Chapter 3: Her; Leely

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Baila's POV

It's another blessed day of the antisocial girl with a troubled family's life.

As usual, I woke up not even knowing how I feel. I'm rarely a happy person in the morning. It's either I'm cranky, or I'm just inexpressive. It's always one of the two. Like, even on a normal basis, I'm rarely happy. Even on rare occasions where I get to feel happiness, like when I'm at my grandma's, my happiness is usually short-lived. I'll surely be back to my aloof, joyless self in no time. You know, the way people post in memes that food and money gives them joy, or pretty girls for some guys, I just cannot relate at all. That fun element has just been successfully substracted out of my life.

So, as usual our lectures begin very early in the morning, as early as eight. Yeah eight is still super early for me because I usually wake up very late in the morning. And the day continues with us having two or more lectures or practicals, whichsoever.

I usually spend my productive school day paying attention to my lectures and jotting, or watching TikToks when I get bored. Remember, I have no friends to engage in quirky side talks with. I do talk with people at random though. But my words are usually very very few and limited. And as soon as class is over, I'm out and straight back to the hostel. I can literally take the prize for being the number one at reaching hostel before everyone else.

One of the things that gives me pure joy in life is a day with less lectures or a no- lecture day even. There's mostly never a no-lecture day in my school except during exam period. Of course it's a private school so lecturers are more competent. They try to make sure they deliver lectures on a daily basis. But we do get less hectic days. Today however is not a less hectic day. It is a hectic day. After our lecture ends at 1pm, we have practical from 2-5pm. How's that not hectic?

Anyways, the class ended. I carried my bag and headed to the female mosque. I almost always never miss Zuhr and Asri. And I think it's due to public influence. I see a lot of people praying; it makes me feel guiltier than the guilt I feel when I'm alone about not praying, hence I'm motivated to pray. But you see whenever I'm alone, nothing can inspire me to pray. I just give myself a silly excuse and continue what I'm doing.

So I prayed, decided to take my lunch. I made a quick sandwich for myself for breakfast and for lunch, I'm going to have this yoghurt parfait. I'm tall, but I'm kind of chubby. I want to think that I'm balanced because of that, but still I can't help but feel fat. Influence of watching all of these Japanese and Korean content. They make you feel so insecure about yourself. So, I tend not to eat a lot. Its not even due to the Asian influence, I'm just not the foodie type of person. There are times in school that I can go a day without eating. I'll literally take biscuits and soft drinks or fruits and I'll be perfect.

What's disappointing is just that, even with my minimal eating, I'm still unable to loose the weight that I want. Well, I guess this is just my normal body type. I can't reduce, but I can gain. I have no choice but to accept my body like that.

After I was done eating the parfait, I stood up to go to the restroom. Not to pee. I don't pee in public toilets. To fix my veil rather. Remember we have praticals next so we have to wear our labcoats. I always fix my veil differently when I'm wearing labcoats so it looks good on it. I entered the restroom which was close to the female mosque. On entering, I heard whimpering sounds. A girl was in front of one of the mirrors above the tub, crying alone in the restroom.

Okay, she's really crying. She has a hand pressed across her lips as she struggled to calm herself down. To no avail though. Her body kept shaking and the tears kept flowing out of her hard shut eyes.

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