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Olivia opened her eyes and saw Jamie's concerned face staring back at her. Looking around she found she was in the back of his truck, her head resting on his lap. She sat up and he warned her to go about it slowly. Olivia touched the back of her head where it ached and turned around so that her feet rested on the floor.
"What happened?" She asked.
"You fainted."
"What? Why would I do that? Where's Parnell? Did you shoot him?"
Jamie chuckled and pulled her close to him. He kissed her forehead and she rested her head on his shoulder.
"Although I won't lie and say the thought hadn't crossed my mind, Parnell left fully intact. He told you I would ruin you."
"Is that why I fainted?"
Jamie sighed and shook his head. Olivia watched as reached behind him pulling out an envelope. She noticed the seal and her gaze met his. He solemnly urged her to open it and so she did and read the letter inside. Her eyes widened and her head snapped up to see Jamie looking out of the window.
"Yes. I leave in two weeks."
"But..." Olivia couldn't speak. She felt as if her entire world was crashing down around her. Jamie had been drafted. She'd been paying attention to the war going on and knew America had joined the fight after the surprise military attack by the Japanese on December 7, 1941.
"What about us?" She whispered more to herself than to Jamie. Jamie looked down at her as she continued to read the letter.
"I'm not sure. But you can't stay here. It's not safe for you anymore. Too many people know about us and I can't bear leaving you here alone to defend yourself against those who do not agree with us."
"Jamie where would I go? The plan was for us to leave together and you're"
Jamie tipped her chin up so that her eyes met his. She was so beautiful. He thought back to the first time he saw her and remembered how without even knowing her name she had enraptured him. She was his from that moment.
"We will figure it out. As long as we have each other that's all that matters."
Olivia held up the paper that had determined his fate and waved it in front of him.
"According to this we don't have each other for much longer. Jamie I know we haven't known each other long but I can't bear to lose you." She choked out a sob and he pulled her close to him, kissing her on the lips.
"I promise to come home to you." They sat that way for hours as Jamie let her cry on his shoulder. He had to be strong for the both of them.

Olivia held the door open as Jamie entered carrying fire wood. She watched as he dropped them beside the fireplace and then left back out to retrieve the rest. They had returned back to the cabin. Olivia felt it a bit ironic to come to the place where they'd been discovered but she had to admit she liked being here and she loved hearing the stories from Jamie as he recounted his childhood memories.
"I think that's the last of it. I'll take some upstairs and start a fire in the bedroom." He picked up a few pieces of chopped wood and climbed the stairs. Olivia sat her bag down on the table and rubbed her arms. She had remembered to wear proper clothing this time although the thin dress and coat she was wearing was doing little to shield her from the wind. It was dark and the air had cooled significantly.
"Liv!" Jamie called and Olivia climbed the stairs. This was her first time being in the upper part of the cabin and so she slowly inspected the small rooms before reaching a slightly larger room where Jamie sat on the edge of the bed.
"I have the fire started if you'd like to stand by it and warm up."
Olivia stood in front of the fire, placing her hands in front of her in hopes to warm herself up. Looking over her shoulder she found Jamie laying on the bed, his face in his hands. Feeling pretty warm Olivia walked over to the bed and climbed into it beside Jamie. He moved his hands and looked at her.
"Are you scared?" She asked softly.
"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't," he reached out and pushed her hair out of her face.
"I'm scared too. Scared of a lot of things. But, I'm scared I'll never see you again."
"So am I. It's funny, when I got the notice i immediately thought of never being able to see you again. Nothing else mattered in that moment. I suppose nothing else still does."
"I'd like to go west to California seeing as it had always been my goal."
"We have a house in California." Jamie said matter-of-factly. Olivia's eyes widened.
"Yes," Jamie chuckled, "it's in San Diego. My granddad bought it but never really got to use it. He passed it on to my father who is a county man through and through and never wanted anything to do with it. I was given the house as a wedding gift..." he met Olivia's gaze.
"You could stay there. At least I'd know where you are."
"You'd let me stay there?"
"Of course. As long as I know you're safe while I'm gone I can focus on what needs to be done. I can't do that if you're still here and I'm worried something bad has happened to you. What do you say?"
Olivia mulled over what Jamie had told her. She'd been dreaming of moving to California for so long and now here he was offering her the opportunity to do just that. What about her job? Dr. Hayes, Marlene. She'd missed everyone terribly.
"When do I leave?"
"A few days. We can stay and get you settled in. I'll leave from there."
Olivia sat up and Jamie watched as she straddled his lap. He sat up fully on the bed, wrapping his arms around her waist. She leaned in and kissed him earnestly.
"Make love to me Jamie Ross." Jamie smiled and kissed her back. He maneuvered so that she was now under him looking up.
"You don't have to tell me twice."

Someone said to put spaces between the chapters so here you are lol see you in chapter fourteen...

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