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The faint sound of something hitting her window caused Olivia to stir. She had been dreaming of her and Jamie in her garden again when the sound of something tapping her window came again. Waking up fully she looked over at the window only to see what looked to be pebbles hitting the pane. She sat up and watched as they came again. Looking over at the clock she read the time, 3:30 AM. Wondering who was at the house and throwing pebbles at her window, she pushed the curtains aside and opened the window. Looking down her eyes widened when she saw it was Jamie.
"Jamie? What are you doing here?" She whispered.
"Can you come down? I want to talk to you."
Olivia sighed, "Jamie go home. It's late."
"Not until you talk to me, Liv." Olivia looked out over the trees and the night sky that still covered the town. Jamie was out of his mind but if talking to him would get him to leave then so be it.
"Fine. But we can't talk here."
"I know where we can go," Jamie assured and Olivia closed the curtains and climbed out of bed. She took the rollers out of her hair and slipped into her shoes while throwing on her robe. Deep down she was happy he was there and she'd get another stolen moment with him. Sneaking down the stairs she held her breath until she made it to the bottom and didn't let it out until she was outside.
Jamie extended his hand and she took it letting him lead her into the trees where the truck sat hidden like it was before when he had been her patient. Olivia climbed into the truck and waited for Jamie to get in and then they took off.
"What was so important that you had to come this time of night?" Olivia asked when they'd been driving a while.
"I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about the way Alice treated you earlier and I had to come and see you. How are you?"
"Besides a broken ego? I'm fine."
"I truly am sorry. I've never seen her act like that towards anyone before."
Olivia said nothing, only stared out of the window, her arms crossed.
"Liv, I hope you don't think I'm like that."
"No, I don't but you're marrying a woman who hates people that look like me."
"Like I said I didn't know she would react that way."
"I heard you." They rode the rest of the way in familiar silence until they reached a small cabin. Jamie cut the engine and climbed out. Olivia opened the door and stepped out not letting Jamie help her. She closed the door looking up at the cabin.
"What is this?" She asked watching as Jamie walked up to the door, fishing for the key in his pocket.
"Old hunting cabin. My father and brother used to come here."
"Why'd you bring me here?" She wrapped her arms around herself to ward off the chill and suddenly realized she was wearing her night dress. In her haste to get out of the house she'd forgotten to change.
"So we can talk."
He opened the door and stepped aside so she could walk in. Olivia let her eyes adjust to the darkness and could make out sparse furniture and a fireplace. Jamie moved around behind her and suddenly light illuminated the space. Jamie sat the lamp down on the nearby table and then moved towards the fireplace. Olivia looked around and took in the old couch and chairs. There was a small kitchen towards the back and stairs that led to the bedrooms she assumed.
"I thought there would be firewood left from the last time we were here but I guess not. Luckily you have your robe." He said turning to face her.
Olivia shivered in the robe and hugged herself to keep warm.
"Jamie this is crazy. Perhaps we should return back."
"Liv, please. I needed to see you." He closed the space between them and rubbed his hands up and down her arms.
"I'll be right back." He stepped around her and walked up the stairs. Olivia clamped her mouth shut to keep her teeth from chattering and took a seat on the couch. Moments later Jamie returned with a blanket and sat next to Olivia on the couch, covering them with the blanket. Jamie wrapped his arms around her and she leaned her head on his chest.
"Warm?" He asked. He watched as she made herself comfortable before nodding.
"Good. Liv, I really want to apologize. What happened should never have happened. I want to you to know that I talked to Alice and told her I didn't appreciate the way she treated you."
Olivia looked up at him, her eyes meeting his. He looked at her, she could see the sadness in his eyes and she knew he was telling the truth. Her eyes lowered to his lips and then back to meet his gaze.
"You shouldn't look at me that way." Jamie said softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Why?" She asked innocently.
"It makes me want to do things to you that I know I shouldn't."
Olivia leaned in and kissed him softly. "What if I want the same thing?"
"I brought you here so we could talk without worrying about others."
"Then talk." Olivia said. Something in her felt emboldened and she sat up, leaning in to kiss him again. She didn't care about being seen or what society thought about the two of them together she wanted him. Her heart hurt from holding it in. She wanted to love and be loved and she didn't give a damn who knew. No. Today she would forget about consequences. Today she would not think.
Only feel.
In the dimly lit room, their eyes locked with an electric intensity, drawing them irresistibly closer. As their lips met, a torrent of emotions surged: desire, longing, and a connection that transcended words. The kiss was fervent, a dance of intertwined souls lost in the moment, igniting a fire that consumed all doubt and fear. Time seemed to stand still as their breaths synchronized, heartbeats echoing the rhythm of their embrace. Fingers gently explored, tangling in hair and caressing cheeks, deepening the intimacy of the shared kiss. In that stolen moment, the world faded away, leaving only the raw, fervent passion that bound them together.

"Tell me you want this as much as I do." Jamie said softy, kissing her again."
"I've never been with a man." Olivia confessed. She watched as the emotions played vividly on Jamie's face.
"Oh, darling." He kissed her passionately and leaned her back on the couch. His hands touched her thigh under her nightgown and her skin ignited. He moved his hands up her legs until he reached her underwear and he stopped.
"Are you sure about this?" He asked.
Olivia bit her bottom lip and shook her head yes. If she couldn't have him fully she would take what she could get.
Jamie dipped his fingers inside her underwear and gently pulled them down. Inch by excruciating inch Olivia felt exposed and yet, emboldened and desired. She leaned up and kissed him as he continued to remove her underwear and gasped when she felt his long fingers moving along her most hidden treasure.
"Jamie.." she said breathlessly as he slid a long finger inside of her.
"Liv..." Jamie said as he continued to kiss her. Their hearts raced as they found themselves in an embrace that society would condemn. The air crackled with tension as their lips met, a mingling of forbidden desire and the thrill of transgression. Every touch felt like a stolen treasure, each kiss a rebellion against the rules that sought to keep them apart. Time seemed both an ally and an enemy, pushing them deeper into the intensity of  the moment while reminding them of the consequences that awaited. As their lips parted, they exchanged a silent promise to hold onto this forbidden memory, a testament to the passion that dared to challenge the boundaries set by the world around them.
"Make love to me, Jamie." Olivia pleaded softly.
Jamie removed his shirt and pants and shoes before joining Olivia back on the couch. He helped Olivia out of her robe and then gently helped her out of her nightgown. She was bare to him, her full breasts and nipples ripe for him to take into his mouth and that he did.
Olivia gasped and threw her head back as he took a nipple into his mouth and sucked while kneading the other breast in his hands. She ran her hands threw his hair and pulled him close, the need to be closer to him igniting her from within. Olivia felt on fire from her toes all the way to the top of her head. His touch made her skin hot and she felt as if she'd combust.
Jamie pleasured her other breast and reached between them, sliding a finger inside of her. Olivia cried out and tried desperately to ride out the sensation that was building up inside of her.
"Olivia I must have you now or I'm going to explode." Jamie said before removing his underwear and positioning himself between her legs. 
He looked into her eyes and she met his gaze. "It will hurt but just this once." Olivia nodded and wrapped her arms around him tightly as he slowly moved inside of her. She closed her eyes as pain rosed up inside and her body stiffened. Jamie kissed her all over her face and continued to reassure her and soon the pain subsided and pleasure slowly began to take over.

In the soft glow of dawn, their eyes met, communicating unspoken words that had been building between them for so long. With a tender touch, he traced the contours of her face, his fingers mapping the journey of their shared experiences. She leaned into his embrace, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against her chest. As their lips met, it was not just a kiss, but a fusion of souls, a culmination of emotions held in check for too long. Their bodies moved in harmonious rhythm, a language of desire and intimacy that only they understood. In that intimate embrace, they bared not just their physical selves, but their vulnerabilities and strengths, creating a bond that transcended the ordinary. The world melted away, leaving only the beauty of their connection, a moment of profound love and understanding etched into the fabric of time.

Their hands intertwined, fingers tracing delicate patterns on each other's skin, igniting shivers of desire. With each breath, their hearts beat in rhythm, a symphony of longing. Lips met in a hungry, consuming kiss, the world around them fading into oblivion. Time seemed to stand still as their bodies pressed together, aching for the closeness that only passion could satisfy. As their embrace deepened, a crescendo of emotions surged, and it was in that moment that Jamie realized he was in love with her.

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