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Olivia felt the truck come to a stop and she opened her eyes. They were here already? And when had she fallen asleep? Stretching she turned her head to see Jamie smiling at her. She blushed and turned back to the window. The lights were off in the house. Everyone was asleep. Mrs. Evans no doubt left her dinner on the stove for her to warm up. She was far from hungry.
"I can walk you to the door." She heard him say from beside her.
"I can manage from here. Thank you for the ride." She went to open the door but Jamie was already climbing out of the truck and making his way to her side of the vehicle. He opened the door and extended his hand to hers. She took it and let him help her down. The moment she touched his hand she felt electrified and wondered if he felt the same.
"Goodnight, Jamie. And thanks again."
"I'm walking you to the door." Jamie said as he fell in step next to her. Too tired to fight him she accepted the company and when they reached the top of the porch steps and Olivia stuck the key into the lock she turned to face him.
"Plan on walking me to my room as well?"
"Not a bad idea." And before she could protest he was scooping her up in his arms and carrying her inside. He carried her up the stairs and down the hall to her room. Once inside he stood her on her feet.
"Are you mad?" She whispered. Olivia was so furious she could box his ears.
"Too much?" He asked with a grin.
"You think? What if someone saw you?"
"You taught me to hide well."
"You're infuriating. How does your fiancé put up with you?"
"She just does."
"You should really go. Someone could see you." Olivia pushed him toward the door and stumbled back when he abruptly turned to face her.
"I'd like to see you again, Olivia."
Olivia sighed, "you know that's not—"
"I know what you're going to say and you're right but it doesn't stop me from wanting to see you. I can come pick you up again. I don't mind."
"I thought we agreed on goodbye? That if we were to ever see each other it would be a friendly nod and we would move along?" Olivia asked folding her arms across her chest.
"I lied."
Olivia rolled her eyes and huffed. "Fine. You can pick me up again but you can't carry me into the house and into my room. This is a dangerous game and you don't seem to play by the rules."
Jamie smiled then and caressed her cheek.
"Because I usually get what I want. Good night, Liv." Jamie said before sneaking out of her room and creeping down the stairs. Olivia flopped on the bed and let out a breath. She touched the spot on her cheek where his hand had been and smiled to herself. Deep down inside where she kept her true feelings something inside of her wanted to see him too. Wanted to see him more than she cared to admit. When he showed up at her job she was both shocked and glad to see him. And now he was looking to see her again.
Olivia knew it was dangerous. They came from two different worlds. Still, this man who was forbidden to her had somehow managed to steal his way into the very place she had shielded.

Her heart.

Jamie stared at the clock hanging on the wall of the kitchen in his parents house. He was supposed to be picking Olivia up tonight from work and time was literally moving like a snail. He blew out a breath and sat back in the chair. His mother was sitting across from him painting her nails while Janis cooked the family's dinner meal behind her.
"You've been staring at that clock all evening. Somewhere you have to be, son?"
"Just meeting a friend." Jamie said while going back to the newspaper he wasn't really reading.
"A friend? Is it Harold?" Janis turned at the mention of Harold and her eyes met Jamie's. He smiled and returned his attention back to his mother whose eyes were focused on her painting. She looked elegant with her hair pinned up in the latest do and her lavender dress and heels. She was in the epitome of class and wore role of the wife of the town's prominent lawyer well.
"No, mother, not Harold."
Nancy blew on her nails and met his gaze.
"Don't you think you should? I don't want what happened last time to happen again and this time we have to bury you. He's a dangerous man, James." Jamie knew that when she called him by his given name she was serious.
"I know, ma. I'm going to handle it." Looking up at the clock he pushed his chair back and stood. Nodding towards both his mother and Janis he walked out of the kitchen. It wasn't close to the time to leave out to get Olivia but he had to get out of the house.
He was just at his car when he saw Alice walking up the driveway. Oh no. He didn't need this. Not now. She smiled brightly when she saw him and quickened her steps to see him.
"Jamie! Darling, I was just coming to see you." She approached him and stood on her tip toes to place a soft kiss on his lips.
"Hello, Alice. What brings you here?"
"I wanted to check on you. After what you told me about that devil Harold Green I feel it is my duty as your future wife to check on you."
"I appreciate it, Alice I do but I'm actually on my way out."
"Oh. Well, are you free to come by tomorrow for dinner? Mother has been asking after you."
"Of course. I'd love to." He leaned in and kissed her and watched as she walked back towards her car. When she drove off he climbed into his truck, started the engine and took off in the other direction.

Olivia stood in the cold spring night air waiting on Jamie. One ride home. One ride home had turned into a daily thing lasting for two weeks. She'd come to anticipate seeing him at the end of her shift. Going through her work day like a breeze even being cordial with Parnell because once it was all over she'd get to see him. Jamie's truck pulled up in front of her and she climbed inside smiling as she did. He looked good in his white t shirt and denim jeans. He didn't look like the lawyer he said he was but he sometimes acted like it. He could be serious and stiff and then fun and boyish at times. She loved both sides.
"Hello, Liv."
"Hello, Jamie. Thanks for picking me up."
"No problem."
He started down the road and they settled into their usually comfortable silence.
"Can you not take me home just yet?" Olivia asked. Jamie cut his eye at her and asked, "is something wrong?"
"Well, no. Not exactly."
"Then what is it?"
"I...I don't want to go home just yet. I...I don't want to say goodbye just yet." She said as she stumbled over her words. Jamie understood for he never wanted to say goodbye to either.
"Where would you like to go?" Olivia directed him in the opposite direction and Jamie drove. Minutes later they were in front of an abandoned church. It looked to have been burnt in a fire. The walls the only thing still standing.
Jamie cut the engine and the two of them climbed out of the truck. Jamie looked over the building and observed the surrounding.
"Was this a church?"
She nodded looking up at the church. "Mrs. Evans says it was built in 1873 and was the town's first black church. It was burnt down 10 years ago when a mob came and chased everyone out one Sunday." She cut her eyes at him where he stood listening to her intently.
"They were white." She stated and Jamie nodded in understanding.
He watched as she walked along the building, her hands clasped behind her. He moved from his spot and fell in step beside her. Their comfortable silence descending upon them once again.
"Why'd you want to come here?" He asked finally.
"Thought you'd like to see what they do to us." She turned to look up at him. Her hair blew in the wind and Jamie fought the urge to bring her lips to his. To see if they felt as soft as they looked.
"I'm not like those men, Liv. I would never hurt you."
"Maybe not you but, what about your friends? Family? Jamie the most this will ever be is stolen moments."
"It doesn't have to be." This time he placed his hands on both of her shoulders, pulling her close.
"You're right. Because one of us is engaged. Whatever this is Jamie we have to stop it right here. Promise me we'll stop it right here." She willed the tears not to fall. Willed her emotions not to show. She would not cry.
"No. You have to say it."
"No, Liv. I won't. I'm going to keep seeing you whether you like it or not."
"To what end? Until you say 'I do'?" She stepped out of his grasp and turned to look up at the charred building.
"I refuse to be something you play with until you're settled with the real thing. I deserve more. And it will never come from you."
"Because I'm white?"
"That and because you're spoken for. Aren't you listening?"
"All I know is that I've never felt with Alice what I feel when I'm with you, Liv."
"Don't say that."
"Say what? That I care about you? Because I do."
"Jamie please we can't do this." Jamie spun her around so that she met his gaze and leaned in placing his lips firmly on hers.
Olivia placed her hands on his chest with the full intention of pushing him away but Jamie deepened the kiss and she felt as if her world had shattered. Wrapping her arms around his neck she pulled him in close and kissed him back. She wanted this. From the moment she saw him when she came out of the bar she wanted this. His kiss was a delicate dance, a mingling of softness and urgency that sent shivers down her spine. The taste of his breath, the warmth of his touch, and the tenderness in his embrace all spoke of an unspoken bond between them. As their mouths moved in perfect harmony, time seemed to stand still, encapsulating the magic of that fleeting moment.
All too soon they pulled away and ended the moment. Olivia stared up into his eyes and he smiled.
"We shouldn't have done that." She said.
"Perhaps you're right but I don't regret doing it."
"I don't want to get you into trouble."
"Don't worry about me Liv, I'll be fine." She nodded and looked back up at him.
"If this is to be goodbye then perhaps one more won't hurt."
"I'll give you one more but know that this is not goodbye, Liv."
Amidst the gentle rustling of leaves, their gazes locked, and the world around them faded into insignificance. He leaned in, his warm breath caressing her skin before their lips brushed together, like the meeting of petals in a soft breeze. The kiss deepened, a symphony of emotions as their mouths moved in sync, a mixture of longing and surrender. Every touch ignited a fire within, sending electric pulses through their veins. In that stolen moment, the universe seemed to contract, leaving only the intensity of their connection, imprinted forever in their memories.

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