged them to keep coming when she stumbled across and badly beaten man. Quickly Olivia ran to his side. He was face down on the ground and she gently helped him onto his back.
The groan was louder when he was on his back and Olivia gasped. He was white! Looking around she saw no signs of anyone else around. She wiped away the dirt on his bloody face and inspected his injuries. Black eyes, busted lip and nose. Her eyes moved down his body and she noticed he arm cling to his side. A broken rib perhaps? She had to help him but, how? They were too far from the hospital.
"You're beat up pretty bad sir. Who did this?"
A groan was all she was given. Olivia bit her bottom lip and thought. The only thing left to do was take him to her place. How would she get him to her room without being seen? Olivia sighed.
"I can help you but, you're going to have to help me in return. Can you stand?"
He groaned again and mumbled something under his breath Olivia couldn't make out. Standing to her feet, she dusted off her dress and paced. What was she to do? She couldn't leave him. But to help a white man? Was she insane? She'd heard stories when she came down south. White men lynching colored folks left and right. But he needed help.
"I'm going to help you. I need you to stand, ok?" She went to him and knelt down. She wrapped an arm around her neck and struggled to help him up.
"My place isn't that far from here. We can go there." She said groaning under the weight of him. Finally she was able to get him to his feet. He stumbled a few times but managed to walk. Slowly they started down the road. Olivia noticed a truck in the middle of the road and wondered if it was his. The door was wide open.
"Is this your car?"
He groaned and winced as he continued to hold his side. His eyes were closed and she noticed both eyes were swollen shut.
"I don't know how to drive too well but I can get us home." She assured before opening the back door and helping him inside. She climbed into the truck and closed the door. Her hands on the wheel she sent up a quick prayer and then started up the engine. Looking back at the injured man laying in the back seat she apologized in advance and put her foot on the gas taking off down the road towards the boardinghouse.

Olivia slowed the truck when she arrived at the boardinghouse. The lights in the place were off. Her boarding lady, Mrs. Evans was probably asleep. Everyone else was probably down at the juke joint dancing until the wee hours of the morning. Olivia tried to ignore the jealousy wounding up inside of her. It was her choice to work late nights. She had a goal and she didn't need to get distracted.
Cutting off the engine, she opened the door and and climbed out. Opening the back door she looked over the injured man.
"Are you up? I'm going to need your help again."
He groaned and she smiled. Taking an arm and placing it around her neck the two slowly made their way out of the truck and up the stairs of the house. Olivia took off her shoes and carried them in one hand while she struggled to help the heavy man up the stairs. Once upstairs she quietly as best she could walked him down the hall to her room. Once inside she led him to her small bed and laid him down before rushing to the door to close it. She turned to face him and watched as he struggled to fix himself on the bed.
"I'll be right back." She whispered and he groaned . She smiled and quietly left the room.

Jamie had heard that voice before. But where? It was a soft voice. Reminded him of a nice cold glass of sweet tea on a hot summer day. Jamie wished he could open his eyes but it hurt like hell to do so.  He laid in the bed pondering over the voice. Where had he heard it? Hers wasn't an accent you heard around these parts. No. It was different. Northern? He remembered visiting his aunt June one summer when he was young in Philadelphia with his mama and Tommy and her accent was similar.
The sound of the door opening had Jamie perking up. The floral scent of what he assumed to be her perfume filled the room and Jamie groaned.
"I'm here." She said softly. Jamie heard the soft sounds of her feet crossing the room and suddenly he could feel her hand on his forehead.
"What's your name?" She asked.
Jamie opened his mouth to speak but it hurt too much to do so.
"I shouldn't ask you any questions. You have a busted lip and nose. I'll take care of those first. Your nose doesn't look broken so that's good." Jamie felt the coolness of the wet cloth again his skin and sighed.
"I'm going to have to undress you and check for any other injuries or broken bones. Is that ok?" Jamie groaned. He was sure he'd suffered some kind of broken bone.
"Thanks. My name is Olivia by the way. Hopefully one day I'll come to know yours."
Olivia. Jamie thought that was a pretty name. She was probably just as beautiful.
"I'm going to remove your shirt first, ok?" She asked before unbuttoning his shirt. Olivia had seen countless male bodies while working at the hospital but never before had she seen a white man's. She swallowed hard as she continued to unbutton his shirt, each button revealing more and more of his firm torso. When she was finally done she opened the shirt fully and did her assessment.
"A few bruises but nothing too bad. I'm going to take a look at that side you're holding." She went to move his hand and Jamie groaned loudly causing Olivia to jerk back.
Inspecting his wrist and his side she concluded he had a broken wrist and rib. How many she wasn't sure. She'd have to call doctor Hayes. Then again, Olivia couldn't let anyone know she had a man in her room and a white man at that. No. She'd have to fix it herself.
"You have a broken wrist and rib. I'm going to have to set them and wrap them so they don't get infected."
Jamie groaned.
"I'll see if I have anything for the pain. Wait here." Jamie listened as he heard her rush out of the room. He groaned and waited for her return. He liked listening to her talk. It made him forget the pain he was in.
Some time later, Jamie heard the door open and the soft sounds of her feet on the floor. He listened as she crossed the room towards him and waited to hear her speak. He noted that he never once anticipated hearing Alice speak.
"You're going to hate me after this but it must be done."
Jamie wondered what she meant by that but the sharp pain that followed shortly after caused him to scream so loud and before he knew it was out again.

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