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Long, frail nails digging deep into my neck, choking me, suffocating me. I struggled to cough, I struggled to keep my senses intact. My vision wavering, my brain foggy as if I was high on the syrup.

In my double vision, I see her red eyes, filled with rage. Her red eyes burning with loathing and revenge.

I'm confused. How did she manage to harness so much hatred for me? Why in that moment did she seem so strange, so far away? Why did she feel like my worst enemy, someone who only wanted nothing but to destroy me completely?

What went wrong Halima? Didn't we promise to be Best Friends for Life?

"I'm going to kill you Baila! I'm going to throw your corpse where no one can find it until maggots get the best out of you. You're going to rot and disintegrate completely before anyone finds you!" She snarled "you all don't deserve my kindness. My smiles, my warm heart."

"You of all people Baila. You fell my hands. You turned your back on me at the moment I needed you the most. You didn't give me a hearing ear when I needed you to listen to me the most. Did you really come here, expecting me to forgive you and forget everything as if it never happened?"

"Please..." I tried to beg, but all that came out of my lips was a pathetic gasp..

So this is it? How it's my best friend for life that's going to take my life?


All Rights Reserved

Best Friend For Life





The disclaimers are the usual things you hear at the beginning of every story. I'll repeat myself nevertheless. Please and please don't plagiarize my work. Secondly, I want to inform y'all that this story contains highly, I repeat highly outrageous and scandalous events so incase you got any offensive thoughts or remarks, kindly keep it to yourself. Thirdly, this story is Muslim, but it doesn't necessarily depicts the ideal Islam. So keep that in mind also. This is a harmless fictional story meant to provide entertainment as well as lessons for the daily life so I'd advice that you just kindly read and learn.

Again please, this story is totally fiction, created in the writer's imagination. Any resemblance dead or alive is purely a coincidence

Trigger Warning.

This story is rated 18+. Please if below 18, this story is not for you as it contains graphic scenes and description of really mature content which includes drugs, suicidal thoughts, mental frustration, depression, anxiety, physical and sexual assaults, etc. Also, if sensitive to the afore mentioned triggers, please do not read. Thank you.



Main characters you'll find in this story.

Baila'u Nasir (Baila)
19 y/o

Halima Bello (Leely)
20 y/o

Sahl Shuayb


Other frequent characters.





Remaining random characters will be mentioned as the story proceeds.

*Character aesthetics in the next part!*

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