Chapter 6: The credit alert

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Leely's POV

I had taken like half a bottle of the drug, more than I'm supposed to, but not even that much dosage is enough to wipe away my sadness for the small time being. Just for a little bit of time, I wanted to forget all of my troubles... This syrup has worked wonders for me in the past, I don't understand what's going on now... Everyone seems to be turning their backs on me. I can't believe even my handy drug too. Cause why's it not working well when I need it to work the most.

I stepped out of the suffocating building of Score Pub, into the backyard. I sat on one of the steps, hanging my head down.

"Life is so unfair" I whispered to myself.

Then a wave of excitement crashed on me. I feel a laughter begin bubbling from inside of me and I heard myself laughing whole heartedly. I wanted to start wondering what exactly was funny, but I soon realized that the drug had finally started kicking in.

Tears began slipping down my eyes as I continued laughing.

What has my life become?

Now why am I crying?

Why am I crying and laughing at the same time?

Why are my thoughts unblocked, why am I still conscious of my miseries?

I'm going to get kicked out of my school soon and the thought of it alone is devastating. But why can't I forget this for just the little time I'm here in Score Pub? Score Pub is my second paradise...I'm always happy when I'm here. So why am I having this mix of emotions currently?

I never thought I'd ever step a foot or even be obsessed with a club bar untill I came to Score Pub. We came here together for the first time under Godiya's influence when we were freshers. I felt horrible about it in my gut at first because this was not the orientation my aunt had given me. But after I accompanied Godiya and the other girls a couple more times regularly, I stopped feeling bad. Like Godiya told me, no one would know. There's no way my Aunt who's all the way in Kebbi would know about this place and what we do here or her own parents unless they find out. But the question is, how would they even find out?

The Score Pub is not your regular place. To have membership here, you have to be special. You must either be very pretty or very rich or very popular on TikTok or Instagram. What makes it more fascinating is that, the Pub only operates at night. So you see, it's only for the baddies. Not just any baddies, but the baddest baddies in town.

As much as I live a life like Mother Mary in school, I have another life in Score Pub, a life more exciting than the one at school.

I had fretted when Uncle Audu was telling my aunt that I was doing some things in school. I was scared he had discovered that I go to Score Pub, but I remembered that he's such a poor old dude. No one would even let his lousy ass into our special Pub.

"Hey," I heard someone's voice above me. I didn't even acknowledge the sound of the backdoor opening.

Now who's interfering with my me time?! Who has trespassed into my space?

I sharply cleaned my eyes and sniffed, whipping my head at one side.

"Leely, are you okay?" He asked. I recognized the voice and the scent to be Fahad's.

"I...." I trailed off. Should I tell him? Fahad has the money. Fahad can give me 240k, it's nothing to him. But you don't just ask someone for such a huge amount of money out of the blue. And besides, between me and him, it's just greetings. I'm aware of the glances he steals at me whenever I'm around and I know that he likes me. And I think that's what birthed the awkwardness between us.

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