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Olivia opened the door and turned just in time to watch Jamie hobble down the stairs with his crutches. She wanted to help him but he insisted that he could do it himself. She watched intensely until he reached the bottom of the stairs and breathed easily. Jamie hobbled over towards her and stopped beside her.
"You don't have to wait for me. Go on to bed I can manage from here."
"Nonsense. I won't breathe easily until I know you're in the car. And I won't be able to sleep until I know you're safe."
"I can send word to the hospital tomorrow that I'm home and safe if that makes you feel better." Jamie said taking her hand in his and squeezing reassuringly.
"I'd appreciate that. Now, let's get you home." She opened the door and let him pass her onto the porch. Quietly closing the door she followed him down the steps and around the back of the house into the trees where she'd parked his truck. Far as she knew no one came through here and so his truck would be hidden without trouble.
Olivia opened the door and Jamie handed her the crutches. She clutched them, needing something to hold on to for strength. Once Jamie was inside she handed him the keys and he started up the engine. He turned to her then.
"Thank you for everything. Truly."
"You're welcome. Take care of yourself."
Jamie didn't think. Instead he reached out and placed her face in his palm, "you do the same."
With that he drove off leaving Olivia to stand and watch as he disappeared into the early morning dusk.

Jamie parked the car and cut the engine. He was in pain but it was bearable and he was able to make it home. He leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes. Olivia's face invaded his thoughts and he couldn't help but remember how sad she looked when he left. The sound of a door opening brought him out of his thoughts and he opened the truck door and climbed out.
"Jamie!" His mama called as she quickly ran down the steps and hugged him tightly. He winced and backed away.
"Where were you?" She looked up into his bruised face and gasped. "What happened?"
Before Jamie could respond the door to the house opened again and he saw his father and Tommy emerge. Both looked stressed as if they hadn't slept in days. He supposed they hadn't.
"Jamie!" His father said and hurried down the stairs pulling him into a tight embrace and again Jamie winced and pulled away.
"Where were you? You had us worried sick."
"Who did this to you?" His mother asked taking his face in her hands as she inspected his injuries.
"Is your wrist broken?" His father asked when he noticed the bandaged.
"I'm fine. I just got into a scuffle."
"Scuffle? With who?" Nancy asked.
"Harold Green."
Jamie noticed Tommy standing off to the side. He'd been quiet the entire time. Did he know?
"Harold Green? Why would he do this to you?" His mother asked.
"I owed him some money." Jamie cut his eyes over to Tommy who stuffed his hands in his pockets.
"Owed him money? For what?" His father asked.
"Card game. Don't worry I'm going to give him the money."
"Card game? Jamie this can't be true." Nancy cried.
"It is ma. I'm sorry I didn't mean to disappoint you or have any of you worried about me."
"How much do you owe him?" His father asked sternly.
"A thousand dollars." Nancy's hands flew to her mouth. She shook her head.
"Don't worry I'm going to take care of it."
"Ok. But, where were you? Alice has been worried sick. Her mother said she'd been crying herself to sleep every night."
"A friend tended to me however, I'd like to have doctor Weiss come over."
"Of course." His father said nodding. His mother and father walked into the house and Tommy took that moment to approach Jamie.
"Why'd you lie?"
"Lie about what?"
"You told ma and pa it was you that owed the money. Why didn't you tell them it was me?"
"They didn't need anything else to worry about."
"You don't think I can get the money, do you?"
"I took a beating for you, Tommy. If it wasn't for a friend of mine I'd be dead. I don't care whether you can get the money or not but leave me out."
He hobbled past Tommy and into the house happy to be home.

Once Dr. Weiss assured Jamie that he was indeed healing well and sung the praises of whoever had tended to him, Jamie walked the older man to the door and wished him well before watching him get into his car and drive off. With that taken care of he had one more thing to do before he set off to do the unthinkable.
"Are you sure you're up to drive? You've only just got home." Nancy asked as she came up behind him.
"I have to see Alice, ma. It's only right. I'm still her fiancé at the end of the day. She's owed an explanation for my absence." Nancy nodded. She turned when Janis, the maid approached her stealing her away from him for which he was glad.
Jamie pocketed his keys and slowly descended down the porch steps. He'd been home for a week and his mother had forbid him from leaving his room unless it was absolutely necessary. He felt as if he was back at Olivia's, only, he liked when she forbade him.
Climbing into the truck he started up the engine and took off. He'd go see Alice and explain what happened. Reassure her the wedding was still on and then leave. He felt bad that the whole time he'd been in Olivia's care Alice had only crossed his mind but a few times. Whereas Olivia had invaded his dreams and his thoughts. He wondered what she was doing. Looking at the small wrist watch he figured she was still working. The longing to see her stirred up inside of him and he pushed it down. He'd be at his fiancé's house in no time and he didn't need another woman's face stealing his thoughts.

Olivia closed the curtain on one of the patients and turned bumping into Parnell. She stumbled back and he caught her, his arm sliding around her slim waist. Olivia had had a long day and his face was not what she wanted to see. She was glad it was nearing the end of her shift and she could get home. She needed to clean up and soak the day away.
"Are you alright, Liv?" He asked. Olivia hated that he called her that. She hated it even more when she thought about how she felt when Jamie had called her that. She stepped out of Parnell's embrace and put space between them.
"I'm fine, thank you. Can I help you?"
"Yes, actually. There's a patient in room 2 with a chronic cough. Are you able to give him his medicine?"
"Of course, doctor." She stepped around him and he placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her.
"You know, I have tickets tonight to see Billie Holiday. I'd love for you to come along."
"As amazing as that sounds, I will have to decline." She stepped away from him and walked away before he could speak.

Olivia walked out of the hospital later that night glad to be free. She'd been on her feet all day and she was bone tired. The sound of tires on gravel caused her to still and she turned to the direction in which they were coming, her eyes widening when she saw the familiar truck. It couldn't be.
The truck came to a slow stop in front of her. She willed her heartbeat to slow down. She watched as he reached over and rolled the window down his handsome face coming into view. Those clear blue eyes and his dark brown hair.
"Hello, Olivia."
"Jamie? What are you doing here?" She looked around to make sure no one else was around before returning her attention back to him.
"I came to take you home."
"What? Why?"
"Think of it as my way of saying thank you." Olivia placed her hands on her hips.
"And you couldn't send a card? You know, you never did send word that you were ok. How do you think I slept?"
"I'm sorry. My mother has been very protective since I've come home." He apologized, placing his hand on his chest.
"Fine. But a simple thank you shall suffice. I'll walk home."
"Not while I'm here. Get in."
"Jamie. Hiding you in my home was one thing but being seen out driving with you will surely get me killed. Are you mad?"
"I may be but I don't care. I'm taking you home whether I have to lift you up and stuff you in the car." The humor in his eyes told her he would never...or would he? Olivia considered her options for a moment. She was beyond tired and although she was glad to be off the impending walk home was not something she look forward to. What would one ride home do?
"Fine. But just this once."
"Whatever you say." Jamie said and he reached over and opened the door for her. Olivia climbed in and closed the door. She sat so stiffly Jamie couldn't do anything but laugh.
"I'm not going to bite, you know."
"I know. Just being cautious. Take the back way."
"Whatever you say." He put the car in drive and started down the road. Olivia bit her bottom lip and prayed they didn't pass anyone who knew her or him for that matter. It was dark and late but people were still out. She stared out of the window watching as the trees passed by never realizing that she'd fallen asleep.

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